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Understanding the Sensitivity of North American Drought in the Present and Past Climate to the Tropical SSTs. 29 th Annual Climate Diagnostics & Prediction Workshop (October 2004, Madison WI) Sang-Ik Shin, Robert S. Webb, Prashant D. Sardeshmukh, Robert J. Oglesby, Joshep J. Barsugli
Understanding the Sensitivity of North American Drought in the Present and Past Climate to the Tropical SSTs 29th Annual Climate Diagnostics & Prediction Workshop (October 2004, Madison WI) Sang-Ik Shin, Robert S. Webb, Prashant D. Sardeshmukh, Robert J. Oglesby, Joshep J. Barsugli NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
Questions • Do the tropical Pacific SST changes explain the paleoclimate records of North American Drought at the mid-Holocene (about 6,000 years ago) ? • Was sensitivity of the North American drought to the tropical Pacific SSTs changed at 6ka?
Outline • Paleoclimate Evidence • Model & Experimental Setup • 6ka Changes in Hydroclimate • Sensitivity Issue • Summary & Conclusions
Paleoclimate Records 6ka Present-day Climate Dai’s Leading EOF of the PDSI (Dai et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. [1998]) wet dry Leading EOF of the PDSI SOI (r=0.61) Darwin SLP index (r=0.67)
Overpeck and Webb (PANS, 2000) Warmer Colder Cooler SSTs (~-2°C) at 6ka Koutavas et al., (Science,2002) Paleoclimate Records (Tropical Pacific) Tudhope et al., (Science, 2001) 6ka Variability Weaker ENSO Mean State La Niña-like condition 0ka
Model & Experimental Setup 50-year Composite • NCAR-CCM v3.10 (T42) / Slab Mixed Layer Ocean / Prescribed Tropical Pacific SST Conditions (by using the 50-year composite of present-day observation) • Sensitivity Experiments orbital forcing (A-O coupling) amplified (weakened) seasonal cycle in Northern (Southern) Hemisphere reduced greenhouse gases e.g., CO2 0ka : 355 ppmv (year 1950) 6ka : 280 ppmv tropical Pacific conditions Average (10S - 10N)
6ka-0ka Precip. (mmday-1) Month Monsoon Changes Present-day North America Precip. (mmday-1) North Africa Asia Month
1. 6ka Changes in HydroclimeteAnnually-Averaged ChangesSeasonal Cycle of Changes
Uncoupled (PMIP-I type) Coupled Temp. (C) Precip. (mmday-1) V (m/s) PSL (hPa) WES feedback ITCZ shift land/sea contrast Orbital Forcing (Enhanced Seasonal Cycle)
Temp. (C) Precip. (mmday-1) V (m/s) PSL (hPa) Greenhouse Gases Radiative Forcing by Reduced Greenhouse Gases = -2.12 Wm-2 CO2 -1.30 Wm2 CH4 -0.47 Wm2 N2O -0.12 Wm2 CFCs -0.23 Wm2 Opposite to the Reconstructed Precipitation Changes general cooling plus reversed WES feedback
500 hPa Height (m) Temp. (C) Precip. (mmday-1) V (m/s) PSL (hPa) CI = 5 m La Niña-Like Tropical Pacific Condition
Other Tropical Pacific SST Conditions Temp. (C) Precip. (mmday-1) V (m/s) and PSL (hPa) La Niña plus 1C La Niña Times -1 El Niño
50N Temp. (C) 20N 120W 70W Precip. (mmday-1) Month Seasonal Cycle over N. America
2. Sensitivity IssueWas sensitivity of the North American drought to the tropical Pacific SSTs changed at 6ka? Sensitivity Experiments by using “CCM-MLM-Prescribed Tropical Pacific SSTs” - two model runs with prescribed tropical Pacific SSTs observed present-day climatology observed 50-year La Niña composite - in three different climate settings present-day climate climate under the 6ka orbital forcing climate under the 6ka forcings (orbital plus greenhouse gases)
Effect of La Niña-Like Condition on the N. American Drought Temp. (C) Precip. (mmday-1) Present-day Climate Orbitally-Forced (6ka) Climate 6ka Climate
50N 20N 120W 70W Springtime (MAM) Precipitation Sensitivity Map Target Patch Experiments 1C Drought Area-averaged Precipitation over Target Sensitivity = Area-weighted SST over Patch Spline Smoothing (SNR) Sensitivity Map
Springtime (MAM) Combined EOFs 1st EOF (30.06%) 2nd EOF (15.96%) 500 hPa Height and Surface Temp. (CI = 1 m) and Surface Temp. (C) Precip. Precip. (mmday-1) PCs Sensitivity
Fraction of Local Variability in EOFs (Springtime) 1st EOF (30.06%) 2nd EOF (15.96%) 500 hPa Height Temp. Precip. %
Conclusions • Similar sensitivity of the springtime North American drought at 6ka and the present-day climate • Cooler Tropical Pacific SSTs (La Niña) Springtime Drought