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LuaEclipse. integrating tools in Lua development. Luís Eduardo Jason Santos. Lua Workshop 2009. LuaEclipse. Special Thanks The Lua Team Ideais Andre Carregal and the Kepler Project Fábrica Digital FINEP/SEBRAE IT Quality Systems Move Networks Anywhere Tech Comunidade Lua.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LuaEclipse • integrating tools in Lua development Luís Eduardo Jason Santos Lua Workshop 2009

  2. LuaEclipse • Special Thanks • The Lua Team • Ideais • Andre Carregal and the Kepler Project • Fábrica Digital • FINEP/SEBRAE • IT Quality Systems • Move Networks • Anywhere Tech • Comunidade Lua Luís Eduardo Jason Santos Lua Workshop 2009

  3. LuaEclipse An integrated development environment built on the Eclipse platform Some members of the Eclipse Foundation The platform

  4. The Eclipse platform • Strong presence in several areas • - SOA orchestration • - Java development • - web and script langugages • - C/C++ development • - mobile platforms(including linux mobile and symbian)‏ • - microcontrollers

  5. LuaEclipse – What it is? IDE - Integrated Development Environment

  6. What it is not... LuaEclipse is not aCode editor - like scite, gedit, notepad++, ultraedit, vi, etc.

  7. What is it? IDE - Integrated Development Environment usually have: - code editor - compiler/interpreter - integrated development tools - debugger

  8. Modern IDEs Popular tools - context detection - dependency analyzer - refactoring tools - builders anddeployment tools - version control integration

  9. LuaEclipse - Motivation Historical - corporate world origins Context - lua as an extension language

  10. LuaEclipse - Motivation Main issues - integration with host application toolchain - keep contact with development teams culture

  11. Origins Danilo Tuler Ideais Eclipse 2.1 LuaEclipse 0.5 2003

  12. Origins Guilherme Martins Thiago Ponte André Carregal Danilo Tuler Eclipse 3.2 LuaEclipse 1.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

  13. Origins Guilherme Martins Jason Santos Thiago Ponte Lua 5.1 André Carregal Eclipse 3.2/3.3 LuaEclipse 1.1 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

  14. Origins Jason Santos Edgard Arakaki Guilherme Martins Lua 5.1 André Carregal LuaProfiler Eclipse 3.3 LuaDoc LuaEclipse 1.2 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

  15. Origins Jason Santos André Carregal RemDebug Lua 5.1 LuaProfiler Eclipse 3.4 LuaDoc LuaEclipse 1.3beta 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

  16. In the paralel universe... Eclipse 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 LuaEclipse 0.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Jason Santos LuaEclipse 2.x Edgard Arakaki Based on DLTK Requires Eclipse 3.3 2.x design 2007 2008 2009

  17. Back to the real world Eclipse 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 LuaEclipse 0.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Jason Santos Investimento da FINEP Edgard Arakaki - descrição do projeto feita em 2005 - início do Kepler Mobile - branch 2.x congelado na versão alpha 2.0alpha 2.x 2007 2008 2009

  18. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x "Herrick Muhlestein, et al." www.movenetworks.com Jason Santos André Carregal RemDebug Lua 5.1 Eclipse 3.4 LuaProfiler LuaDoc LuaEclipse 1.3.1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

  19. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x • Code highlight • Code completion generated from a customizable Lua State • Documentation reference (using LuaDoc)‏ • Integrated Debugger • Integrated Profiler (using LuaProfiler)‏ • Execution using a system installed interpreter

  20. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x Code-highlight Lua 5.1 parser(JFlex)‏ • IDE Features use different integration forms Syntax errors LuaJava loadstring()‏ Code-completion LuaJava New LuaState LuaDoc* Reference LuaJava LuaBinaries Execution Java Launcher LuaProfiler Profiler Java Launcher Sockets RemDebug* Debugger Java RemdebugClient

  21. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x • Code highlight • Compilation errors on saving

  22. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x • Auto-complete • Comment and function folding

  23. 2009 - O LuaEclipse 1.3.x • Referência de funções do manual de referência de Lua 5.1

  24. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x • Sumário do LuaProfiler

  25. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x Integrated debugger: • Stack control • Inspection of local and global variables

  26. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x Integrated debugger: • Stack control • Inspection of local and global variables

  27. 2009 - LuaEclipse 1.3.x Integrated debugger: • Stack control • Inspection of local and global variables

  28. LuaEclipse 1.3.x - problems Complexity • 9357 lines of code • 128 Java classes • Several non-integrated forms of implementing features • Parser is impossible to extend • Doesn't use DLTK

  29. 2009 - O LuaEclipse 2.0 • DLTK implementa Code highlight, code completion, referências de documentação e erros de compilação • AST montada usando um parser em Lua • Refactoring e formatadores escritos em Lua • Debugger integrado • Profiler integrado (usando LuaProfiler)‏ • Execução utilizando LuaJava além do interpretador instalado no sistema

  30. 2009 - LuaEclipse 2.0 Code-highlight • Greater DLTK integration • Incremental parsers written in Lua Lua AST DLTK Syntax errors LuaJava Parser in Lua Code-completion Metalua* LEG outros References LuaBinaries Execution Java Launcher Built-in interpreter LuaProfiler Profiler Java Launcher Sockets RemDebug* Debugger Java RemdebugClient

  31. 2010 - LuaEclipse 2.1 • Ability to publish, retrieve and rate e avaliar code snippets and 'recipes' from the internet – straight from the IDE • LuaRocks – Integration of dependency installation • MoonMonkey – ability to extend and automate the IDE in Lua

  32. LuaEclipse 2.x - problems • Manpower

  33. LuaEclipse 2.x - problemas • Manpower • Manpower • Manpower

  34. Expectations • Create new development opportunities • Enhance user experience • Raise productivity • Reduce development costs • Bring the Lua community closer • Speed up evolution

  35. Contact/downloads Website http://luaeclipse.luaforge.net SVN https://svn.anyware-tech.com/luaeclipse/luaeclipse Update-sites http://luaeclipse.luaforge.net/preview/update-site Luís Eduardo Jason Santos <jasonsantos@gmail.com>

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