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Program of events and general activities for the Jubilee.
Program of events and general activities for the Jubilee • Period prior to Jubilee Activities1. Jubilee websiteCreate a space for the Jubilee in the Order’s Site containing:1) General Program and local activities2) Information on future activities and calendars2) Materials helpful in local activities3) Photographic and video record of activities undertaken • http://www.op.org/en/jubilee
2. Jubilee Prayer • Disseminate throughout the Order the official prayer for the Jubilee. Invite all members to use that prayer (at least weekly ) in all communities in preparation for the Jubilee. • 3. Jubilee Hymn • Fr. Thomas Moller (Teutonia) and CLIOP has organized a competition to choose a common song of Jubilee. (By June 2014)Once the song is chosen, there will be a multilingual musical production with the participation of different entities of the Order. • 4. Promotion of history • Fr. Augustin Laffay is developing the website www.historia.op.org.The site is in French, so, he’s looking for collaborators in the translation of materials into English and Spanish.
5. Guide to pilgrims on the «route of Saint Dominic» • Published on the languages of the Order (+ Italian ), a guide for pilgrims visiting Dominican places in Spain, France and Italy.Meeting with the promoters of these provinces and invite them to spearhead the project. • 6. Apps for mobile phone offering a guide to the Dominican churches of Rome. Agreement of the priors of Angelicum, Via Condotti and Minerva. • App developped by: Fr. Eric Salobir and OPTIC. • 7. Online library of “key documents” for a renewal of the Order • Offer a virtual library of documents that are helpful for a better understanding of “Renewal of the Order”. • We have already introductory sections of recent General Chapters and letters of the Masters of the Order. We need more documents from other branches of the Dominican Family.
Activities during the Jubilee • Opening of the Jubilee Year: November 7: • Liturgical celebration of the Dominican family with a common liturgical text and preaching which the Master of the Order transmitted online (from Santa Sabina). • If technical means would allow, this could be possibly done simultaneously in different countries. • Ask the Holy Father to make an announcement during the Angelus on a Sunday before the said celebration. Dominican presence on this day in Piazza San Pietro with visible signs.
2. Lent 2016: • Suggest to all communities and fraternities of the Order a penitential celebration. We will propose: 1) a text for reflection, 2) a sign of reconciliation, 3) a penitential celebration, and 4) a gesture of solidarity. • If the Holy Father is coming to Santa Sabina on Ash Wednesday, he will be invited to visit the cell of Saint Dominic. • 3. Feast of the translation of N. P. Santo Domingo: May 24: • Special celebration in Rome with the participation of the Dominican family and special guests. This celebration could be shared by media coverage.
4. General Chapter of Provincials: July 15 - August 4 Papal Audience for participants to the General Chapter? We are waiting an answer from the Pontifical Household. • 5. Dominican Presence in the World Youth Day - Krakow: July 25 to August 1:Testimonial presence of Dominican youth in the World Youth Day.a. Preparing a stand - with permanent presence of friars, sisters and young Dominicans.b. Coordinating a space of prayer within the WYD.
6. Solemnity of St. Dominic in Bologna NP: August 4: Prayer Vigil at the Basilica of Santo Domingo. • Solemn Eucharistic celebration with the members of the general chapter, young Dominicans participating in the pilgrimage and other members of the Dominican Family. • Special invitation to the Dominican cardinals and bishops . • 7. Pilgrimage of young Dominicans with the Master of the Order: 6 - August 15 • A group of 100 pilgrims (2 buses) visiting Bologna - Florence - Rome - Toulouse - Prouilhe - Fanjeaux - Osma - Caleruega. • A celebration with the local Dominican family could be organized in each place.
8. International celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary: October 7 Rediscovering the meaning of this prayer, the Dominican Family at local level will invite the Church to pray the Holy Rosary. • A common catechetical and liturgical text will be proposed. • 9. Art Exhibition: Dominicans in dialogue in art: 7 November to 2016 - January 21, 2017 • Venue: Santa Sabina or Santa Maria sopra Minerva. An art exhibition with three dimensions: a) 18 Dominican artists representing 18 personages of the history of • the Order (at the Basilica). b) A contemporary well-known artist will exhibit some works in a • Dominican (cloister). c) A Dominican artist will present a work in dialogue with this artist • (in a public space). Responsible Team: fr. Alain Arnould (South Belgium) and fr Ulrich • Engel (Teutonia).
10. Congress on Evangelization: January 2017 An organized committee for this Congress has to be established. • 11. Closing of Jubilee Year: January 21, 2017 Solemn Eucharistic celebration in St. John Lateran (presided by the Holy Father) with general participation of the Dominican Family. • Throughout the period of the Jubilee • 12. Itinerary online to promote the renewal of the Order Send a weekly text of reflection and prayer on a particular theme (in connection with the celebration of a Dominican saint or a special event). As Retrait dans la ville (France).
13. Symposium initiated by the institutions under the Master of the Order: January 2017 • Academic events at Angelicum, Fribourg, EBAF and Leonina. Dates will be defined during the meeting of this institutions in June 2014. • 14. Congress (es) on Francisco de Vitoria and human rights: Regional academic events. The Promoter of Justice and Peace proposed it in continuity of the Salamanca process, asking each region to work on a particular human right. • 15. Pilgrimage tothe Monasteries of the Order organized by the Promoter of the Rosary
Work teams • 1. Steering Committee: Requested by the Chapter of Trogir. This committee would serve to define main guidelines on activities, contents, persons. • 2. Teams and persons involved in each particular project • 3. An operative team to • Produce materials • Communicate with persons in charge of particular projects • Coordinate logistics of general events
Provincial promoters of the Jubilee • Almost all provinces have appointed a promoter. • We already sent an initial letter on December 2013. A new letter will be sent in March 2014. • Some provincial promoters have said, they are waiting for guidance from the Curia. In the new letter (March 2014), we will suggest different kinds of activities they could prepare at the local level: • 1) liturgical celebrations with DF; 2 ) provincial retreats; 3) Common study days; 4) creation/review of community projects 5) Meetings about the history of their entity; 6) Meetings about the mission of the entity; 7) exhibitions of the artistic heritage of the province; 8) pilgrimages to significant OP places; 9) a space on their own website. • We ask them to give importance to the Dominican family and youth, and to organize events with other entities of their region. • Some materials are available on the website of Jubilee: prayer, logo, documents for reflection, criteria and guidelines given by the General Chapter. • Socii and Promoters can help a lot to encourage this kind of initiatives during their visits and within their networks.