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What are they doing ?

What are they doing ?. Practice of present continuous. What is Angelina doing ?. She’s eating an apple. What are the birds doing ?. They’re flying in the sky. What is the girl doing ? What is she wearing ? How old is she ?.

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What are they doing ?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Whataretheydoing? Practice of presentcontinuous

  2. What is Angelina doing? She’seating an apple.

  3. Whatarethebirdsdoing? They’reflying inthesky.

  4. What is thegirldoing?What is shewearing?How old is she? She is having a birthdayparty. She’swearing a crown. She’s 8 years old.

  5. What is the baby doing? The baby is sleeping.

  6. Whatarethechildrendoing? Theyaregetting ontheschoolbus.

  7. Whatarethechildrendoing? Theyaredrawing onthewhiteboard.

  8. What is this boy doing? He’sreadinginhis bed.

  9. What is the boy doing? He’seating a hamburger.

  10. What is this boy doing? He’ssending an e-mail.

  11. What’sthegirldoing? She’sdoingher homework.

  12. What is thislittlegirldoing? She is brushing herteeth.

  13. What is the baby doing? She’sswimming inthewater.

  14. What’sthecatdoing? It’splayingthe piano. Itcan play verywell. It is verytalented.

  15. What is thewomandoing? She’shaving a shower.

  16. What is this man wearing? He is wearing a T-shirt.

  17. Whataretheydoing? Theyare walkingthe dog.

  18. Whatarethefather and hisdaughterdoing? Theyarebrushing theirteeth.

  19. What’sthisgirldoing? She is sledging.

  20. Whataretheydoing? Theyareskiing inthemountains.

  21. What’s he doing? He is skateboarding.

  22. Whataretheydoing?Wherearethechildrenplaying? Theyare shopping. The childrenare playinginthe shopping trolley.

  23. Whatarethechildrendoing? Theyarehaving lunchatschool.

  24. What’sthisgirldoing? She’sphoning herfriend. She’slooking atheriPad.

  25. Whatarethesepeopledoing? Theyareplaying icehockey

  26. What is thefather and hissondoing? Theyareplaying thedrums.

  27. What is thisowldoing?What is itwearing? It’sreading. It’swearingglasses. It’sveryclever.

  28. Whataretheselittlegirlsdoing? Theyareeating ice-cream.

  29. What’sthisschoolgirldoing? She’sgettingon theschoolbus.

  30. What’sthis man doing? He’sclimbing a rock. He’sverybrave.

  31. Whataretheselittlechildrendoing? Theyareplaying football.

  32. What’sthis man doing? He’splayingtennis.

  33. Whatarethehorsesdoing? They’rerunning.

  34. What is thelittle boy doing? He’sreading.

  35. Whatarethechildrendoing? They’rewashing thecar

  36. What is thisfamilydoing? They’rehaving breakfast.

  37. Whataretheydoing? Theyare building a snowman.

  38. What is this boy doing? He’splaying computer games.

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