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Softball. Positions. Pitcher (on pitcher’s mound) Catcher (behind home plate) 1 st base (right off of 1 st base) 2 nd base (between 1 st and 2 nd base) 3 rd base (right off of 3 rd base) Shortstop (between 2 nd and 3 rd base) Leftfield
Positions • Pitcher • (on pitcher’s mound) • Catcher • (behind home plate) • 1st base • (right off of 1st base) • 2nd base • (between 1st and 2nd base) • 3rd base • (right off of 3rd base) • Shortstop • (between 2nd and 3rd base) • Leftfield • (on grass closest to 3rd base line) • Centerfield • (on grass behind 2nd base) • Rightfield • (on grass closest to 1st base line)
Terminology • Ball = pitch outside the strike zone that batter doesn’t attempt to hit • Baseline = the imaginary line between each base that the batter must run • Bases loaded = there is a runner at each base • Batter = the person attempting to hit the ball • Batter’s box = the rectangular box beside the plate where the batter must stand when hitting the ball • Bunt = when the batter taps the ball instead of hitting it • Changeup = when the pitcher throws a pitch slower than the normal pitch speed to deceive the batter • Double = a hit in which the batter reaches 2nd base • Double play = a play in which two outs are made in a continuous action • Error = a mistake made by a fielder which allows a baserunner to advance a base • Full Count = a count of three balls and two strikes • Grand Slam = a homerun when the bases are loaded, totaling 4 runs scored
Terminology • Inning = a turn at batting and fielding for each team • On deck = the batter following the one currently at bat • Run Batted In (RBI) = the credit a batter receives for a runner scoring due to their at bat • Single = a hit that allows runner to get to 1st base • Steal = a baserunner’s successful advance during an at bat even though the batter has not hit the ball yet • Strike zone = the area over the plate between the batter’s armpits and knees • Strike = when the batter swings and misses, when the batter hits a foul ball with less than two strikes, a pitch in the strike zone that the batter does not swing at • Tagging Up = remaining on the base until a fly ball is caught and then advancing • Triple = a hit in which the batter advances to 3rd base directly • Triple play = a play in which the fielder’s make three outs in a continuous action • Walk = when the batter receives four balls, he or she advances safely to first base
Rules: The Game • 9 players on the field • Field divided into infield (1st, 2nd & 3rd base, pitcher, catcher, shortstop) and outfield (rightfield, leftfield, and centerfield) • A ball hit outside the first base line or third base line is a foul ball • Consists of 7 innings (baseball has 9 innings) • Goes into extra innings if the score is tied at the end of the 7th inning
Rules: The Pitcher • Both feet must start on the pitching mound and can only take one step when pitching • Ball most be thrown underhand • Can’t pitch until umpire is ready
Rules: The Batter • Batters must follow the same batting order the whole game • The batter is out if: three strikes have been called, a fly ball is caught, the batter does not stand in the batter’s box, the fielders make a play before the batter reaches first base • Must slide in close plays or will be called out
How to: Run the Bases • Running through 1st base • Run full speed and through the base • Tag front half with left foot • Look over right shoulder at first base coach to see if you should advance • Run into foul territory once you are past the base • Running position • Left foot on the outside edge of base • Right foot behind base • Rocking motion for momentum • Push off base when ball is released by pitcher • Leading Off • Get several steps off the base • Body facing pitcher and catcher • Prepare to advance on a hit or passed ball • Begin leadoff as soon as ball is released by pitcher • Running to more than one base • - Tag inside corner of the base with right foot and push off to gain momentum
How to: Slide • Don’t hesitate or slow down • Choose which leg is easier for you to slide on in advance • Bend other leg and tuck it under the sliding leg • Raise both arms straight up, making fists (this protects your arms and fingers from possible injury) • Slide a few feet before you reach the desired base • Practice on a sliding mat or blankets • Wear sliding shorts and a sliding pad to prevent tearing up your skin
How to: Swing • Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, both hands gripping the bat with aligned knuckles, bat resting on the back shoulder, bend knees, weight on the back leg • Standing far enough off the plate so the thick part of the bat covers the plate when swinging • Pop the bat off your shoulder preparing to hit the ball • Stride (take a short, quick step with front leg) • Pivot back leg, rotate hips, and slide bat forward simultaneously • Follow through (keep going with the motion of the bat until it touches front shoulder) • Aim to hit the ball in the center • Keep head facing pitcher/ball the entire time
How to: Field a Grounder • Feet wide apart, bent knees, glove touching the ground • Move to field the ball so ball is in the center of your legs • Let ball roll into glove and cover it with your other hand so it won’t bounce out • Pull glove into your belly button • Jump into throwing position • Charge the ball if it is a slow roller
How to: Catch a Fly Ball • Run to the ball • Catch the ball over throwing shoulder • Use non-glove hand to trap ball so you don’t drop it and for quick transfer • Use drop step if the ball appears to be going behind you • Always better to drop step first and then have to run up to catch it in case you misjudge a fly ball