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Analysis of Hair of Various Ethnicities. Michelle Dy: mich08red@yahoo.com Jack Britt High School Summer Ventures in Math and Science 2010 Visual and Image Processing Mentors: Dr. Rahman Tashakkori, Mr. Dale Henries, and Mr. Sina Tashakkori Appalachian State University 24 July 2010.
Analysis of Hair of Various Ethnicities Michelle Dy: mich08red@yahoo.com Jack Britt High School Summer Ventures in Math and Science 2010 Visual and Image Processing Mentors: Dr. Rahman Tashakkori, Mr. Dale Henries, and Mr. Sina Tashakkori Appalachian State University 24 July 2010
HYPOTHESIS The objective of this research was to identify the ethnicity by determining the thickness, shape, and color of the hair.
Made up of keratin, a strong protein A human hair is comprise of follicles and shafts The hair originates from the follicle where it gets its nourishment Hair shaft contains three layers HAIR
Pheomelanin Eumelanin Lack of Pigments PIGMENTS
MONGOLOID • Asian descent • Withstands 100 grams • Thickest and most coarse hair • Almost always straight
European descent Withstands 60-100 grams Straight, wavy, or curly Thin hair fiber CAUCASOID
African descent Withstand 60 grams Most fragile Spiral hair, hair alternates to thick and thin hair NEGROID
Samples gathered Under the microscope at 400x Straight, wavy, or curly Pigmentation of the hairs. T=L*W to find the thickness PROCESS
UNKNOWN SAMPLES • Two unknown samples were gathered • The images were distorted • Thickness and shape were classified
CONCLUSION -The hypothesis was proven correct -Thickness, shape, and color can aid in the identification of ethnicity of the known and unknown -However, people who perm, iron, or dye their hair can destroy those characteristics -This kind of classification, unfortunately, will be arduous in identifying mixed- race individuals
[1] Johneen Manning, http://haircare.suite101.com/article.cfm/curly_hair_wavy_hair_straight_hair [2] Summerwinds BIS, Inc., http://www.summerwinds.com/downloads/howtodocs/ANATOMY-OF-HAIR.pdf [3] Zoe Diana Draelos MD, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B75J2-4GWC57T-G&_user=634929&_coverDate=10%2F01%2F2000&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1407409813&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000033778&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=634929&md5=19983660ca105714fde2b2d1b2eea2cd [4] L’Oréal International, http://www.hair-science.com/_int/_en/topic/topic_sousrub.aspx?tc=ROOT-HAIR-SCIENCE^PORTRAIT-OF-AN-UNKNOWN-ELEMENT^WHAT-WE-DO-SEE&cur=WHAT-WE-DO-SEE [5] White hair Burford, Michelle (August 2009). "Gray Hair Myths and Facts" [6] Life's Little Mysteries Staff, http://www.lifeslittlemysteries.com/what-makes-hair-curly-0255/ RESOURCES
Summer Ventures of Science and Math Department of Computer Science at ASU Ms. Lori Tyler Mentors Classmates Acknowledgements