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17 doctoral schools in all fields of research 5,500 Doctoral students 10% under a PhD joint Agreement (« cotutelle ») 900 thesis defended per year. DOCTORAL EDUCATION at UNIVERSITE DE LYON. Our scientific scope. A multidisciplinary approach for exploring 3 central themes :
17 doctoral schools in all fields of research • 5,500 Doctoral students • 10% under a PhD joint Agreement (« cotutelle ») • 900 thesis defended per year DOCTORAL EDUCATION at UNIVERSITE DE LYON
Our scientific scope • A multidisciplinary approach for exploring 3 central themes : • Global Health and Society • Modeling of complex systems • Sciences and Engineering for sustainable Development Means : 16 « LABEX »- Labs of Excellence (created through « Investments for the Future » national programme, 2011) They bring together research teams from different disciplines and receive funds to invest in innovative equipements and to recruit PhD students, post-docs and Senior scientists. http://imagine.universite-lyon.fr/labex/ 16/09/2014 2
Our International Policy Internationalization of doctoral studies by: Supporting inwards and outwards mobility of doctoral students & scientists Encouraging thesis under Joint Phd Agreements (« cotutelles ») Developing international joint PhD programmes : - Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Sustainable Chemistry - « PhD track » with Universität Passau and Università di Milano in Computer Sciences & Engineering - Project of PhD in Economics with Università di Torino • Fundings from Rhone-Alpes Region and Université de Lyon : • Mobility grants for doctoral students (3 to 6 months), postdocs & scientists (3 to 10 months)- inwards and outwards • - French language courses for doctoral students and scientists 16/09/2014 3
Doctoral school EPIC Education, Psychology, Information & communication Dr: Pr. André ROBERT 404 PhD students 37 ongoing Cotutelles 99 thesis supervisors 32 thesis defended/year 5,5 years: average duration of a thesis 8 Research Units 1 LABEX : ASLAN (Advanced studies on language complexity) • Main themes of research: • Pratiques cliniques de terrain, appréhension des différents dispositifs de soin. • Santé, société, handicap, vieillissement. • Psychologie sociale et du travail. • Identités, langages et pratiques médiatiques ; bibliothèques et documents numériques, médiations. • Politiques éducatives, identités et professionnalités enseignantes, diversité et inclusion, arts à l’école. • Etude du phénomène scientifique, didactique. 16/09/2014 4
Doctoral School PHILO Philosophy: History, Representation, Societal invention Dr: Pr. Bruno PINCHARD 186 PhD students 27 ongoing Cotutelles 27 thesis supervisors thesis defended/year Research Units 1 LABEX : COMOD (Constitution of Modernity) • Main themes of research : • Post Modernism : Nietsche, Foucault, Deleuze • Modern thought : Spinoza, Leibniz, Malebranche, Giambattista Vico, Hegelian studies • Renaissance : Ficino, Machiaveli, Rabelais, Giordano Bruno, • Medieval studies : dantology, Thomism, Cajetan • Western Esotericism and German Idealism :Fichte, Shelling, Heigel 16/09/2014 5
Doctoral schoolNsCO Neuroscience & Cogntion Dr: Pr. Rémi Gervais 130 PhD students 32 foreign students 10 ongoing Cotutelles 88 thesis supervisors 28 thesis/year 7 Research Units 1 LABEX : CORTEX (Construction, cognitive function and rehabilitation of brain) • KEY WORDS: • Neurobiology, neuropharmacology, clinical neurosciences • Psychiatry, neuroimaging, cognitives neurosciences • Neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, neurolinguistics • Neural modeling, artificial intelligence 16/09/2014 6
Université de Lyon in EUROPE Lyon, 2nd largest metropolitan area in France (2,118 000 people) 2 hours from Paris 1H45 from Marseille 1H30 from Geneva