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Cellulite Treatments

Our Cellulite treatments ensure incredible results for all our customers. Most of these treatments available don’t live up to people’s expectations, but we are different unlike anybody else.

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Cellulite Treatments

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  1. Let your body reflect your soul Home The Best of Southern California Our center has been able to provide the best Medical Weight Programs available California Our doctors have the weight loss Weight Management Experts Our Physicians and elite providers are highly trained in preventative medicine and weight management. program that will work for you. Management in Southern Experienced Physicians At Pacific Rejuvenation Medical, we have physicians with over 38 years experience in cosmetic and wellness medicine. Learn about your Health We believe lifestyles, by educating our patients about their own health. in creating healthier Rapid Weight Loss Programs There are many key features that our Rapid Weight Loss Programs have. Success Stories The proof is in our patient’s success stories! www.weekendweightlosscenter.com

  2. About Us :- Welcome to Pacific Rejuvenation Medical We appreciate you taking the time to look in to the programs and treatments we offer. We consider ourselves a one-stop shop for wellness. Obesity is a complex problem that requires a variety of treatment options designed to meet your weight loss and lifestyle needs. We believe that obesity is best treated by using lifestyle changes along with behavioral, education, and nutrition education in conjunction with medications when needed. We hope to see you soon, Pacific Medical Rejuvenation www.weekendweightlosscenter.com www.weekendweightlosscenter.com

  3. Anti-Aging Medicine Skin damage caused by exposure to the sun, loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles, skin blemishes, and an overall lack of energy are all symptoms of the natural aging process. Using a variety of tests and anti aging treatments, our doctors can help turn back the hands of time by reversing skin damage and restoring the vitality that you have lost over time to return you to optimal health. Using a fully customized program of analysis and therapy, our doctors will take the time to listen to you and develop the best program possible to meet your anti-aging needs. Adrenal Fatigue Therapy Adrenal stress and adrenal fatigue can explain symptoms like muscle and joint pain, migraine headaches, interrupted sleep, low sex drive, and an overall lack of energy and vitality. The Adrenal Stress Index test can identify minor variations in adrenal gland secretions and provide a framework for therapy that can restore your vitality and relieve many of the symptoms we often attribute to aging www.weekendweightlosscenter.com www.weekendweightlosscenter.com

  4. Behavioral Medicine Studies show that diet alone, exercise alone, diet together with exercise, or diets with appetite-suppressants usually result in minimal weight loss with rapid weight regain. When a behavior modification component is combined with any of these weight loss strategies, the results are far better. The term “behavior modification” might be a redundant term, since successful weight loss behavior modification aims at reducing caloric intake, increasing physical activity, and expanding your nutrition knowledge and food choices indefinitely. Although some patients can accomplish this independently most patients cannot, and it is those individuals who will benefit from such a behavior program. Dr.Glen Farkas M.D, and Dr. Sohail Nasim, M.D. in conjunction with Affinity Psychological Services. www.weekendweightlosscenter.com www.weekendweightlosscenter.com

  5. Let your body reflect your soul Noninvasive Procedures Ultrasonic Lipo and RF Therapy Our doctors have the weight loss Ultrasonic Lipo is a safe, non-surgical treatment that combines simple high protein diet medicine with the latest technology in the cosmetic field to eliminate fat while sculpting and toning the body at the same time. It can be used for spot and overall fat reduction. program that will work for you. Cellulite Treatment – Pelleve PelleFirm is an FDA-cleared RF body treatment that revitalizes skin through a combination of deep tissue heating and mechanical massage to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. PelleFirm treatments leave you with smoother skin and an overall healthier appearance from head to toe. www.weekendweightlosscenter.com www.weekendweightlosscenter.com

  6. Let your body reflect your soul Address :- Our doctors have the weight loss Weekend Weight Loss Center 7230 Medical Center Drive Suite 302 West Hills California 91307 USA (818) 518-5980 program that will work for you. www.weekendweightlosscenter.com www.weekendweightlosscenter.com

  7. Let your body reflect your soul End Our doctors have the weight loss program that will work for you. Thank You Thank You www.weekendweightlosscenter.com www.weekendweightlosscenter.com

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