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Explore the physics of radiation interaction with matter, dosimetry, detectors and instrumentation, software development, and more in the fields of particle physics, space radiation environment, and biomedical applications.
FromParticlePhysics to Space &Also to … BiomedicalApplications Patrícia Gonçalves, LIP/IST patricia@lip.pt
Particlesphysicstechnologies • ThephysicsofRadiationinteractionwithmatter • Dosimetry • Detectorsandinstrumentation • Software development • Detectorsimulation • Systemcontrol • data analysis • imagerecontruction • Beamlinesandaccelerators
RadiationEnvironment in the Solar System Galactic Cosmic Rays low flux but highly penetrating Solar Particle Events sporadic, intense & dangerous Radiation Belts high radiation dose protons & nuclei electrons & protons electrons , protons & ions
SpaceRadiationenvironmentandeffects • Radiationenvironment in spacedescriptionandstudy • Radiationdamage to systems, componentes andcrews: • Testingandmodeling • Radiationmeasurement • for spacecrafthousekeeping • for scientificpurposes: planetaryenvironments, mannedmissions, astrobiology …
JUICETheJupiterIcyMoons Explorer NextClass-L (Large) ESA Mission Synchrotronemissionobservations & data fromVoyagers, Pioneer , Galileo, Cassini
Jovian Rad-Hard Electron Monitor Proto-Flight Model ESA/ESTEC Contract 1-7560/13/NL/HB EFACEC,LIP, RUAG,PSI,IDEAS RADEM – a Radiation Monitor for the Jovian System • Electron detector: • spectral range 300 keV – 40 MeV, • peak flux 109 e/cm2/s • Proton and Heavy Ion detector: • spectral range 5 MeV – 250 MeV, • peak flux 108 p/cm2/s • Particle separation from Helium to Oxygen; LET spectra • Radiation hard,dose determination and alarm function LIP is in a consortium for phases B2, C and D, to develop, qualify and build RADEM PROTO-FLIGHT MODEL
Radiation Environment Modeling MarsREM: the Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Models LIP developed dMEREM, a Geant4 based model for the radiation environment on Mars, Phobos and Deimos, including local treatment of surface topography and composition, atmospheric composition and density (including diurnal + annual variations) and local magnetic fields. Inputs given as a function of latitude, longitude, in a 5 x 5 degree grid, and season. Example of dMEREM results: Particle radiation arriving on Mars surface after GCR-alpha interaction with atmosphere and soil 7
...it is possible ! It is possible to remain in Martian surface for some time with no serious risk for the astronauts! For longer permanences shelters are required... 28/06/2018 8
ESA JUICE mission • RADEM – Radiation Hard Electron Monitor • EEE component testing for Jovian environment LIP ESA contracts ESA Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Models • GEO Radiation Environment: • Radiation Environment Measurement (MFS) • EEE component test bed (CTTB)
RADIATION http://spaceweather.com/
Radiation BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS • Diagnostics • Treatment • R&D onnewdevicesandtechnologies
Therapy with hadrons • Proton/ion therapy • energetic protons/ions are produced in an accelerator • energetic protons/ions are directed at the tumor • Varying the energy of the protons/ions results in good deep control • Beam can be focused to the size of a pin • less damage to healthy tissue than electron or gamma therapy Source: Radiological Society of North America, Inc (http://www.radiologyinfo.org)
Therapywithhadrons therapeutic application of accelerators particle-based radiotherapy, including protons and heavy ions
MAster theses themes • Modelling of the Lunar Radiation Environment • Simulation of AlphaSat Radiation Environment and Effects Facility Component test bed and analysis of in-flight data • Radiation Effects in EEE components in Geostationatry Orbit • Simulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) induced damage on DNA molecules • Design and study of a tissue equivalent plastic dosimeter for applications in hadrotherapy and space • … patricia@lip.pt