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How to avoid being a BIG DATA ZOMBIE

How to avoid being a BIG DATA ZOMBIE. www.brandwatch.com |: @ brandwatch | Tel : +44 (0)1273 234 290. Brandwatch in 1 slide. Session structure. Introduction – evaluating your reporting Workshop – approaching analysis Summary – relevant data not big data. Introduction.

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How to avoid being a BIG DATA ZOMBIE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to avoid being a BIG DATA ZOMBIE • www.brandwatch.com |: @brandwatch| Tel: +44 (0)1273 234 290

  2. Brandwatch in 1 slide

  3. Session structure • Introduction – evaluating your reporting • Workshop – approaching analysis • Summary – relevant data not big data

  4. Introduction

  5. When was the last time you updatedyour reporting?

  6. Do your metrics match your objectives?

  7. What have you done as a result of reporting insights?

  8. Workshop

  9. iStrategy Zombie Data workshop Objective of next 30 minutes is to explore some big data about the social media impact of M&S 2012 Christmas advert This is big data: 10,000+ data points in 3 weeks with lots of associated data (location of sender, time of day, language used, response/retweets, etc) Imagine you are a Marketing Executive in M&S and you are trying to assess whether the TV campaign is working, what to tweak/change and what lessons to learn Objective is not to judge M&S Xmas campaign. (They are not a client and all data is available publicly - although you’d need to a tool like Brandwatch to collect and make sense of it)

  10. A1: Number of social media web pages (tweets, blogs, forums, etc) that mention M&S Advert first broadcast

  11. A2: Topic cloud of social media webpages that mentions the M&S advert

  12. A3: Most used twitter hashtags associated with M&S adverts Most retweeted tweet “ It'll be here before we know it RT @GemmaAnneStyles: Always enjoy a good M&S advert. Bit early for Christmas but I'll let it slide. ” @annefoxycoxy 303 RTs, 804k followers Most prolific tweeter “ M&S in store mag is out today! Not just Christmassy, Seb is in it and it earned him his place in the TV Ad! A little piece of BIG history! X ” @carolineplayle (‘Seb’s Mum’) 60 (M&S ad) tweets, 605 followers

  13. B1: Number of social media web pages (tweets, blogs, forums, etc) that mention M&S Advert first broadcast M&S announce 10% fall in profits Increased showing of ads Social Competition ended

  14. B2: Example mentions of Seb White within the M&S advert “ I'm well happy m&s have a child with Down's syndrome modelling their clothes awwwww he's so sweet” “ LOVE this! You're a star @carolineplayle - M&S TV advert to feature disabled boy SebWhitebit.ly/tt.34687 via @Independent” TWITTER @caroline_s TWITTER @freyamulderrig “ So chuffed and proud of M&S, they have ditched the usual celebrities for their 'Christmas Advertising' and have chosen regular kids, including a staring role for a gorgeous little boy with Downs Syndrome. Brilliant, will definitely be buying some Crimbo presents from their store now ... ” “ Good on M&S for putting Seb RIGHT in the public face. A lot of people had their cloised minds opened with the Para-Olympics. Seb can play his part too! ” FACEBOOK Sally Hewerdine FORUM Adifferentopinion.net

  15. B3. Number of social media webpages that mention the adverts of 5 different UK retailers

  16. B4. Number of tweets about adverts of 5 UK retailers and potential reach of those tweets

  17. B5. Ratio of positive/negative mentions about adverts for 5 UK retailers using auto sentiment

  18. C1. Summary of how promoting adverts worked on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook

  19. C2. Comments on video when posted on Facebook * Based on 250 companies that entered the 2012 Social Brands Top 100 awards run by Headstream and Brandwatch

  20. D1. Your turn… • Please use the next slide to draw your perfect chart M&S chart (free of zombie-insight) • Here are some examples of the information it could include: • Include other sales: e.g., ad spend, website visits, store visits, panel data, etc • Get more verbatim and top mentions (e.g., by celebrities) • More demographics on who talked about the adverts • More detail on what aspects of the advert people liked • More detailed historic comparison with previous Christmas’

  21. D2. <Insert title>

  22. Summary

  23. ‘BIG’ DATA?



  26. “…data helps us answer questions; big data also helps us conceive new questions.”* • Philip Sheldrake, Euler Partners, and author ‘The Business of Influence’

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