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Mission. The mission of the Legal Assistance Office is to serve eligible personnel by providing professional and zealous representation with regard to their personal legal affairs. . Point of Contact. PersonnelOIC Capt GruverLegal Assistance Chief Cpl SullivanLocationBuilding 1211Phone numb
1. Legal Assistance K. J. Gruver
Captain, USMC
Judge Advocate
2. Mission The mission of the Legal Assistance Office is to serve eligible personnel by providing professional and zealous representation with regard to their personal legal affairs.
3. Point of Contact Personnel
OIC – Capt Gruver
Legal Assistance Chief – Cpl Sullivan
Building 1211
Phone number
4. Hours of Operation Attorney Consultations:
Clients are seen on a walk-in basis Mondays and Thursdays:
0800 to 1130 and 1300 to 1630
Attorney Appointments are available Tuesdays and Wednesdays
0800 to 1130 and 1300 to 1630
5. Hours of Operation Dissolution of Marriage/Separation Briefs
Every other Thursday at 0800
Naturalization Class
Scheduled monthly, date and time published in the Yuma News
Notarizations and Powers of Attorney
Monday – Friday
0800 to 1130 and 1300 to 1630
6. Who is Eligible for services? References
10 U.S.C. § 1044
JAGMAN § 0706
Eligible Persons
Active duty service members
Reservists on active duty for 30 days or more
Dependents of above listed persons
7. Legal Services Paternity and Non-support
Consumer Law
Free notary service
8. Legal Services Landlord/tenant
Real Estate
Powers of Attorney
Arizona Tax Exempt forms
Automobile purchases
9. Command Assistance Predeployment briefs
Preventative Law briefs
Civilian arrest
Non-support of dependents
10. Non-support Issues LEGADMINMAN chapter 15
Hierarchy of support:
Court Order
Separation Agreement
Chapter 15 support
Support under Chapter 15 does not become enforceable unless the spouse makes a formal request/complaint of non-support to the command.
11. Non-support (Cont.) Support under Chapter 15 only applies to:
Minor biological child
Minor adopted child
Punitive provisions attach if a Marine violates any of the following:
Support provisions of a court order
Support provisions in a written agreement
If none of the above exists, then interim financial support obligations. This is only punitive if violated after a complaint of non-support by the spouse.
12. Non-Support (Cont.) Direct complaint to Marine’s CO
CO will inform Marine regarding the nature of the complaint and encourage Marine to see LA attorney
CO will make an order to Marine in accordance to Chapter 15
Look at LES for: Base pay, other pay, BAH, BAS, other allowances
Automatically calculates amount of spousal support
13. Domestic Violence Military Protective Orders
CO directs Marine in writing to stay away from dependents
Enforceable as a lawful order from a commissioned officer
Should be tailored to suit facts and must include a reasonable time limit.
Contact a Judge Advocate if you are unsure what would be a reasonable time.
14. Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order
Judge directs one party to stay away from the other
Enforceable through PMO and contempt powers of court
Hearing required to continue or remove
15. Debt Collectors Complaints of indebtedness
Policy – Commercial debts are a civil matter for civilian courts. The Marine Corps has no authority to require Marines to pay a private debts. (Except for Article 134 and 139.)
The MC will not process a complaint of indebtedness if a creditor did not make a bona fide effort to collect the debt individually, and whose claim is not patently false and misleading.
16. Debt Collectors (Cont.) Hurdles: Creditor must show they are in compliance with DOD standards of fairness, Regulation Z (12 CFR § 226 Et Seq.), as well as state and Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Acts.
Action: Counsel the Marine regarding payment of debts. If the Marine disputes the debt, refer him to Legal Assistance.
The command may notify the creditor that the Marine has been counseled and nothing more. Use the sample letter in Chapter 16 to ensure compliance.
17. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Cannot call at unreasonable times (no harassment)
If debtor says “stop,” they have to stop. May have to sue to enforce this.
18. NSF Checks Command should counsel the Marine to pay as a means of self-protection.
Follow the guidelines of LEGADMINMAN, ch. 16
If debt is disputed, send the Marine to Legal Assistance
UCMJ Article 123a applies to “knowingly” bounced check.
UCMJ Article 134 may also be used
19. Civilian Criminal Proceedings Legal Assistance and Defense Attorneys cannot represent or advise Marines on cases out in town.
They must retain civilian counsel, get a public defender, or go it alone.
The Legal Assistance office cannot recommend civilian counsel, but we do maintain a list of all attorneys in Yuma with their fees
20. Civilian Criminal Proceedings The process:
Charging documents filed
Arrest or summons
Bonds – the command CANNOT promise the Marine will appear
First appearance/arraignment
Trial or plea bargain
Command CANNOT promise court that the MC will “handle” it
Only lawyers can negotiate taking jurisdiction
The DA is not their lawyer!!!!!
SCRA does not apply to criminal proceedings
21. Service of Process/Subpoenas JAGMAN, ch. 6
Service of process is proof to the court that the respondent has notice of the court action/filing
Service of process will be conducted only at the Joint Law Center under the supervision of a Judge Advocate
If a process server calls or shows up at the command, direct them to the Legal Assistance Office
If they serve someone at your command or anywhere on base without going through the JLC, get contact information and forward that information to Legal Assistance.
22. Service of Process/Subpoenas Members cannot “dodge” service on base. If we are notified that they are being served, they are required to report.
They are counseled by an attorney that they must accept Arizona process; all others they may refuse (at their own risk).
The member will have the opportunity to see the Legal Assistance Attorney.
23. Pre-deployment Briefs Educate service members on wills and Powers of Attorney
Hand out will worksheets
Execute powers of attorney
Educate Marines and dependents on legal services available
24. Preventative Law Briefs An ounce of prevention…saves your Marines, the command, and the lawyers a lot of headaches and damage control.
Legal Assistance can give preventative law briefs on major issues of concern:
Car sales
Consumer law scams
Landlord tenant issues
Basic estate planning
25. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Free electronic tax preparation and filing
VITA Supervisor: Mrs. Knight
In operation: 3 Jan 06 to 31 May 06
Hours of operation: M-F 0800 to 1630
Appointments and walk-in service
Call 269-3636 for appointments
26. Tax Center 2004 Tax Season:
Total Federal Returns = 3805
Total Value for Service = $377,586.00
Savings per Marine = $ 99.23
27. Tax Center What to bring to an appointment:
ID Card
Voided check (or bank routing number and account number)
IRA documents
1099 forms
Any other applicable documents
28. Tax Center Units provide VITA volunteers to work in the tax center
JLC Director sends letter to COs of MAG and Station in October soliciting volunteers
Volunteers check in 1 Dec and are trained during December
Volunteers check back into their units 1 May
29. Website http://www.yuma.usmc.mil/services/legal/default.htm
Website has the following documents:
AZ tax exempt form
Will worksheet
Support calculator
SCRA information
Preventative Law Manual
Much more…
30. Questions????