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From the Farm to the Table: A study of the positive effects of food irradiation in today’s society

From the Farm to the Table: A study of the positive effects of food irradiation in today’s society. Created by Mary Ann Parsons ALDR 7500 Issues in Contemporary Agriculture Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2003. The Burden of Food-borne Illness:.

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From the Farm to the Table: A study of the positive effects of food irradiation in today’s society

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  1. From the Farm to the Table:A study of the positive effects of food irradiation in today’s society Created by Mary Ann Parsons ALDR 7500 Issues in Contemporary Agriculture Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2003

  2. The Burden of Food-borne Illness: Food-borne illness remains a significant public health problem in the U.S. • 76 million illnesses • 5,000 deaths The CDC Estimates that Food-borne Illness Causes: Solution?

  3. 880,000 fewer illness 8,500 fewer hospitalizations 6,660 fewer catastrophic illnesses 352 lives saved each year Irradiation An approved and recommended FDA practice for reducing food-borne pathogens. The CDC stated that if half of the ground meats in the U.S. were irradiated...

  4. First case of FDA irradiation Wheat flour-1963 Spices irradiated since 1983 NASA astronauts Performed in “final packaging” What is food irradiation? - Process by which food is treated with ionizing radiation in order to kill harmful bacteria that may reside in the contaminated product.

  5. What common problems can irradiation solve in food? - Inhibits Sprouting in Potatoes, Onions, Garlic Irradiated Non-Irradiated - Delay ripening of fresh fruits and vegetables Non-Irradiated Irradiated - Replace chemical fumigation

  6. Gamma Rays Electron Beams X - rays Amounts administered is measured in unit called a “Gray” “D-values” determine amount of irradiation needed to kill 90% of bacteria Various Types of Radiation Used:

  7. Two forms: Cobalt-60 (most commonly used) Cesium 137 Penetrate food several feet Used to sterilize dental and medical instruments Will not create radioactivity Gamma Irradiation

  8. A quick look inside a gamma irradiation facility...

  9. Used in foods less than 1” thick No problems reported in 15 years of service Creates no radioactive waste Electron Beam Irradiator

  10. Newest form of irradiation Used in very thick foods Seen in 50% of all medical supplies Similar to hospital x-rays X-Ray Irradiation

  11. “If radiation comes out of that plant, where am I gonna be? Full of cancer? Joseph Zadak - Mulberry, Florida “Don’t nuke our foods!” “Human Life, Not Shelf Life!”

  12. Consumers are not given a choice Food will become radioactive Further deplete nutritional value of foods No “long term” studies have been performed Animal feeding studies show conflicting results Costs of food will increase drastically Opponents View on Irradiation... NEGATIVE To answer these questions, let’s examine the facts...

  13. 1958 Food Additive Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act defined as an additive all products must be labeled with international logo “Radura” “Treated by Irradiation” Unpackaged Products Labeled at point of sale 2002 Farm Bill “cold pasteurization” Labeling of Irradiated Products

  14. Medical Sterilization Facilities in operation for 50 years Electron beams and x-rays use electricity as main source No “meltdown” can occur Critics claim the food can become radioactive... But will it really?

  15. What have animal feeding studies shown? A direct comparison... OPPONENTS PROPONENTS VS. 1 - Irradiated foods fed cause mutagenicity 1 - Scientists say should not draw final conclusions 2 - No extensive studies have been performed 2 - 1980 Chinese human feeding trial 3 - FDA failure-approval of cyclamate sweetener in 1950 3 - Sweetener was not studied extensively 4 - Study in India causes testicular tumors, kidney damage, cancer 4 - Scientist did not come to those conclusions at all

  16. So, why all of the confusion? • Food & Water, Inc. reports data that has nothing to do with irradiation • - ABC Report • Irrelevant Science • False Claims • Opponents are using outdated research to make their claims: • “Reproductive Problems, Cancer in Mammals (Oct. 1968) • “Fatal Internal Bleeding in Rats” (1959) • “Embryo Deaths in Mice” (1970)

  17. FSIS performs tests to ensure proper nutrition in all foods Essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins sustained Will not change any more than: Pasteurization Freezing Canning Cooking How do I know I am receiving a wholesome, nutritious product?

  18. Many countries are now irradiating their food... Estimated amount sold: 300,000 tons

  19. Hawaiian Department of Agriculture sold several hundred tons between 1995-2000 Strong attraction from tropical and sub-tropical countries Is trade possible with irradiated foods?

  20. Many Organizations Support the Use of Irradiation • American Association of Meat Processors • American Council on Science and Health • American Medical Association • American Veterinary Medical Association • Food and Drug Administration • Infectious Diseases Society of America • National Cattlemen’s Beef Association • National Food Processors Association • New England Journal of Medicine • The Mayo Clinic • U.S. Department of Agriculture • World Health Organization “Food irradiation is the most valuable addition in our arsenal against food- borne illness.” -Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, American Council on Science and Health

  21. Huisken Meat, Inc. sold 2 million pounds in 5 weeks 7,000 supermarkets and retail outlets now carry irradiated foods Positive market trials in Chile, Argentina, China, France, Thailand, U.S. Chinese study-90% prefer irradiated foods over chemically treated CDC reports 80 % of consumers will buy irradiated food if first educated Fast food chains are joining in (DQ was 1st) Consumer Acceptance Positive

  22. How much will irradiated foods cost? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ • “Added Value” of extra processing- same as pasteurization, fumigation, and refrigeration - Low Dosage Irradiation Cost increase of 1-2 cents per pound - High Dosage Irradiation Difference of 15-20 cents per pound

  23. Supermarkets Selling Irradiated Food to the Public

  24. National School Lunch Program • Outbreaks increased 10 % during the past ten years in U.S. schools • 90% of the food was traced to the federal school meal program The USDA’s Response... IRRADIATION

  25. What’s on the menu? • Beginning January 2004, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) will carry irradiated meat • Schools have the choice and responsibility to inform parents and students • Foods will be clearly marked with international logo

  26. The Future of Irradiation is Now • Disease-causing microorganisms are reduced or eliminated • Nutritional Value is unchanged • Food does not become radioactive • Trade will grow and prosper Irradiation is a safe and effective technology that can help prevent food borne illness

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