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By : Torres , Charles. Medusa : A Look That Kills.
By : Torres , Charles Medusa : A Look That Kills
Medusa was a horrible monster.Infact,she started out as a beautiful girl with two sisters,and a boyfriend,Poseidon.Oneday,Medusa and Poseidon wanted to be alone to talk,so they entered a temple.The problem for Medusa was that this particular temple belonged to Athena,a powerful godess.
Looking down on the young couple in her temple , Athena was not very pleased. When medusa compared her beauty to that of athena,it was the last straw.Athena dediced to punish medusa for thinking she was as beautyful as a goddess.
As punishment,Athena made Medusa very ugly.Poseidon wanted nothing to do with Medusa after that,so she hid herself away for many years with her sisters turning any man who tried to take a look at her to stone.
Medusa’s fame grew and grew until a king sent a hero named perseus to kill her and bring him back her head.This king wanted to marry Perseus’s mother,and the only way he could do that was to get rid of her son . He believed medusa could serve this purpose, as she had a certain effect on men.
However,the king did not expect the gods to help our brave hero.Athena gave Perseus a sword and a shield to kill Medusa.Hermes helped sandals,and then guided him to the monster’s cave.
Perseus knew what would happen if he laid eyes on Medusa-the statues outside her cave were proof-but how could he kill her if he could not look at her?Perseus was a clever man.He used the shield Athena gave him as a mirror,carefully watching the reflection of Medusa’s movements.When she approached him,Perseus spun around and,being careful not to look,stabbed her with the sword.
Perseus was successful.He cut off the monster’s head and Pegasus, a winged horse,flew out of her neck.Later,Perseus used the head of Medusa to beat a huge sea monster and save the beautiful Andromeda,whom he later married.
梅杜莎是個可怕的怪物。其實他原本是個美麗的女孩。有一天梅杜莎與波賽頓想要獨處互訴衷曲,於是他們進入一間神殿,這座神殿屬於法力高強的雅典娜。梅杜莎是個可怕的怪物。其實他原本是個美麗的女孩。有一天梅杜莎與波賽頓想要獨處互訴衷曲,於是他們進入一間神殿,這座神殿屬於法力高強的雅典娜。 雅典娜俯視這對在他神殿裡的年輕戀人,心中相當不高興。當梅杜莎將自己的美貌比喻為雅典娜時,雅典娜再也受不了。雅典娜決定逞罰梅杜莎,將它變成有什在頭上張牙舞爪的恐怖怪物。之後坡賽頓不願和他在有任何瓜葛,所以他便和他的姊妹躲了很多年,把想看他一眼的人都變成石頭。 梅杜莎的名聲樂來越響亮,直到一名國王派遣英雄怕休斯去消滅他並帶回他的頭顱。這個國王想要娶帕休斯的母親,為一的方法就是擺脫掉怕休斯,他相信梅杜莎可以幫他達成目的。但國王沒想到眾神會幫助怕休斯,給他武器,指引他抵達梅杜莎的巢穴。 帕休斯是個聰明的人,他知道直視梅杜莎會有什麼下場,他用雅典娜的盾牌當鏡子,全神貫注的看著梅杜莎的一舉一動,當梅杜莎靠近時,帕休斯用劍將他刺斃。 帕休斯一舉成功,之後他用頭顱擊敗了大海怪,拯救了美麗的公主,結為夫妻。