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COBBLESTONE VILLAGE First Amended and Restated MASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Agreement Application #2241. LOCATION/AERIAL MAP . Cypress Edge Drive. Golden Corral. Belk’s. WalMart. FUTURE LAND USE MAP. Mixed Use. ZONING MAP. Master Planned District.
COBBLESTONE VILLAGEFirst Amended and RestatedMASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AgreementApplication #2241
LOCATION/AERIAL MAP Cypress Edge Drive Golden Corral Belk’s WalMart
ZONING MAP Master Planned District
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: RESTATED • SECTION 4. PERMITTED USES: * Add: Medical/Professional Office * Fast food drive-thru type restaurant: Use entitlement eliminated should development of a medical building and hotel occur prior to development of a fast food drive-thru restaurant. In the event a fast food drive- thru restaurant is developed prior to a hotel, the potential hotel use entitlement shall be eliminated. • SECTION 7. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: * (4) Site Development Standards: (b) Impervious Surface Ratio (ISR) - A portion of the off-site detention area can be credited to the Subject Property for purposes of calculating the ISR and FAR as outlined in section 03.05.03 of the LDC. Any one site may exceed the established ISR, but the overall ISR for the development of the Subject Property upon completion shall be 0.70. * (14) Parking: - Phases of the Development may exceed 110% of the maximum parking permitted to support an individual use, however, the final total number of parking spaces for the overall Development shall not exceed 110% of the total number of parking spaces required for the combined land uses. • SECTION 9. FACILITY COMMITMENTS * (1) Construction of on-site improvements will occur in phases with development and building construction on each individual lot. The balance of the Subject Property will be cleared, rough graded, stabilized and maintained by the Owner pending development. • EXHIBIT “B” Conceptual Development Plan - Conceptual development plan amended to illustrate Medical/Office uses.
Conceptual Master Development Plan Current Revised
STRATEGIC PLAN VISION Goal 3 Expand The Local Economy
RECOMMENDATION 31. Planning and Land Development Regulation Board recommend to City Council approval of Application 2241 amending the Cobblestone Village MPD Development Agreement as restated and illustrated.