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Hot Potatoes Interactive Learning Software

Explore the benefits of Hot Potatoes software for creating interactive exercises & providing immediate feedback to enhance learning. With this tool, learners can engage in self-paced learning, and teachers can customize exercises for classroom activities.

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Hot Potatoes Interactive Learning Software

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  2. What is Hot Potatoes? • Hot Potatoes was created by the Research and Development team at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre. • Hot Potatoes enables us to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises. You can add a reading text and timer included in this program.

  3. What is Hot Potatoes? • Hot Potatoes is free of charge for publicly funded, non-profit, educational users who make their pages available on the web. Other users must pay for a licence.

  4. Benefits to the learner by using Hot Potatoes The main difference between Hot Potatoes exercises and paper-based exercises is the immediate interactivity. For example, when using JQuiz, if you include useful, detailed feedback for every answer (correct and incorrect), then the learner not only has their existing knowledge tested but also learns as they work through the exercise. With a paper-based exercise they have to wait for for the teacher/trainer to mark it, (or check against a marking key). No teacher/trainer has the time to add helpful comments to all the correct and incorrect answers.

  5. Benefits to the learner by using Hot Potatoes In Short: • Interactive • Immediate feedback • Can be repeated • Independent learning • Own level • Can be regarded as a ‘fun’ way of learning

  6. Benefits to the teacher/trainer Exercises created with Hot Potatoes have great potential for classroom or self-access use. Hot Potatoes is often purely seen as a program for the teacher/trainer to create learning materials, but it can also be used with the learners to involve them in creating exercises. This of course depends upon the level of the learners, but JCross is a good place to start.

  7. Benefits to the teacher/trainer • Can accommodate different levels within one teaching group • Add variety to teaching/learning materials • Can be created with a specific target group in mind • Reduced marking • Reduced photocopying • Availability of resources • The same exercise can be used for individual learning, pair working or group activities .


  9. Create a gap-fill exercise Create a short-answer or multi-choice Quiz Create a match-up exercise Create an interactive crossword Create a jumbled-sentence exercise TYPES OF HOT POTATOES


  11. Create a short-answer or multi-choice Quiz First Click JQUIZ 1. JQuiz

  12. 1. JQuiz

  13. Type the title of the Quiz Type the question of the Quiz Give check point of your best choice 1. JQuiz Type the possible answers Type the feedback of the options

  14. Click this to EXPORT your project to Hot Pot Version 6 Web Page (F6) Save your project in a file! 1. JQuiz

  15. 1. JQuiz Click this to view the exercise in your web browser Click this to upload your file

  16. Save your project in a file! 1. JQuiz

  17. 1. JQuiz Click this box to view the quiz result!


  19. Save(5) Export to HTML(6) Title(1) Question(2) 1. JQuiz Up for more questions(4) Up for more answers Possible answers(3) (At least one)

  20. Suggested sequence (1) Key in the title. (2) Key in question. (3) Key in possible answer(s). (4) Press Up button for next question. Repeat (2) to (4) until end. (5) Press Save button to save. (6) Press Export button.

  21. Create a match-up exercise 2. JMatch

  22. Title The Questions Answers 2. JMatch

  23. Click to SAVE your project 2. JMatch

  24. 2. JMatch Click this to export your project to drag and drop web page

  25. 2. JMatch

  26. Click this to export your project to Hot Pot Version 6 2. JMatch

  27. 2. JMatch Click this to view your exercise

  28. 2. JMatch

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