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Understand the significance of water in plant life, its absorption through roots, and transmission through various plant parts. Explore the role of water in biochemical processes and plant temperature regulation.
وجعلنا من الماء كل شئ حي Water relations of the plant The importance of water in the plant life Water is one of the components of protoplasm (living material in the cell) and the major component of the bodies of the plant where the proportion of 70-90% of the fresh weight of the organism. He also works as a solvent in which many of the biochemical interactions of cost occur. And foodstuffs transmitted within cells in the case dissolved.
The water also organized a degree heat, where the plant absorbs the heat generated from the biochemical processes, and the evaporation of water from the roofs of the plant works to reduce Altaar output of the high rise in air temperature. Add to that the water is a key raw material for the civilian side of photosynthesis (building materials carbohydrate)
Water movement in plants 1-water absorption 2. rise wringer 3. transpiration Water absorption: There is water in the soil in more than one image (soil water sections): 1-Water gravity: Is the amount of water that leached from the soil after irrigation by gravity that after any rainfall or irrigation saturated surface layer of the soil and excess water seeps down by gravity. It is water that can not keep the soil and continue to leak until it becomes part of the groundwater.
2-water poetic: The soil keep water after a water nominated gravity between granules minute that you know of holes on the poetic form of thin films encapsulate granules of soil and fill the pores of small capillaries ( the water that benefit from the plant) 3-water Alheigroscopa (unrestricted): The soil keep or stick water with the soil around the granules minute (thin membrane adheres to soil particles move around in a liquid) does not lose this, but if the water temperature rose to 100-150 degrees Celsius (the water do not benefit from the plant).
Water absorption The absorption of water through the root (area capillaries root), where the spread of water to the root hairs due to be included in the water potential (the difference in the water effort between soil solution and capillaries) Any whenever water potential cellular juice cells to root more Salp for soil solution continues to water in access [and the increase in the concentration of the solvent in the cells will cause Salp more effort watery cellular juice and thereby increase the absorption.
Mechanical water transmission Absorbs water by root hairs then moves to the crust cells and control the water gradient movement in the water effort where transmitted from the cell high-voltage (less Salp) to low water potential (more Salbeh) until it reaches the skin of the Interior (endodermis) where is deposited on the wall of some cell material Alsobrin (known band Casper) Wimmer water from the crust to the cylinder through traffic vascular cells is opposite the receptacles in the root wood (wood is where the water passes and moves to different parts of the plant).
Xylem of the root is directly related to the fabric of the wood of the leg Vihrk water from the root of the leg, and branched wood several times to form a complex network of conductive tissue of the water and finally ending in the veins leaves (vascular bundles of the leaf). Water absorption occurs as a result of the activity of transpiration in the shoot. The fast moving columns of water that moves from the root leads to attract water from the soil into water potential cellular juice (more Salp) exceeded absorption.
The plant may absorption through the shoot (Vimits air humidity and dew water through the leaves). Mahrkh water depends mainly on the water potential after irrigation or rainfall, raising the value of water potential of the soil and become less Salp for values water potential in the filament root, Vihrk water from the soil for the first cell, leading to a rise in the value of the water effort of the cell (1) will move the water to the cell (2), and so on until it reaches the vascular cylinder
Water transmission or rise wringer: Water uptake by root climb to the different parts of the plant through the wood and then up to the leaves and spread the outside air to form water vapor (transpiration).
The forces that help to rise wringer: 1-Pressure root Is the pressure that arises in the wood elements as a result of the metabolic activity of the roots, and water moves to stem a result of root pressure and due to Osmosis generated as a result of the active absorption of salt roots (and the accumulation of dissolved into columns wood). If the rise of the water as a result of pressure root where the water rushes strongly as a result of the difference between the water in the soil and effort sap wood is happening
2- Tensile coherent theory (strength of cohesion and adhesion) Because polar enjoyed by a water molecule as composed of (H, O) has a charged surface, so the molecules of water are associated with each other any hold together, it's also relevant cohesion property or force contiguity between the water and the surfaces of other materials, and these qualities cohesion and adhesion of water works to water survival inside the vessels of wood in the form of a column is connected, which helps to raise the wringer up.
:3. The tensile strength resulting from transpiration Transpiration, contain water loss on the body of water vapor from plants surfaces exposed to the atmosphere through special holes (known stoma ). There is water inside the plant as a single unit the result (the forces of cohesion between molecules) and contiguity with the vessel walls, wooden, and as a result of transpiration arises forces tighten working to raise the wringer up ( as the water evaporates from the Central Textile cells of the leaves at least water potential (becomes more Salp) water move one cell to another is pulling down the cause.
Tensile and continues through the water column is constant lump (because of the characteristic cohesion and adhesion for water) from the leaves to the root . If [water loss => accumulation of dissolved and driven => absorption => water movement] Water moves from the water potential top (least negative) => to the water potential at least (most negative).
:3. Transpiration Water loss from the plant to the water vapor image Private Securities surfaces through stomata openings ( Stomatal transpiration ), and water vapor out through the skin covered cutin (dermis) is called (cuticular transpiration ), or by ( lenticular transpiration).
Stomata device: 1- Stomat 2- Guard Cell
The Guardian characterized cells from the rest of the epidermal cells, including the following: Jdergar regular thickening as Aljdralamusbandh to open the mouth more Thickening and less flexible and the rest of the wall thickness of less and more flexible, containing Chloroplast gap succulent large compared to the rest of the skin cells, and the cell size is smaller than the rest of the Guardian skin cells. Stomata working corridors through which gas exchange between the internal atmosphere of the paper and the outside air (Co2, O2, and water vapor), and relies on the open stomata pressure Guardian and helper cells is full, Opens Iigorand gap Alasar cells Guardian full terms of the rise in pressure leads to fullness => tighten the outer wall, which works to tighten the inner wall (thicker) causing Thdba leads to => Open the mouth.
This is because the change in pressure fullness effort to change the osmotic and this in turn depends on turning to starch => glucose and vice versa, and close Iigorand lost pressure fullness. Also open stomata in the light and shut down in the dark.
Factors that affect the rate of transpiration: 1- External environmental factors Humidity. Heat. Wind. Light. Latte soil affect the availability of water for the plant conditions (soil water accessibility)
2- Internal factors The internal structure of the leaves: such as mutation, the presence of thick dermis, leaf area, the installation of the stomata, in number, and their locations.
Guttation Exit or water lost in the forms liquid in the edges of the leaves get a more widespread in herbal plants, and water comes out of a special slots called (hydathodes) found on the edges of the leaves. . the water is not pure , but contains some salts and sugars