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Understanding Ethics: The Science of Human Conduct and Morality

Explore the various definitions and disciplines of ethics as a normative philosophy that establishes standards of human conduct. Dive into the relationship between morality and ethics, and their connection to other sciences like logic, psychology, sociology, and economics.

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Understanding Ethics: The Science of Human Conduct and Morality

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  1. Ethics

  2. etymology : Gk word ethicos, or that pertains to ethos the English translation of which is “custom” or “character”.

  3. Various definitions • Ethics is the practical science of the morality of human conduct. • Ethics is the philosophical science dealing with the morality of the human acts. • Ethics is the systematic study of human actions from the point of view of their rightness or wrongness as means for the achievement of ultimate happiness.

  4. Various definitions • Ethics is the normative science of the conduct of human beings living in societies – science which judges this conduct to be right or wrong, to be good or bad… • Ethics means a philosophical study of morality, of the foundation on which morality is based, and of the practical implications of a systematic moral outlook.

  5. Various definitions • Ethics is the normative science based on reason, which interprets specific and paramount facts, the elements of which are conduct and oughtness.

  6. Ethics as a philosophical science • it means that ethics is one of the disciplines in philosophy (critical study of fundamental beliefs)

  7. Disciplines of philosophy • Descriptive or Speculative Philosophy - What is the nature (essence or substance) of reality? (metaphysics) • Normative Philosophy - What is good and what is bad or what is right action or wrong action? • Practical Philosophy - reflects upon truth in relation to action (logic) • Critical Philosophy - What is truth? (epistemology)

  8. Ethics as a normative Philosophy • it systematically establishes standards or norms of human conduct • qualifies human conduct as to whether it is good or bad and right or wrong • requires definitive human conduct – requires man to act appropriately as man • ethics idealistically requires man to do what is good and what is right

  9. Morality of human act • refers to the goodness or the badness, the rightness or the wrongness of human acts. • Ethics is a normative philosophical science that deals with the goodness or badness, the rightness or the wrongness of human acts.

  10. Human acts (Montemayor) • Free voluntary acts of man • Acts done with knowledge and consent • Acts which are proper to man as man • Acts which we are conscious, are under our control which we are responsible • Are those of which man is master

  11. Elements of Human acts (babor) • Knowledge – the agent has the intellectual knowledge; agent has awareness of the means to employ in performing an act. • Freedom – agent does an act under the control of his will • Voluntariness – requires the presence of knowledge and freedom; willful act

  12. What is the difference between morality and ethics?

  13. Ethics Morality • Etymology : Greek word ethos meaning customs • theoretical science of good and bad or right and wrong actions • provides principles on the morality of human acts • equips man with a theoretical knowledge of the morality of human acts • ethics does not actually guarantee that man will be moral • One can only be moral when one applies ethics. • Latin word mos or moris also means custom

  14. ethics morality • provides principles or bases of right or wrong and good or bad actions • outlines theories of right or wrong and good or bad actions • actualizes the theory • translates these theories into real actions Morality is nothing else but a doing of ethics.

  15. Relation of ethics with other sciences • Ethics and Logic • Logic is the science of right thinking • Ethics is the science of right living • Both aim at rectitude: logic – right thinking; ethics right doing

  16. Relation of ethics with other sciences • Ethics and Psychology • Psychology is not interested in the morality of human behavior; studies how man behaves. • Ethics studies how man ought to behave; concerned with moral obligation

  17. Relation of ethics with other sciences • Ethics and Sociology • Sociology deals with human relations in a society • Ethics deals with moral order – social order; focus on the proper observance of moral laws and principles

  18. Relation of ethics with other sciences • Ethics and Economics • Economics deals with topics as wages, labor, production and distribution of wealth • Ethics deals with moral relations in business based on justice and charity.

  19. THANK YOU! 

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