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Speech acts for dialogue agents (Traum). Talks about the role of speech acts in allowing an agent to participate in dialogue with another agentA dialogue agent is one that can interact and communicate with other agents in a coherent manner, not just with one-shot messages but with a sequence of rel
1. Ashish Vaswani Speech acts for Dialogue agents, Coding schemes and dialogue act taxonomies
2. Speech acts for dialogue agents (Traum) Talks about the role of speech acts in allowing an agent to participate in dialogue with another agent
A dialogue agent is one that can interact and communicate with other agents in a coherent manner, not just with one-shot messages but with a sequence of related messages all on the same topic or In the service of an overall goal.
In studying speech acts, the focus is on pragmatics rather than semantics i.e how is language used by agents, and not what the sentences mean.
3. Foundational Philosophical speech act work Began with philosophers of language interested in issues in Natural language pragmatics
Utterance are used to do things
Under favorable conditions, utterances can change the mental and interactional state of the participants.
Speaking is acting
Three main divisions of speech acts.
Locutionary act: Act of saying something.
Illocutionary act: The act performed in saying something. (viz, informing, warning etc.)
Composed of illocutionary force and propositional content.
Indirect speech acts (Could you please pass the salt ?)
Perlocutionary act: The effect of the utterance on the speaker (viz. persuasion, surprise etc.)
Classified illocutionary acts into several categories based on illocutionary force (verdictives, exercitives, commissives, expositives and behavitives)
4. Speech act work continued Searle:
Extended and refined Austin’s work on illocutionary acts.
No necessary correspondence between illocutionary acts and illocutionary verbs that a language chooses to describe these acts.
Searle pointed out 13 different dimensions along which speech acts could vary suggesting an alternate taxonomy on purpose (his first dimension)
Searle’s Taxonomy
5. AI models of speech acts Problem with early speech act work was that there did not exist formal accounts of actions and mental states that could be used to design more precise definitions of speech acts.
Bruce: First one to account of Speech Act Theory in terms of actions and plans (AI)
Natural language generation is Social Action. (beliefs, desires and wants)
Inform and request could be used in achieving intentions to change states of belief.
6. AI models of speech acts Cohen and Perrault
Defined speech acts as plan operators that change the beliefs of the speaker and hearer
Enumerated goals for an account of speech acts
A plan based theory of speech acts should specify a planning system and a definition of speech acts as operators in the system
Mental state consists of beliefs and wants.
They used a modified version of the STRIPS planning system
cando preconditions and want preconditions for operators
They modeled REQUEST and INFORM within their system
7. AI models of speech acts Allen and Perrault
Used the same formalism as Cohen and Perrault
Recognizing other agents plans important for interpreting utterances.
Hinkelman use linguistic cues to build partial speech act templates and plan inference for utterance hypothesis
8. AI models Perrault: (non monotonic theory of speech acts)
Utterance itself is insufficient to determine the effects of a speech act (prior context, mental state of agent, actual utterance)
Stated the effects in terms of default logic.
Dynamic logic approaches:
Cohen and Levesque showed how effects of illocutionary acts can be derived from general principle of rational cooperative interaction (sincerity and helpfulness)
Recognizing illocutionary force of an utterance is not necessary, only cooperation.
Sadek uses a similar logic of rational action.
9. Extending speech acts to Dialogue (Dialogue function as action) Litman and Allen:
Extend Allen and Perraults work to include dialogues and hierarchy of plans
Domain plans, discourse plans meta plans
Carberry and Lambert add problem solving plans to domain plans and discourse plans.
Cohen and Levesque extend their work into a theory of joint intention and multi agent action
Why confirmations appear in dialogue. (belief of object of intention)
10. Multiple levels of interaction Attempts to model different kinds of dialogue phenomena at different strata. (from sentence level and upwards)
One early classification
Moves: speech acts towards a particular purpose
The exchange structure was also called a dialogue game
In Traum and Hinkelman, there were levels of acts rather than ranks
11. Speech act based communicative languages Language based on Speech acts would itself be a good agent communication language
KQML (knowledge query and manipulation language)
Each message has an identifier (kind of action) and other parameters specifying content. Based on Austin’s performatives.
Problems with hidden speech acts.
12. Speech Acts in multi agent action theory The main effects of speech acts are on the mental and interactional states of the participants. (BDI attitudes)
Social attitudes
We must also consider social attitudes (question :Are social attitudes basic ?)
Mutual belief (Harman) : A group of people have mutual knowledge of p if each knows p and we know this where this refers to the whole fact known.
Mutual belief is achieved through the process of grounding. (Clark and Schafer)
Obligations are necessary for modeling social situations (viz. a hearer is obligated to answer a question if posed one). What an agent should do.
Problem: How do you decide social norms?
Obligations might conflict with the agents goals and he might choose to violate them (e.g, interrogation)
Another social attitude is joint intention or shared plan. Coordinated team activity depends on more than only individual intentions and beliefs. (how do shared intentions guide individual action ?)
13. Speech acts in multi agent action theory Defining speech acts
How can one give precise definitions of speech acts using mental state and action?
How can one recognize whether such an act has been performed? (because of involvement of mental states, an observer might not be able to tell)
How can agents plan to use speech acts to accomplish their goals?
Traum : Plan recipe for communication
14. continued Planning speech acts
Acts can be planned as games, or single moves.
How far ahead should an agent plan?
The future actions of agents are inaccurate.
Negotiations, arguments (more planning), casual conversation (no planning)
Recognizing speech acts
Combination of input utterance with aspects of current context to decide what acts have been performed (for example, current context says that an INFORM act might be impending)
Should the agent just recognize the acts or the intentions also (This might be necessary for interpreting indirect speech acts)
How much of the plan should be inferred? Deep intention recognition might not be necessary instead considering all possible actions and their immediate effects is sufficient when combined with facility to repair erroneous conclusions. (default logic?) (McRoy)
Grounding relaxes the need for intention recognition since it can help in realizing motivations as the speaker is easily accessible.
15. The reliability of a Dialogue structure coding scheme (Carletta et al) Paper aims at introducing and describing the reliability of a scheme of dialogue coding distinctions for a Map task corpus
In the Map Task, two participants have slightly different versions of a simple map with approximately fifteen landmarks on it. One participant's map has a route printed on it; the task is for the other participant to duplicate the route.
The moves introduced is independent of the task.
They attempt to classify dialogue structure at higher level also (Transactions and games)
The dialogue structure can be used with codings of many other dialogue phenomena.
16. The dialogue structure coding Transactions:
Highest level
Subdialogues that accomplish one major step in the participants plan for achieving the task.
Size and shape depend on the task
Conversational games (dialogue games)
A conversational game is a set of utterances starting with an initiation and encompassing all utterances up until the purpose of the game has been either fulfilled (e.g., the requested information has been transferred) or abandoned.
Games can nest within each other
Games are made up of Conversational moves which are different kinds of initiations and responses
17. The move coding scheme
18. The move coding scheme (moves) Instruct move:
move commands the partner to carry out an action.
Expected response could be performance of action if the participant knows the action.
G: Go right round, ehm, until you get to just above them.
Explain move:
States information that has not been directly elicited by the partner.
Facts about the domain, state of plan or task, including facts that help establish what is mutually known
G: Where the dead tree is on the other side of the stream there's farmed land.
19. Move coding scheme Check move:
Requests the partner to confirm information that the speaker has some reason to believe, but is not entirely sure about.
20. Move coding scheme Align move:
checks the partner's attention, agreement, or readiness for the next move.
most common type of ALIGN move is for the transferer to know that the information has been successfully transferred, so that they can close that part of the dialogue and move on.
21. Move coding scheme Query-YN move:
asks the partner any question that takes a yes or no answer and does not count as a CHECK or an ALIGN
These questions are most often about what the partner has on the map
F: I've got Dutch Elm.
G: Dutch Elm. Is it written underneath the tree?
22. Move coding scheme The Query-W move:
is any query not covered by the other categories
most moves classified as QUERY-W are wh-questions
23. Move coding scheme (Response moves) Used within games after an initiation and try to fulfill expectations in the game
Acknowledge move:
verbal response that minimally shows that the speaker has heard the move to which it responds, and often also demonstrates that the move was understood and accepted.
only the last three (from Clark and Schafer’s evidences for acknowledge) count as ACKNOWLEDGE moves in this coding scheme
G: Ehm, if you ... you're heading southwards.
F: Mmhmm.
24. Move coding scheme Reply- Y move:
any reply to any query with a yes-no surface form that means "yes", however that is expressed
normally only appear after QUERY-YN, ALIGN, and CHECK moves.
G: See the third seagull along?
F: Yeah.
Reply –N move
reply to a query with a yes-no surface form, that means "no“
G: Do you have the west lake, down to your left?
F: No.
25. Move coding scheme Reply –W move:
any reply to any type of query that doesn't simply mean "yes" or "no.“
G: And then below that, what've you got?
F: A forest stream.
Clarify move:
reply to some kind of question in which the speaker tells the partner something over and above what was strictly asked.
Route givers tend to make CLARIFY moves when the route follower seems unsure of what to do, but there isn't a specific problem on the agenda
26. Move coding scheme Other possible responses:
Utterances where the responder refuses to share the same goal as the initiator (No, lets talk about..)
ACKNOWLEDGE moves with a negative slant
Sufficiently rare in the corpora.
READY move:
moves that occur after the close of a dialogue game and prepare the conversation for a new game to be initiated.
G: Okay. Now go straight down.
Confusion: That could have been an acknowledge move too
27. Coding continued Game coding scheme:
Beginning of new games are coded by purpose
Place where games end or are abandoned are marked
Marked as either occurring at top level or being embedded in the game structure
Transaction coding scheme:
Four transaction types:
NORMAL: Transaction serving a subtask viz. a route segment on the map.
REVEW: Transactions created when participants return to parts of the route that have already been completed
OVERVIEW: Overviewing an upcoming segment in order to provide a context for the partner.
IRRELEVANT: Subdialogues not relevant to of the route (maybe about the experimental setup)
Coding involves marking in the dialogue where the transaction starts except for IRRELEVANT transactions.
Ends of transactions are not coded.
28. Reliability of coding scheme Tests of reliability
Krippendorff’s test’s of reliability
Agreement by coders on segmentation
Used kappa coefficient for reliability of classification.
29. Reliability of coding Refliability of move coding
Four coders
Each coder had access to the speech as well as transcripts
All coders interacted verbally with the developers
Reliability of move segmentation
Kappa = .92 using word boundaries as units
Pairwise percent agreement on locations where any coder had marked a boundary was 89%.
No of units = 4079. No of boundaries = 796
Most errors were with marking READY separately or marking it in the move that followed and marking a reply or a splitting it into a reply and EXPLAIN, CLARIFY etc.
30. Reliability of coding Reliability of move classification
Since the reliability of segmentation was good, it gave a good foundation for move classification
Move classification was evaluated only over move segments where the boundaries were agreed
Kappa for move coding = 0.83
Largest confusions between
K = 0.89 for coding with Initiation a command, a statement or a question
31. Reliability of coding Reliability of move classification from Written instructions:
K = 0.69
Reliability of move coding in Another domain
Transcribed conversation between a hi-fi sales assistant and a married couple intending to purchase an amplifier
K = 0.95 for move segmentation
K = 0.81 for move classification
Reliability of game coding:
Pairwise agreement on game beginnings = 70%
Reliability of Transaction coding:
Done from written instructions
K = 0.59
32. Coding Dialogues with the DAMSL Annotation scheme (Mark Core and James F Allen) DAMSL (Dialogue Act Markup In Several Layers)
Automatic analysis of Dialogue needed for
Computer acting as participant with users
Computer as observer interpreting human speech
DAMSL allows multiple labels in multiple layers to be applied to an utterance
Communicative actions described here are high level.
33. DAMSL annotation scheme Forward communicative functions
Speech acts that affect the future of dialogue
These categories are independent
Divided into
Representatives (statements) Making claims about the world
Speaker trying to affect the beliefs of the hearer- Assert
Repeating information for emphasis or acknowledgement-Reassert
All utterances that discuss potential actions of the addressee
Info Request: Questions and Requests (tell me the time)
Action Directive: Requests for action (Please take out the trash)
Speaker gives a potential course of action but does not show preference towards it
Commissives (Committing-Speaker-Future-Action)
Perfomative catetory
Utterances that make a fact true in virtue of their content (You are fired)
Other forward functions
34. DAMSL annotation scheme Backward communicative function:
The speech act categories related to responses
The classes are independent
Accept, accept-part, Maybe, Reject-part, reject, hold
Did the listener understand the speaker?
The listener may
Signal-non Understanding
Signal understanding (Acknowledgements, Repeat-Rephrase, completion)
Correct –Misspeaking
Supplying information explicitly requested by a previous Info-Request act
Information relations
Describe how the information in the current utterance relates to previous utterances
35. Utterance features:
Information Level
Task (utterance about the task)
Task Management (utterance about the planning and monitoring of task)
Communication management (Physical requirements of dialogue)
Communicative Status
Syntactic Features
Conventional form (hello, how may I help you)
Exclamatory form (wow)
36. Experiments Used test dialogues from the TRAINS 91-93 dialogues.
A person was given a problem to solve viz. shipping box cars to a city and another person was instructed to act as a problem solving system.
37. Results Three statistics were used to measure interannotator reliability.
PA – percent pairwise agreement
PE- Expected pairwise agreement
Kappa (PA-PE)/1-PE
38. Results
39. An emperical investigation of proposals in Collaborative Dialogues: Barbara et al. They use a slight modification of the DRI (Discourse resource initiative) scheme.
Task (will be read out)
The DRI coding scheme
Similar and Simpler than the DAMSL scheme discussed before.
Forward looking functions
This dimension characterizes the potential effect that an utterance Ui has on the subsequent dialogue.
Statement: Make claims about the world.
Assert (Speaker trying to change Hearers beliefs)
Reassert (if the claim has already been made before)
Influence on hearer (I-on-H)
Influences H’s future action
Open option
Info Request
Action directives
Influence on Speaker (I-on-S)
Commits S to some future course of action
40. DRI coding scheme Backward looking functions:
Ui has to do with response
Agreement :
Certain refinements were made to the core features by adding heuristics for tagging Statements, I-on-H and I-on-S.
41. Coding results