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Announcements. Homework 1 Due 9/15 Project: Step 1 Due 9/17 Reading for Wednesday 2.6 – 2.8. Database Planning. Lecture 3. Data as a Resource. Resource: Resource Examples: Why is a database is a resource?. Characteristics of Data. Data vs. information Data: Example: Information:

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  1. Announcements • Homework 1 Due 9/15 • Project: Step 1 Due 9/17 • Reading for Wednesday • 2.6 – 2.8

  2. Database Planning Lecture 3

  3. Data as a Resource • Resource: • Resource Examples: • Why is a databaseis a resource?

  4. Characteristics of Data • Data vs. information • Data: • Example: • Information: • Example:

  5. Four Levels of Data • Real world • Enterprise • Mini-world, orUniverse of Discourse • Conceptual Model • Entities • Entity sets • Attributes • Relationships

  6. Four Levels of Data • Logical model of database • Metadata • Record types, data item types, data aggregates • Stored in data dictionary • Data occurrences • Database itself • Data instances • files

  7. Data Sublanguages • Languages • DDL • DML • Host Language

  8. Staged Database Design • Systems analysis • Staged database design

  9. Characteristics of a Conceptual Database Model

  10. Stages in Database Design Analyze User Environment Develop Conceptual Model Choose DBMS Develop Logical Model Develop Physical Model Evaluate Physical Model Tune System Implement System

  11. Design Tools • CASE • Upper case: • Lower case: • Data dictionary • Project management software

  12. Data Dictionary • Contains metadata • Can be integrated (part of DBMS) or free-standing • Useful for

  13. Project Management Software • Tools to help plan and manage projects, especially those with many people • Include several types of charts and graphs • GANTT chart- See Figure 2.12 • PERT chart • User specifies • Scope and objectives • Major tasks and phases • Task dependencies • Resources, including personnel • Timelines • Software can • Generate calendars • Produce graphs with different views of project • Provide means of communication for staff

  14. Database Administrator Skills • DBA must be • Technically competent • Good manager • Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills • Has primary responsibility for planning, designing, developing and managing the operating database • Database designer may do conceptual and logical design; DBA does physical design, implementation, develops, manages system

  15. Planning and Design Stage • Preliminary planning • Identifying user requirements • Developing and maintaining the data dictionary • Designing the conceptual model • Choosing a DBMS • Developing the logical model • Developing the physical model

  16. Development Phase • Creating and loading the database • Developing user views • Writing and maintaining documentation • Developing and enforcing data standards • Developing and enforcing application program standards • Developing operating procedures • Doing user training

  17. Database Management Phase • Monitoring performance • Tuning and reorganizing • Keeping current on database improvements

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