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SILABUS TEORI DAN PENGEMBANGAN ORGANISASI Program Magister Administrasi Publik Universitas Muhammadiyah M akassar 20 1 2. Materi Ajar. M . 1 : Why Study Organisation Theory and Development M.2 : Histories, Methapors, and Perspectives in Organization

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  1. SILABUS TEORI DAN PENGEMBANGAN ORGANISASI Program Magister AdministrasiPublikUniversitas Muhammadiyah Makassar2012

  2. Materi Ajar M.1:Why Study Organisation Theory and Development M.2 : Histories, Methapors, and Perspectives in Organization M.3: Organizations as Systems M.4 : Dimensions of Organizations M.5 : Environment of Organization M.6 : Organizational Design M.7 : Strategy and Goals M.8 : Technology and Social Structure M.8 : Organizational Social Structure M.9 : Organizational Culture and Climate M.10 : The Physical Structure of Organizations M.11 : Organizational Decision Making, Power and Politics M.12 : Conflict and Contradiction in Organizations M.13 : Control and Ideology in Organizations M.14 : Organization Leadership M.15 : Organizational Change and Learning

  3. Tata Tertib Kelas • 15 menit setelah dosen masuk kelas, mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan masuk. • Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan ngobrol di dalam kelas, kecuali mendiskusikan materi ajar. • Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan menggunakan handphone di dalam kelas (Silent???). • Mahasiswa yang bisa mengikuti ujian adalah mahasiswa yang aktif mengikuti kuliah minimal 80 persen dari jumlah pertemuan yang ada.

  4. DaftarReferensi Konsep dan Teori Organisasi Program Magister AdministrasiPublikUniversitas Muhammadiyah Makassar2012

  5. DaftarReferensi Akib, Haedar. 2008. Dasar-dasar Teori Organisasi. Makassar: Lembaga Penerbit UNM. Akib, Haedar. “Mencermati Heuristik Transformasi Organisasi”, Jurnal Manajemen USAHAWAN Indonesia, Vol. 40 No. 3 Mei-Juni 2011. Beer, Michael. 1980. Organization Change and Development. USA: Scoot, Foresman and Company. Bergquist, William. 1993. The Posmodern Organization. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Choo, Chun Wei. 1998. The Knowing Organizatio. New York: Oxford Univesity Press.

  6. DaftarReferensi Cox, Taylor H. 1994. Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Theory, Research & Practice. USA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Daft, Richard L. 1992. Organization Theory and Design. Republic of Singapore: Info Access & Distribution Pte Ltd. Espejo, Raul et al. 1996. Organizational, Transpormation and Learning. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Frederickson, H George. 1997. The Spirit of Public Administration. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass Publishers. French, Wendell L. 2000. Organization Development and Transformation. Singapore:McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

  7. DaftarReferensi Gilley, Jerry M and Ann Maycunich. 2000. Beyond the Learning Organization. USA: HarperCollins Publishers. Gouillart, Francis J and James N. Kelly. 1995. Transpormation the Organization. New York: McGraw-Hill. Harmon, Michael M. 1986. Organization Theory for Public Administration. London: Scott Resman and Company. Hatch, Mary Jo. 1997. Organization Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. Hesselbein, Frances and Marshall Goldsmith. 2009. The Organization of the Future. USA: Jossey-Bass. Hughes, Owen E. 1994. Public Managemenet and Organization. London: St. Martin’s Press.

  8. DaftarReferensi Kaplan, Robert S and David P. Norton.2001. The Strategy Focused Organization. USA: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. Keban, Yeremias T. 2008. EnamDimensiStrategisAdministrasiPublik. Jogyakarta: Gravamedia. Martin, Joanne. 1992. Cultures in Organization. New York: Oxford University Press. Marquardt, Michael and Angus Reynolds. 1994. The Global Learning Organization. New York: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. Mintzberg, Henry. 1979. The Structuring of Organization. USA: Printice-Hall, Inc. Mintzberg, Henry. 1983. Designing Effective Organizations. USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

  9. DaftarReferensi Morgan, Gareth. 1986. Image of Organization. California: Sage Publications Ltd. Nohria, Nitin and Robert G. Eccles. 1992. Networks and Organizations. USA: Harvard Business School Press. Pamudji, S. 1993. EkologiAdministrasi Negara. Jakarta: BumiAksara. Pugh, D.S. 1971. Organization Theory. Ambasador Road: Penguin Books Ltd. Reed, Michael, L. 1992. The Sociology of Organizations. British. Billing & Sons Ltd. Siagian, Sondang P. 2004. FilsafatAdministrasi. Jakarta: BumiAksara. Williamson, O. E. 1995. Organization Theory. New York: Oxford Univesity Press, Inc.

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