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VISION Software for the colour blind

VISION Software for the colour blind. Vision allows people with different kinds of colour vision deficiency (CVD) to see more colours. VISION Software for the colour blind. What is colour blindness?

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VISION Software for the colour blind

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  1. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind Vision allows people with different kinds of colourvision deficiency(CVD) to see more colours.

  2. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind What is colour blindness? • Also known as colour vision deficiency, this is the decreased ability to see colour or differences in colour . • The most common cause is an inherited fault in the development of one or more of the three sets of colour sensing cones in the eye. • It can also result from physical or chemical damage to the eye, optic nerve, or parts of the brain. • There is no cure for colour blindness. • Total colour blindness (Monochromacy) is much less common than partial colour blindness (Dichromacy).

  3. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind What is colour blindness? - 2 • Dichromacy occurs when one of the cone pigments is missing and colour is reduced to two dimensions, problematic are usually one of the primary colours – red, green and blue; and the conditions are called Protanopia, Deuteranopia and Tritanopia. • Colour blind people can usually see clearly and in focus, but they can’t properly distinguish between different colours. • For example - greens, browns, oranges, yellows and reds can be easily mixed up because all these colours are seen as shades of ‘muddy’ green. • Pastel colours generally all appear grey.

  4. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind Problematic activities for colorblind people in the 21st century (in addition to everyday struggles like choice of clothes, driving, choosing and cooking food, gardening, doing sports, etc): • Filling in and completing interactive forms. • Working with documents with colour graphic elements and design. • Understanding certain video clips and graphs. • The correct choice of colours for presentations and other documents, etc. • The colour background or text font of many websites can make reading the text and comprehending the information almost impossible.  

  5. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind • There are close to 300 million people who are colorblind and struggle to see certain colours properly. • About 8% of men and 0.5% of all women are suffering from color blindness. This means chances that your neighbour or one of your classmates is colorblind are very high. • It is these people that Vision is aiming to assist, by making the world a much more colourful and better place for them. • Vision can be used on PCs (under Windows for now), smartphones and many other digital devices, including for gaming and entertainment. 

  6. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind • First of all the user takes a test to determine the best individualised setting for their special vision. • Those affected by Tritanopia (blue colour vision deficiency), Deuteranopia (green), Protanopia (red) can all benefit. • Daltonization algorithms used in Vision utilize confusion lines to compensate for color blindness. • This is accomplished by shifting colors away from confusion lines towards colors visible to the colorblind individual.  • Vision applies real time screen daltonization processes, which is one of the most prominent features setting it apart from any other similardevelopments.

  7. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind What sets Vision apart from the competitors? • Free test to determine your type and severity of colour vision defficiency • Personalised settings to suit your test results • Real time screen daltonisation • No need to use your camera or split your screen • Vision works entirely in the background • Does not interfere with what you do on your screen • Life time license for the PRO version

  8. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind OPPORTUNITIES - SOCIAL Colour is a fundamental tool in society. Taking just education as an example – educators depend upon on the ability of pupils to be able to distinguish between primary colours from the earliest stages of their education.  If children aren’t ‘getting’ a percentage of what we are saying, they can’t learn to full capacity. This can undermine their confidence at an impressionable age and give a poor foundation for future learning. WE ARE CURENTLY ESTABLISHING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS WITH SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE EU

  9. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind OPPORTUNITIES B2C • 10$ lifetime license • Available for download already via the website • Launched in late March 2017 - already over 20 000 individual users globally without much advertising

  10. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind OPPORTUNITIES B2B • Producers of TVs, screens, smartphones, gaming consoles • VR glasses • Sun glasses

  11. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind STATUS QUO April 2018 • Limited company already incorporated. • 20 000 individual users globally without much advertising. Vision sells already to end users NOW. • Strategic partnership agreed with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science – Vision is being installed on 60 000 new devices in BG.

  12. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind STATUS QUO - continued April 2018 • Participation as panelists in conference on social entrepreneurship hosted by Momchil Nekov MEP in the European parliament – Brussels, Nov 2017. • Strategic partnerships with institutions and educational establishments across the unionin the process of negotiation – Vision to be made widely available as a free resource for educational establishments.


  14. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind Some very important figures: 300 000 000 potential users globally, out of which in our two main target markets US and EU: US – 157 million males, 8% of which would have a form of colour vision deficiency – 12 560 000 potential male users. Females – 164 million, 0.5% of which is 820 000 potential female users. EU – 249 million males, 8% of which would have a form of colour vision deficiency – 19 920 000 potential male users. Females – 260 million, 0.5% of which is 1 300 000 potential female users.


  16. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind What are we doing right now? 3 main things: • - Hiring Talent • - Marketing • - Advertising

  17. VISIONSoftware for the colour blind THANK YOU! https://iristech.co/vision/

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