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This study evaluates algorithms for Generating Referring Expressions (GRE) in the Furniture and People Domains, comparing classic algorithms and assessing their similarity to human output. The research focuses on content determination and empirical foundations to improve the quality of GRE algorithms. The experiment involves elicitation trials, corpus setup, and assessment metrics like Dice Coefficient to measure algorithm performance. Findings aim to enhance the understanding of algorithm behavior in generating referring expressions.
Evaluating Algorithms for GRE Kees van Deemter (work with Albert Gatt, Ielka van der Sluis, and Richard Power) University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Outline • GRE: Generation of Referring Expressions • TUNA project: Corpus and Annotation • Evaluation of Algorithms • Furniture Domain • People Domain • [ Evaluation in the real world: STEC ]
TUNA project (ended Feb. 2007) • TUNA: Towards a UNified Algorithm for Generating Referring Expressions. • Extend coverage of GRE algorithms (plurals, negation, gradable properties,…) • Improve empirical foundations of GRE • Focus on • Content Determination • “First mention” NPs (no anaphora!)
Background • Dale and Reiter hypothesised that the Incremental Algorithm (IA) led to “better” output than other algorithms • “better”: more human-like • other algorithms: see below
Other GRE Algorithms • Full Brevity (FB; Dale 1989) • Generation of minimal descriptions • For example, by first trying all descriptions of length 1, then length 2, and so on. • Greedy Algorithm (GR; Dale 1989) • Always add property that removes the most distractors
Elicitation experiment • Participants were told that we wanted to test an AI program that interprets referring expressions • Participants were shown a series of domains • Each domain included 1 or 2 target objects • Participants entered their descriptions, then the referents were removed • To make the interaction seem real, we sometimes removed the wrong object! (25% of trials) • The experiment was later repeated without this feature • Essentially the same outcomes were found • For generality: two types of domains (furniture, people)
Method (overview) • Experiment leads to transparent corpus of referring expressions: • referent and distractors are known • Domain attributes are known • Transparent corpora can be used for many purposes This talk: Compare some classic algorithms • giving each algorithm the same input as subjects • computing how similar algorithm’s output is to subjects’ output • We count semantic content only
Elicitation Experiment the green desk facing backwards the sofa and the desk which are red • Furniture (simple domain) • TYPE, COLOUR, SIZE, ORIENTATION • People (complex domain) • Nine annotated properties in total Location: • Vertical location (Y-DIMENSION) • Horizontal location (X-DIMENSION) the young man with a white shirt the man with the funny haircut the man on the left the chair in the top right
Corpus setup • Each corpus was carefully balanced, e.g. between singulars and plurals. • Between-subjects design: -Location: Subjects discouraged from using locative expressions. +Location: Subjects not discouraged. -FaultCritical: Subjects could correct their utterances +FaultCritical: Subjects could not correct their utterances • After discounting outliers and (self-reported) non-fluent speakers, 45 subjects were left
Experiment design: Furniture (-Location) • 18 trials (C=Colour, O=orientation, S=size) • 1 referent: minimal identification uses{c}, {o}, {s}, {c,o}, {c,s}, or {o,s} [6 trials] • 2 “similar” referents{c}, {o}, {s}, {c,o}, {c,s}, or {o,s} [6 trials] • 2 “dissimilar” referents{c}, {o}, {s}, {c,o}, {c,s}, or {o,s} [6 trials]
Other evaluation studies Limitations: • Limited numbers of subjects/referents • Few attempts at balancing the corpus • IA: no teasing apart of preference orders NB Some of these studies were more ambitious in some respects, looking at context, and going beyond identification
Other evaluation studies • Jordan 2000, Jordan & Walker 2005 • More than just identification (Jordan 2000) • Siddharthan & Copestake 2004 • References in linguistic context • Gupta & Stent 2005 • Realisation mixed with Content Determination • Viethen & Dale 2006 • Only Colour and Location
Extensions to the classics • Plurality: (van Deemter 2002) • Extend each algorithm to search through disjunctions of increasing length • Location: (van Deemter 2006) • Locatives treated as gradable: “the leftmost table/person” • E.g., suppose the referent x is located in column 3 => “x is left of column 4”, “x is left of column 5” … => “x is right of column 2”, “x is right of column 1”… • Type: • People tend to use TYPE (Dale & Reiter 1995) • Here: All algorithms added TYPE.
Evaluation aims • Hypothesis in Dale & Reiter 1995: • IA resembles human output most • Our main questions: • Is this true? • How important are parameters (PO) for the IA? • More generally: • assess ‘quality’ of classic GRE algorithms : • calculate average match between the description generated by an algorithm and the descriptions produced by people (for the same referent)
Evaluation metric • Dice Coefficient: 2 x |Common properties| |total properties| corpus: {A,B,C} algorithm: {B,C} Dice = … corpus: {A,B,C} algorithm: {A,B,C,D} Dice = …
Evaluation metric • Dice Coefficient: 2 x |Common properties| |total properties| corpus: {A,B,C} algorithm: {B,C} Dice = (2*2)/5 = 4/5 corpus: {A,B,C} algorithm: {A,B,C,D} Dice = (2*3)/7 = 6/7
Evaluation metric • Dice Coefficient: 2 x |Common properties| |total properties| • A coefficient result of 1 indicates identical sets. 0 means no common terms • We also used this to measure agreement between annotators of the corpus
Assumptions behind DICE • The discriminatory power of a description does not matter • All properties are equidistant See Gatt & Van Deemter 2007, “Content Determination in GRE: evaluating the evaluator”
Evaluation (I): Furniture • Which preference orders for the IA? • Psycholinguistic evidence: • COLOUR >> {ORIENTATION, SIZE} (Pechmann 89; Eikmeyer & Ahlsen 96; Belke & Meyer 02) • Y-DIMENSION >> X-DIMENSION (Bryant et al, 1992; Arts 2004) • Split data: +LOCATION vs –LOCATION This talk: focus on –LOCATION –LOCATION = approx. 800 descriptions • Compare algorithms to a randomized IA (RAND)
Significant Significant Furniture: -LOCATION FB/GR
Beyond Toy Domains • More on Furniture corpus: Gatt et al. (ENLG-2007) • With complex real-world objects: • Many different attributes can be used • Number of PO’s explodes • Few psycholinguistic precedents • People domain attributes: • { hasBeard, hasGlasses, age, hasTie, hasSuit, hasSuit, hasHair, hairColour, orientation } • 9 Attributes, so 9! = 362880 possible POs
IA: Preference Orders for People Domain • Little psycholinguistic evidence for choosing between all 362880 possible PO’s • Focus on the most frequent Attributes:G=hasGlasses, B=hasBeard, H=hasHair, C=haircolour • Assumption: H and B must precede C • This leaves us with eight POs: { GBHC, GHBC,HBGC,HBCG, HGBC,BHGC, BHCG, BGHC }
Preference Orders and frequency • For attributes other than {G,C,H,B}, we let corpus frequency determine the order • E.g, IA-GBHC uses type, G,B,H,C, age, hasTie, hasSuit,hasShirtas its PO
Significant Results People Domain Significant by subjects IA-BASE GR
Results People domain • IA_base performs very badly now • So much about the best IA’s that start with {B,H,G,C} and end with <age,hasTie,hasSuit,hasShirt> • Some of these did much worse: • IA_BHCG had DICE=0.6, making it significantlyworse (by subjects) than GR!
Summary • People domain gives much lower DICE scores than Furniture domain • Difference between “good” and “bad” POs was • small (but significant) in the Furniture domain, • big (and significant) in the People domain
Summary • The “Incremental Algorithm” (IA): • not an algorithm but a class of algorithms • The best IA beats all other algorithms, but the worst is very bad ... • GR performs remarkably well. • How to choose a suitable PO? • Furniture: few attributes; psycholinguistic precedent • Still, there is variation. • People: more attributes; no precedents • Variation even greater!
Discussion • Suppose you want to build a GRE algorithm for a new and complex domain, for whichno transparent corpus is available. • Psycholinguistic principles are unlikely to help you much • If corpus is also not balanced, then frequency may not say much either …
Other uses of this method: STEC • Summer 2007: First NLG Shared task Evaluation Challenge (STEC) • STEC involved GRE only, focussing on Content Determination • 22 GRE Algorithms were submitted and evaluated (6 teams) • Reported in UCNLG+MT workshop, Copenhagen, Sept 2007
Other uses of this corpus: STEC • An even bigger STEC one year later • Each algorithm was compared with the TUNA corpus (minus 40% training set) • Both Furniture and People domain • DICE measured “humanlikeness” • Singulars only • Each algorithm was also tested in terms of identification time (by human reader)
Some STEC results • The more minimal the descriptions generated by these 22 systems were, the worse their DICE scores were
2. No relation between humanlikeness and identification time • Best system in terms of DICE was worst-but-one in terms of identification time • More research needed on the different criteria for judging NLG output
Annotator agreement • Semantic markup was applied manually to all descriptions in the corpus. • 2 annotators were given a stratified random sample • Comparison used Dice.