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AMARC Africa Capacity Building Workshop COMMUNITY RADIOS IN AFRICAN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Report Human Development Workshop 20 July 2010, Johannesburg, South Africa Marcelo Solervicens, Secretary General, AMARC. 2. Context challenges
AMARC Africa Capacity Building WorkshopCOMMUNITY RADIOS IN AFRICAN HUMAN DEVELOPMENTReport Human Development Workshop20 July 2010, Johannesburg, South AfricaMarcelo Solervicens, Secretary General, AMARC
2. Context challenges • The 21st Century has seen the need for increased participation of local communities in decision making. Democratisation, good governance and accountability of the authorities is a key challenge in Africa & CR have a key role to play • Global economic downturn, climate change adds to traditional development and governance issues. Poverty, food security, conflict, HIV-AIDS water & sanitation, conflict resolution and peace building, gender equality & women rights, migrations. • Lack of legal environment in some African countries (Zimbabwe, Nigeria) need to ameliorate the legislation others, (Senegal, Ghana, etc.) Need for solidarity.
3. General vision on CR, Networks and AMARC Africa • Reinforce CR: Community broadcasting refers to broadcast media which are independent, civil society based and which operate for social benefit and not for profit. • By definition of its property, its objectives and managements community Radio favors a communication process system that influence public and private values, helps shape public opinion • Community radio has effectively become the third sector of broadcasting and the challenge is to increase the effectiveness of Community Radio to combat poverty, exclusion and voiceslessness and to promote social justice and sustainable, democratic and participatory human development.
3. Human Development and Challenges to CR, Networks and AMARC Africa Human sustainable development is about putting people at the centre of development. It is about people realizing their potential, increasing their choices and enjoying the freedom to lead lives they value (empowerment). That is the key objective of community radio
(1) Harmonisation: There is need of a collaborative work to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of CR, Networks and AMARC Africa • Ameliorate coordination responding to challenges between CR-Networks-AMARC Africa in a collaborative process approach; • the different levels of intervention (CR, Networks, AMARC Africa) within the community radio network and • with partners and stakeholders (Panos, NRTC, etc.).
(2) Ameliorate radio quality & pertinence of contents for increased social impact and sustainability; • Formats, use of ICTs, exchanges • Contents: Good governance; development objectives (poverty reduction, food security, health including HIV-AIDS, water and sanitation, etc) in the context of recurrent conflicts, climate change effects and growing migration trends
(3) Reinforce access of women in CR and social impact on gender equality & women rights of programme • Access of women to all levels of community radios (Technical, production, management) • Exchange programmes between radios, share content & participation in National and AMARC campaigns for gender equality, women rights and role of Women in African development;
4. Consultation from AMARC Africa on lines of work for AMARC 10 strategic plan • Advocacy, policy research, solidarity campaigns; • Knowledge sharing and capacity building to strengthen sustainability of CR trough access to media and programming; • Content exchange and social action campaigns to advance development and good governance issues; • Gender equality and women’s rights in CR to combat gender-based discrimination, and to strengthen women’s participation in community media at all levels; • Harmonization of CR, Networks AMARC Africa through communication, coordination, monitoring & evaluation.