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AfNOG 2004 Workshop on Network Technology

Join the AfNOG 2004 workshop to learn about internet protocols, routing (OSPF, BGP), router configuration, and network monitoring. Engage with expert instructors like Alan Barrett and explore practical sessions in a conducive learning environment.

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AfNOG 2004 Workshop on Network Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AfNOG 2004Workshop on Network Technology Track 2 Scalable Network Infrastructure Introduction, Logistics, Schedule, etc.

  2. What you will learn • Internet protocol stack • IP addressing • Basic routing • OSPF routing • BGP routing • Management of router configuration • Network operations and monitoring • Exchange points between networks

  3. Instructors • Alan Barrett (South Africa) • Sunday Folayan (Nigeria) • Geert Jan de Groot (Netherlands) • Isatou Jah (Gambia) • Brian Longwe (Kenya) • Mark Tinka (Uganda)

  4. Students • Please introduce yourselves

  5. Let us know! • If we speak too fast, please say so! • If you can’t see, please say so! • If you don't understand, please ask!

  6. Safety • Be very careful when moving about, so you don’t • trip on power cords • pull cables out of sockets • knock equipment off tables • lean back too far in your chair

  7. Additional materials • Books • CD-ROMs • Web site • http://www.ws.afnog.org/ • Mailing list • afnog@afnog.org • Subscribe via afnog-request@afnog.org

  8. Daily schedule • Four sessions, two hours each • 08:45 - 10-45 • 11:00 - 13:00 • 14:00 - 16:00 • 16:15 - 18:15 • About 1 hour for lunch - 13:00 to 14:00 • Morning, afternoon breaks (15 minutes) • 10:45 to 11:00 • 16:00 to 16:15 • Dinner from 18:15 to 20:00 • Optional evening sessions - 20:00 - 22:00

  9. Time keeping • Please try to be on time • We have a lot of material to cover, and will not get through it all if breaks are longer than scheduled

  10. Email and web access • Please do not read email or browse the web during class. • Wireless internet access should work if you have a laptop computer • You may use the classroom in the evenings

  11. Evening sessions • There might be optional evening sessions • The classroom will be open in the evenings for you to experiment with the equipment

  12. Meals • Breakfast downstairs in Ngor hotel • remember classes start at 08:45 • Lunch and dinner in event room near swimming pool • Lunch 13:00 to 14:00 • Dinner 18:15 to 20:00 • Use meal tickets

  13. Extra charges • AfNOG will not pay for any extra charges on your hotel room, such as: • phone calls, • food and drinks, • laundry.

  14. Classroom layout • 10 “cells” - labeled A B C D E F G H I J • Each cell has: • 2 students • 1 PC with FreeBSD-4.9 • 1 cisco router • 1 cisco console cable • 1 hub/switch • 1 ethernet cable to central switch • Extra cables

  15. HUB HUB PC Router PC Router HUB HUB PC PC Router Router HUB HUB PC PC Router Router HUB HUB PC PC Router Router Classroom layout HUB HUB PC PC Router Router A B C D E F G H I J

  16. PC Configuration • FreeBSD-4.9 • login as “t2”, password “afnog” • root password is “@fnog5” • Don't change passwords • Don’t install resolvers • Don’t ‘close security holes’

  17. Keyboards • PCs have french keyboards • AZERTY... • QSDFG... • WXCV… • FreeBSD expects US keyboard • QWERTY… • ASDFG… • ZXCVB…

  18. Schedule - Monday • IP and networking overview • IP addresses / binary mathematics • packet forwarding • ARP • overview of cisco router configuration • static routes • default routes

  19. Schedule - Tuesday • dynamic routing protocols • OSPF • Resilient network design principles

  20. Schedule - Wednesday • BGP

  21. Schedule - Thursday • Exchange points • More BGP

  22. Schedule - Friday • Network operations and management • Registries • Tear down - pack all equipment neatly in boxes

  23. Optional evening sessions • Monday • Network devices: hubs, switches, routers, cabling • Wednesday • IP telephony (voice over IP)

  24. Open questions • Feel free to ask any questions. • List near door.

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