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The European Investment Bank, established in 1958, is the EU's long-term financing arm dedicated to sound investment. It consists of the EIB providing bank loans and the EIF focusing on SMEs through guarantees and venture capital funds. With a mission to further EU goals, the EIB supports areas like SMEs, environmental sustainability, and energy networks. The EIB operates independently with shareholders being EU member countries. By collaborating with various groups, it optimizes loans and EU budgetary aid. Key initiatives include JASPERS and RSFF. Explore the EIB's role in advancing EU objectives and sustainable finance. 8 Relevant
EuropeanInvestmentBank • Jorge Diaz Fraga • Universidad de Valencia • Facultad de Economia
EuropeanInvestmentBank European Union’s long-term financing arm. At the service of EU objectives. EIB was created in 1958.
EIB-Mission • “Our Mission is to further the objectives of the European Union by making long-term finance available for sound investment.” 1
EIB-Group • EIB Group was established in 2000, and is formed by: • EIB : provides long and medium term bank loans. • EIF : activity is centred upon two areas, venture capital and guarantees.
EIB-Group • EIF • Is EU specialist financial institution for SMEs. • EIF offer guarantees to financial institutions that cover credits to SMEs. (€2040mm) • EIF invest on VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS and business incubators that support SMEs,that are focused on technology or are at early stages. (€688mm)
EIB-Group • The EIF has several shareholders, the EIB being the majority shareholder: • EIB: 62% • European Commission: 30% • Other European Financing Institutions: 8%
EIB-Strategy • How the EIB achieves its mission? • Financing viable capital projects, through borrowing from the capital markets. • In which areas does the EIB intervenes?
EIB-Strategy • The EIB has 6 priority points to follow on its activity • Cohesion and Convergence. • Support for SMEs entreprises. • Environmental sustainability. • Implementation of the Innovation 2010 (i2i). • Development of Trans-European Networks of transport and energy (TENs). • Sustainable, competitive and secure energy.
EIB-Structure • Independent from other EU entities. • Shareholders are EU member countries. • Board of Governors – Board of Directors.
EIB has forged relations with a number of groups: Eu institutions. Banking Community. Multilateral Development Banks. Civil Society Organisations. EIB- Universities Research Action. The cooperative ties ensure optimum interaction between its loans and EU budgetary aid through a number of joint initiatives such as: JASPERS. 2 Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF). 3 EIB-Partners
References • 1 EIB Mission Statement. URL: http://www.eib.org/about/mission/index.htm • 2 JASPERS. URL: http://www.jaspers.europa.eu/ • 3 RSFF. URL:http://www.eib.org/products/loans/special/rsff/index.htm
Bibliography • URL: http://www.eib.org/attachments/general/whatis_eibgroup_en.pdf • URL: http://www.eif.org/about/index.htm • URL: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/PARTNERS/WBEU/0,,contentMDK:20405646~menuPK:581219~pagePK:64137114~piPK:64136911~theSitePK:380823,00.html