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Background modelling in AHEAD. A Joint Research Activity for background study, with application to current and future Space Missions Lorenzo Natalucci on behalf of a large collaboration (INAF, INFN, SRON, CESR, MPE, Soton University, CEA, …). Motivation.
Background modelling in AHEAD A Joint Research Activity for background study, with application to current and future Space Missions Lorenzo Natalucci on behalf of a large collaboration (INAF, INFN, SRON, CESR, MPE, Soton University, CEA, …) Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Motivation supporting the evaluationofspacemissionproposalsagainstcapabilityofsatisfying the science requirements supportinstrument design / science definition support the definitionof data analysis improveexchangeof information among the groups, identify and prioritizeissues Training young people, helpingtheirapproachtoexperimentalstudies Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Maingoals • Estimation of sensitivity for future missions • Supportdedicatedstudies, requiringdetailedknowledgeof the background components • Improvephysicswithinsimulationtools (GEANT-4), accordingto the levelofaccuracyneededwithinapplications • Propose newrequirements/standard models and practices Aim at a European Database of models/products? Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Applications Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Topics [1/2] LEO, HEO, L2 (Atmospheric?) Choosing input fromradiationenvironmentmodels Building instrumentmodel: Input from detector performance Requirements on ground calibrations? Effectsofinducedradioactivity and delayedactivation (especially LEO) Simulationof low angle scatteringofprotons and electrons in X-raymirrorshells Shieldingoptimization Support instrument design Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Topics [2/2] • GEANT-4/ Physics modelling requirements: radioactive decay, fluorescence, Compton scattering, tracking etc. Othertoolsneededfor the analysis, end results, qualityparameters, interface to data analysis software Assessaccuracyof standard modelsfor: radiationenvironment, GEANT-4 physics, detector performance parameters Address the levelofaccuracyof a result Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Input fromRadiationEnvironmentmodels • de factostandards • Trappedparticles: AP8 MIN/MAX (protons), AE-8MIN/MAX (electrons). • Developed at NASA/GSFC, based on data fromearlysatellites (1958-1979) . Modelsavailable in SPENVIS, CREME96. Manyknownlimitations New models development: sponsored by NASA, ESA & other Institutional & Corp.s Organizations (from Lauenstein & Barth, IEEE 2005) • GalacticCRs, includingsolarmodulation: CREME86, alsobeingupdated Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Issuesfor LEO Difficultyofcharacterizinglocalradiationenvironment: steepvariationsoffluxes vs. altitude, inclination SignificantEarth albedo flux, γ-rays and neutrons (geomagneticallymodulated) (Ajello et al., ApJ 2008) High impact on sensitivity for hard X-ray missions in LEO Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Considerations on the role/useof GEANT-4 • GEANT-4 is the standard toolfor the physicalmodellingof the interactions: itsrangeextends down to low energyX-rays Possibilitytoestablishcollaborationwith GEANT-4 development team: (a) identify the needfordevelopmentofspecifictoolsasadditionalextensions (b) training experimentalteams, especiallyyoung people in the use(and development?) ofthistool Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Methods • Establish a co-operative researchprogram and organizationalstructurewithWGsworking on topics • Compare availablemodels and data fromcurrentlyflyingobservatories • Discuss the differentmethods and assumptionsfor future space-borneinstruments • Identify the productsof the simulations and the I/F to the data analysis S/W • Discuss the requirementsof a model/products database Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Topics: prioritization • Define input fromradiationenvironmentmodels (clearlyestablishneeds, mightbedifferentthanforengineeringapplications?) • Interactionsand joint activitieswithinstrumentalteamstogetreliable performance parameters • Interface to data analysistools (standardizingsimulation/modelling data products) • Encouragesinergywith GEANT-4 development • Define background models standard (data, methods, tools, etc.) • OthersTBD… Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Computingresources: a low cost benchmark? • Simulations are complex and timeconsuming: needmuchcomputingpower • Isitfeasibletoperform massive simulationruns on a “low cost” system? • At IASF-Roma, a H/W cluster isbeingtestedfor INTEGRAL archive & analysissupport. Weplanto test italsoas a benchmark forrunning GEANT-4 Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Detailsof the computingfacility@IASF/Rome • INTEGRAL computing centre, to be used mainly for archive and analysis of IBIS calibration and survey data • Current installation: 4 modules, to be soon improved to 7 (max. capacity) Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Financial requests Proposal submitted to AHEAD To be discussed and agreed Roma, February 9-10, 2009
Linkstootheractivities JRA-1, Detectors JRA-2, Opticsfor High Energy Astrophysics JRA-4, Data software and Analysis Supportto NA-2, Identificationof science goals and associatedrequirements NA-7, Outreach Management (supporttoco-ordinator, accesstoresearchgrants, others TBD) Roma, February 9-10, 2009