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Rising Together: Empowering Youth for a Brighter Future

Join the South Bahamas Conference Youth Department as we empower and uplift young people, guiding them towards a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and active service in the community. Through spiritual, social, and physical development programs, we strive to build a generation that will rise together and leave no youth behind.

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Rising Together: Empowering Youth for a Brighter Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Theme “We Will Rise Leaving No Youth Behind” Not To Compete but to Complete

  2. Theme “We Will Rise Leaving No Youth Behind” Not To Compete but to Complete

  3. Watch Words Becoming, Belonging, Transforming and Serving

  4. Mission Statement The South Bahamas Conference Youth Department exists to reach and lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship and active service as directed by His Word.

  5. Value Statement The South Bahamas Conference Youths exists for the purpose of Giving Glory to God, Integrity, Respect, Compassion, Lifestyle, Dedication and Unity

  6. Key Texts 1 Timothy 4:12.“Let no one think slightingly of you because you are a young; but in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, be an example for your fellow Christians to imitate.”

  7. Key Texts Isaiah 58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

  8. Spirit of Prophecy The Lord has appointed the youth to be His helping hand. —Testimonies for the Church 7:64.

  9. Spirit of Prophecy With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!—Education, 271.

  10. There are organizational and Environmental influences that will perpetrate significant impact and influence on the spiritual and social function of South Bahamas Conference (SBC) Youth Department.

  11. In analysis it is we will have to have a positive perspective on the internal and external buffets. Hence, recognizing them as opportunities for growth.

  12. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives To engage the youth in Spending quality time with God through Bible studies, prayer and meditation.

  13. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives Train Young people to preach, teach. To Improve the AY Department in Each Church.

  14. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives To Emphasize the Spiritual mission of the Adventure, Pathfinders, and Master-Guide program.

  15. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives To nurture an appetite for mission, witnessing and service thought the communities of the Bahamas and the world.

  16. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives Provide opportunities for Young people to utilize their spiritual giftedness.

  17. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives Encourage each Youth to win at least one person for Jesus. To have at least three family Island Mission Trip Each Year.

  18. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives Host an Annual Youth Congress.

  19. ObjectivesSpiritual Qualitative Objectives To Have Radio and Television programs focusing on developing the youth Spiritually, socially, mentally, academically, etc)

  20. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives To encourage each AY department in the various churches to have regular social Activities.

  21. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives To nurture the marriages of those youth who are married.

  22. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives To place special emphasis on single youths in dating age.

  23. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives To place special emphasis on single youths in dating age.

  24. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives To encourage each Church pathfinder club to have their pathfinder camp.

  25. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives To promote Inter church Bible Competitions (Bible BOOM, Bible Challenge Quiz)

  26. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives To revitalize the various inter church sporting competition (Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer, August Monday Sports Day)

  27. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives Conference wide Quarterly Social.

  28. ObjectivesSocial Qualitative Objectives Hosting Annual Youth Award Banquet.

  29. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Develop South Beach Campsite.

  30. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Increase the membership of South Bahamas Conference Youth Choir.

  31. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Increase the Pathfinder marching band size and cater to the practice facility.

  32. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Have four Youth federation in the two regions.

  33. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Increase the membership of the Adventure, Pathfinder and Master guide program.

  34. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Enhance the Youth Department web page.

  35. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Enhance the Youth Department web page.

  36. ObjectivesPhysical Quantitative Objectives Enhance the Youth Department web page.

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