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America's Financial Culture. The average American spends $1.22 for every $1.00 they make!The average household has seven credit cards and pays $8,500 a year in finance charges!The average 25-34 year old spends 25% of their income on paying down debt!The average American adult receives a failin
1. Changing our Financial Culture
The Department of Defense Financial Readiness Campaign
Ms. Barbara Thompson
OSD Office of Family Policy/
Children and Youth
2. America’s Financial Culture The average American spends $1.22 for every $1.00 they make!
The average household has seven credit cards and pays $8,500 a year in finance charges!
The average 25-34 year old spends 25% of their income on paying down debt!
The average American adult receives a failing grade for their knowledge of basic economic concepts!
3. How will we change our culture? Intense and aggressive effort to connect troops to DoD financial resources (TSP, SGLI, counseling, etc)
Circulate prominent trainers nationwide to meet with troops and families
Web-based competency tool and other ‘Net resources
Annual Military Saves Campaigns
Work aggressively with on-installation banks and credit unions to reduce effects of payday lenders
Continue leveraging financial partners for training and educational opportunities
Deliver dynamic, consistent message to the troops
4. Integrity The Military’s Core Values
will be upheld:
Our Service members must pay their just debts*
5. The Pillars of Personal Financial Readiness
7. How NOT toBuild Wealth or Get Out of Debt*
10. Partners/Initiatives
Consumer Federation of America
Military Saves Campaign: Feb 24 – 2 Mar 2008
Military Youth Saves Campaign 2008 Pilot
InCharge Institute
250,000 copies of Military Money to CONUS/OCONUS bases
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
Investor Education Program
Formerly “NASD” – National Association of Securities Dealers
Association for Financial Counseling Planning Education (AFCPE)
Spouse Certification Program in coordination with FINRA/NMFA
Association of Military Banks of America
Military Saves Campaign
Training & Education
Alternative Products
11. “Financial Readiness = Mission Readiness”- Dr David ChuUnder Secretary of Defense for Personnel & Readiness Good credit
Financial stability
Regular savings
Contribute to TSP
Don’t Opt-Out for SGLI
Low % loans
Security Clearance
12. Youth Financial Readiness
13. How are we helping them?
14. Military One Sourcewww.militaryonesource.com, 1-800-342-9647 “Money Matters”
Home Buying or Renting
Cars and Transportation
Credits and Collections
Saving and Investing
Financial Emergencies
On-line, telephonic assistance
Articles, “quick tips”, links, worksheets, videos, CD’s, audio/recordings, calculators
Free Tax Filing through partnership with the IRS
15. Installation Financial Readiness Campaigns Create a financial calendar of events
Request professional financial counselors from MHN to provide training events
Or contact your MFLC or Military One Source
Invite families to training events
Topics: Credit cards, interest rates, smart loans, insurance solicitation, identity theft, savings, TSP, SGLI, payday lending options, how to buy a house/car
Encourage each Service member and spouse to take web-based competency assessment (then pursue financial counseling)
Market TSP as a valuable tax free account to grow money for the future
Encourage enrollment in SGLI (protect your family/yourself with $25,000 - $400,000)
Work credit unions and banks on installation to provide training, payday loan alternatives, free ATM services in local community
Plan Financial Management seminars in conjunction with TAP
16. Questions?