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The Colonial Period

The Colonial Period. The Colony. The colony was between 1600-1800 The colony of Chile was controlled by Spain. The colony sent things to Spain (wheat, corn, copper, wood) Spain was a rich country because it had many colonies that sent nice things. The Colonial Society.

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The Colonial Period

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Colonial Period

  2. TheColony The colony was between 1600-1800 The colony of Chile was controlled by Spain. The colony sent things to Spain (wheat, corn, copper, wood) Spain was a rich country because it had many colonies that sent nice things

  3. The Colonial Society • There were many different types of people that lived in the colonies: -people that came from Spain -people who had parents that came from Spain, but they were born in Chile -natives -blacks from Africa -people that had one parent that was Spanish and one that was a native

  4. Homework • Whatis a “criollo?” • Whatis a “mestizo?” • Whattypes of peoplewere in theupperclass (La aristocracia)? Write 2 factsabouttheupperclass. • Whattypes of peoplewere in themiddleclass (el sector medio)? Write 2 factsaboutthemiddleclass. • Whattype of peoplewere in thelowerclass (nivel mas bajo)? Write 2 factsaboutthelowerclass.

  5. www.icarito.cl • Search “Sociedad colonial”

  6. Part 1 Colony 2:30-3:40 • 9:00-9:45

  7. Social Classes in the Colony White skin Spanish Criollos Mid color skinPoorSpanish Mestizos Darkskin Natives Blacks

  8. Upper Class DESCRIPTION -Spanish: theywereborn in Spain and cametolive in Chile -Criollos: theywereborn in Chile, butboth of theirparentswereSpanish -TheSpanishhad MORE powerthan criollos -Thiswasthesmallestclass -Theyallhad WHITE skin Jobs: Theyownedland and hadpower in government

  9. Middle Class DESCRIPTION • Mestizos: oneparentwasSpanish and theotherparentwas a native. • Their skin color wasdarker. JOBS • Theyhadjobssuch as vendors, artesania, writers, etc.

  10. Lower Class DESCRIPTION • Natives: both of theirparentswerenatives and theyhadalwayslived in Chile • Blacks: slavesthatwerebroughtfromAfricatowork in thehardest and mostdangerousjobs • Theyhad no powerormoney • Theyhad DARK skin (orblack skin) JOBS • Theyworkedonthefarms of the encomenderos

  11. If a person had white skin = upper class

  12. If a person had skin color between white and dark = middle class

  13. If a person had dark skin = lower class

  14. Mestizo woman • Spanish man Their child will be ______________

  15. Native woman • Spanish man • Their child will be ___________

  16. Skin color was important in EVERY colony

  17. Spain owned Chile…but the king was VERY far away. • How did the king of Spain have control over a colony so far away?

  18. TheGovernment of theColony • The king of Spain sent a Viceroy (Virrey) to the colony to be in charge. The Viceroy was a Spanish man loyal to the king. • Spain made most of the laws for the colony to follow • Other institutions were created in Spain and Chile to control the colony

  19. These men selected important authorities in the colony.

  20. These men controlled the trade between Spain and the colony.

  21. These were territories of Spain in America.

  22. These were also territories of Spain, but they were not completely peaceful and dominated by the Spanish. A military leader was in charge of them.

  23. These men were the judges in the colony. They decided justice.

  24. These were made of men that lived in the colony. They made laws for the colony.

  25. Part 1 Colonia 1:30-2:30

  26. The Encomienda System • The king of Spain gave land in Chile to the men who helped in the conquest of Chile. This man was a “Encomendero” • -The governor gave natives to each encomendero -The natives worked for NO money -The encomendero had to give food, clothing, religion, and housing to natives

  27. Many natives died in the mines • Many got infections and illnesses/viruses • Because so many natives died, the Spanish brought African slaves to work the land

  28. What do youthink of the encomienda system? • Wasitnecessary? • Wasit abuse? • Wasitslavery? • Couldwe use the encomienda systemtoday? • Whatwould YOU thinkifyouwere a native in the encomienda system?

  29. CommercialMonopoly • Chile made leather, wheat, dry fruit, wine, copper, wood, and furniture. • Chile was ONLY allowed to trade with Spain and the other Spanish colonies • When a colony can ONLY trade with some places, it is called a MONOPOLY



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