7. Eda Ranu Presentation points* 62% have access to reticulated sewerage system* by 2020, projected to cover 437266* there is an increasing pressure on the need for sewerage services* Sewerage system covers two catchment areas-Coastal and inland* Inland system is treated using stabilisation treatment ponds* Coastal system is primarily treated (grit removal) and discharged via pipeline outfall
7. Eda Ranu * Activities are permitted and company is required to undertake monitoring* Short outfalls for the coastal disposal system have now been abounded and longer outfalls are being utilised.* Challenges include; pop increase with demand on reticulated sewerage service, certain service areas
7. Eda Ranu *DEC has assisted Eda Ranu to secure funding through provision of environmental advice and clearance of EIS and issuance of Env Permit. * New improvements will include the upgrading of the existing sewerage system, expected to come on board in 2008-2010 * Sludge management will be an issue to manage, hence Eda Ranu will develop appropriate measures to manage this waste.
7. Eda Ranu Discussion Points * Permitting of waste management facilities will empower operators to have a greater say on their operations hence, revenue generated can be put back into the operations of the facilities through activities such as maintenance, improvements and environmental compliance monitoring