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Develops a reliable stochastic model for Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) sensors, integrating behavioral drift compensation for accurate detection of moving individuals indoors, facilitating autonomous living. Employs experimental calibration to enhance detection probability by considering movement speed, direction, and distance from sensor. Conclusions emphasize model robustness and optimization for sensor placement. Future directions include sensor fusion to bolster dependability and fault tolerance implementations.
An Improved PIR Sensors Model for Indoor People Activity Detection Fabio Salice Politecnico di Milano - DEIB Sara Comai, Matteo Matteucci, Hassan Saidinejad and Fabio Veronese
BRIDGe FRAMEWORK Behavioral Drift Identification and Compensation - BRIDGe Behavioral Finger Print Identification Mutual Reassurance for Autonomous and Independent Living • BRIDGe Project • Behaviour Drift Compensation for Autonomous and Independent Living • CRAiS: one out of five CTVAI (centroterritoriale per la vita autonoma e indipendente) of RegioneLombardia • ATG: Assistive Technology Group • Interdisciplinary
GOAL • User activities detection through wireless Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) • PIR stochastic characterization • Stochastic model, experimentally calibrated for the detection of a moving person, which takes into account also speed, direction of movement, and distance from the sensing element. • Effect of PIR placement and interaction.
PREVIUOS WORKS • Simple model: deterministic model where activation is “1” if a person crosses the sensible area (detection range) • It ignores the speed of movement of the person, the distance from the sensitive element, the emission area of the person and the period of insensitivity • Cornel Model: experimental approach where the detection distance is a function of the other parameters • Habib Model: • probability of detecting an event at point p by sensor si • β physical parameter • 2 ≤ α ≤ 4 (equal to 2 in free-space), • δ(,) Euclidean distance between the si and the object. P(p, si) = {e-βδ(p,si)α if δ(p,si)≤r; 0 otherwise}
SINGLE PIR MODEL • Proposed PIR model: combination of a geometric model and a motion model. • The geometric model: • the maximum detection angle (field of view), • the discretization of the detection angle into sectors, • the detection depth with its discretization into traces. • Example: wall-mounted
SINGLE PIR MODEL • Proposed PIR model: combination of a geometric model and a motion model. • The motion model: • the direction of the movement (radial or tangential) • the user speed • four intervals representing the average behavior of people during their daily life (i.e., slow movement, slow steps, normal step and quick steps).
SINGLE PIR MODEL • Each elementary geometric area is characterized by a probability to detect a movement with respect to the movement direction and speed. • Example: wall-mounted - radial detection
SINGLE PIR MODEL • Arbitrary motion detection – • 1 detector • K detectors • Example - 3 detectors Pics = P||ics (1-|sin(βc)|)+Pics |sin(βc)| Pcs = 1 - j=1..k (1-Pjcs) Detection probability with 3 sensors with motion at an angle of 45°, for each motion model
SINGLE PIR MODEL • Arbitrary motion detection – 1 detector • Arbitrary motion detection – K detectors Pics = P||ics (1-|sin(βc)|)+Pics |sin(βc)| Example: Probability of detection at an angle of 45° Pcs = 1 - j=1..k (1-Pjcs)
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS • Two different Z-Wave Sensor • Everspring SP814-1 • Fibaro FGMS-001 V2.4 • Experiments: • A fixed point in the room • 25 measurements for the four speed models, along 4 directions (0°, 45°, 90° , 135°) • A total of 400 measures for each point. • Figure of merit: • Ai exp : experimental average detection activity • Pi mod : detection probability from the model. =i=1..4|Ai exp – Pimod|
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS • Everspring – SP814-1 • FIBARO Motion Sensors • Note: in bothcasesis an under estimation
CONCLUSIONS • The stochastic model is reliable • The model allows the design of PIR positioning to maximize the people indoor detection probability • Usable also for coarse grain localization • Future works: sensors fusion to implement dependable solutions • Fault detection and toleration
GRAZIE PER L’ATTENZIONE • Il lavoro è statoparzialmentefinanziato dalprogettoADALGISARegioneLombardia • CUP: E68F13000360009