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Christianity. With Jesus Christ. 2. 1. The Christian religion includes the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 4. 5. 6. Eastern Orthodox Church . Catholic Church. Protestant Church. 3. Jesus of Nazareth grew up teaching the word of the almighty God. 8. 7.
Christianity With Jesus Christ 2 1
The Christian religion includes theCatholic,Protestant,andEasternOrthodoxchurches. 4 5 6 Eastern Orthodox Church Catholic Church Protestant Church 3
Jesus of Nazareth grew up teaching the word of the almighty God. 8 7
Jesus was later crucified for claiming that he was God 11 10 9
18 17 Jesus was then buried in a cave and resurrected 4 days later. 12
19 20 Jesus died for our sins so that we could all ascend into heaven and be in the presence of god 13
The Holy Bible- The Holy Bible contains sacred writings of the Christian religions • The Bible is divided into two partstheOld Testament and the New Testament. • Old Testament is the first 39 booksand The New Testament consists of 27 books • The Bible focuses on Jesus Christ. • The Old Testament looks forward to His coming . • the New Testament details His life on Earth and looks forward for His coming again. 15
Baptism - a ceremonial immersion in water, or application of water, as an initiatory rite or sacrament of the Christian church. Baptism is a ceremony that makes you a part of the Christian religion. Anyone is allowed to be baptised. 16
Since Christianity is such a vast, world wide religion, we cannot pinpoint a certain view from society, but the fact that the religion is spread so far around the earth, the average view cannot be horribly negative. 16
How to be saved: All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ as your savior. 23 22 And pray and ask him for forgiveness of sins 21
1: http://christianbackgrounds.info/the-cross-sunshine/ 2: http://breakthematrix.com/op-ed/jesus-christ-libertarian/ 3: http://home.catholicweb.com/stmarysinmtcarmel/index.cfm?reinit=y 4: http://en.structurae.de/files/photos/64/bas_rhin/selestat_temple_protestant.jpg 5: http://www.preserveindiana.com/pixpages/eastchicago/eastchicagochurch.htm 6: http://crossespictures.com/Three-crosses.htmln 7: http://www.t2chk.org/?attachment_id=7 8: http://www.necklacecrosses.com/cross-pictures.html 9: http://en.geocoin-land.com/en-detail-401349-tribal-cross-geocoin-satin-silver.html 10: http://eborg3.com/Graphics/Jesus/Jesus-Crucified/Jesus-Crucified.htm 11: http://eborg3.com/Graphics/Jesus/Jesus-Crucified/Jesus%20Crucified01/Jesus-Crucified.jpg 12: http://www.turnbacktogod.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Jesus-at-Tomb.jpg 13: http://techhouse.org/~dj/cohs.html 14: http://usahitman.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Crosses.jpg 15: http://www.lynwoodbaptistchurch.org/assets/images/Three_Crosses.JPG 16: http://www.3crossesfarm.com/3CROSSES.jpg 17: http://live.regnumchristi.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/jesus-cross-in-heaven-jesus.jpg 18: http://www.freefoto.com/images/05/08/05_08_11---Three-Crosses_web.jpg 19: http://www.atotheword.com/2010/08/06/gospel-jesus-christ-christians/ 20: http://www.picturesofheaven.net/stairwaytoheaven-4.jpg 21: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=2921 22: http://prayinghandsclipart.com/
23: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1770291/pg3 24: http://simplyblatant.com/t-shirt-gallery/ 25: http://www.socialnomics.net/2011/12/18/facebook-reaches-out-to-those-considering-suicide/
"Facts about the Bible." Facts about the BIBLE ***. Web. 09 May 2012. <http://www.facts-about.org.uk/bible.htm>.