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Byzantine Art

Byzantine Art. -After the death of Constantine, the Roman Empire was split by the two capitals -Rome in the West and Constantinople in the East -The Eastern capital took control with Justinian as Emperor -This time became know as the Byzantine Empire or the Golden Age

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Byzantine Art

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  1. Byzantine Art -After the death of Constantine, the Roman Empire was split by the two capitals -Rome in the West and Constantinople in the East -The Eastern capital took control with Justinian as Emperor -This time became know as the Byzantine Empire or the Golden Age -Churches were covered with mosaics in the interior

  2. Mosaics from Byzantium • Byzantine mosaics were made of brightly colored glass called tesserae • These tesserae were placed at an angle in the plaster to create a shimmering effect • Some of the most impressive mosaics are found in the church of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy • Two mosaics are on the side of the altar • One of them is Justinian and His Attendants

  3. 547 CE • Figures are about life size • Figures are stylized (simplification or generalization of forms) • Participating in church service of presenting the wine and the Eucharist (he holds the bread) • The emperor has a halo over his head suggesting he is the God’s earthly representative • Justinian is in the center with state officials on his right and priests on his left • Emblem on shield represent Chi Rho (first two Greek letters of Christ’s name) • Gold background is representative of heaven and is typical of Byzantine art

  4. Empress Theodora and her Attendants • The mosaic opposite of Justinian is of his wife • Participating in church service of presenting the wine and the Eucharist (she holds the wine) • Much like that of Justinian • She wears purple, color of royalty • Fountain represents her being baptized into Christianity after she marries Justinian

  5. Byzantine Architecture • Under Justinian, the church Hagia Sophia (the Church of Holy Wisdom) was built in Constantinople • Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletos- architects • 532-537 • Modern day Istanbul, Turkey

  6. -Combines long open space of a basilica and the dome of a rotunda • Rotunda-round building topped with a Dome -Pendentives allow for the square base circular top • Considered amazing due to the gigantic size without modern machinery

  7. Minarets added after the Muslims conquered Constantinople and Hagia Sophia was made into a mosque • Dome is 166 feet above the floor • When built, the interior was the largest of any building in the world! • Originally the walls were covered in mosaics but the Muslims removed these after they took over the building • Many windows help to flood the interior with light

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