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Proven Methodology for SharePoint & Documentum Implementation

Learn how to successfully implement Microsoft SharePoint and EMC Documentum by aligning business requirements with the right strategies and technologies.

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Proven Methodology for SharePoint & Documentum Implementation

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  1. A Proven Methodology for Implementing Microsoft SharePoint & EMC Documentum MT Mohen IIG

  2. Michael Mohen Twitter - @mmohen Michael.Mohen@emc.comChief Architect, IIG Professional Services HELLO M Y N A M E I S NameRole & Responsibility

  3. Session Abstract Learn how to make your ECM and Microsoft SharePoint deployments more successful by leveraging a proven methodology for the alignment of business requirements with the right implementation strategies and technologies. In this session, we will outline a proven approach for assessing current project status and planning next steps to ensure you deliver the best value for you organization.

  4. Best of Both Worlds?

  5. Best of Both Worlds?

  6. What we want - Seamless Access for SharePoint • Complete SharePoint fidelity • Easy and secure access to centrally managed content • Leverage advanced ECM functionality • One-click search across Documentum • Rapid deployment across enterprise • Leverage advanced BPM functionality • Compliance through Record Management integration • Solution Development Kit for custom integrations/solutions • Accelerate development for custom solutions

  7. Enterprise Perspective Collaboration Transactional Operational Attributes Process Enablement / Automation Process / Application Examples • Small number/team • Very high touch(knowledge workers) • Limited structure • Millions++/day • Low touch • Highly structured process • Relational data-centric • Tens of thousands/day • Some touch • Structured process desirable • Document-centric • Activities (cases) • ‘White space’ apps • Projects • Tasks, initiatives • Transactions • Financial, CRM, ERP • Project management • Collaboration tools • Ad hoc processes • Generic workflows • Packaged applications • (Oracle, MS, SAP) Documentum

  8. Common Integration Challenges Records Management Digital Shredding Locks and Holds Retention Policies DoD 5015.12 ACL MACL IRM Links Groups Users Kerberos SAML Workflow Quick Flow Business Process WWF Send to Distribution Lists BPEL Compliance Security Workflow xForms InfoPath High fidelity forms Adobe XML Office Forms Content Enterprise Content Types Metadata and Navigation Document Sets Multi-stage Disposition Audio and Video Content Types Remote Blob Storage List Enhancements Search Social Relevance Phonetic Search Navigation FAST Integration Enhanced Pipeline


  10. Adding Advanced ECM Capabilities EMC Captiva for Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint EMC My Documentum Repository Services for SharePoint EMC SharePoint DocumentumFramework (SDF) EMC My DocumentumSharePoint EMC Documentum Platform EMC Documentum Extensions

  11. EMC Approach to ECM and SharePoint Success STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 Capture Business Objectives Identify ECM Scenarios & Constraints Inventory Content & Processes Evaluate Infrastructure & Capabilities Ongoing Guidance & Review Develop & Review Execution Strategy Guides Needs Assessment, Execution, Reduces Risk… Aligns products, services and frameworks for success…

  12. Establishing Key Objectives and Metrics Focus: STEP 1 IT Optimization Business Consolidation Benefits to Features Map New Business Capability Process Optimization Taxonomy Consolidation/Optimization Capture Business Objectives

  13. Benefits Map ECSF Benefits Minimise Total Cost Of Ownership Process Compliance Rapidly Deployed To Users Common Solution For The Business Simplify Way of Working Information Compliance ECSF Requirements Defined Extension Model Fully Supported By EMC Configurable Document Distribution Enforced Information Architecture Devolved Business Configuration Standard Access Control Model ECSF Functions Plug In Framework Document Role Based Access Control Centralised Document Template Management Folder Role Based Access Control Folder Governance Document Business Context Configuration Import & Export Simple Document Distribution Folder Business Context Line Of Business Specific Configuration ECSF Features Folder Templates & Types Pick List Management Security Profiles Document Templates & Types Auditing Auto Attach Lifecycles To Folders & Documents Repository Configuration File (RCF) Containment Primed Folders Attribute Inheritance

  14. Leverage Scenario Profiles to Accelerate Project Definition and Delivery Captured Scenarios: STEP 2 Content Acquisition Records Management Content Discovery Repos. Manageability Collaboration Content-centric Process Information Archiving Define a Playbook Identify ECM Scenarios & Constraints

  15. Evaluate Maturity and Identify Key Content Resources for the Project Asses: STEP 3 Content scope and type Automation level Process maturity New requirements Critical priorities Inventory Content & Processes

  16. Develop an Infrastructure Readiness Plan Focus: STEP 4 SharePoint instances Customization levels Delivery model Primary platforms/systems IT Knowledge levels Licensing & maintenance costs Growth Optimization Centralized/Federated Repository Evaluate Infrastructure & Capabilities

  17. Conservative Model Sharepoint Only $43,081,016.00 Documentum and Sharepoint $27,778,308.00 Net Savings over 3 Years with DCTM $14,302,708.00 Middle Model Sharepoint Only $51,414,328.00 Documentum and Sharepoint $31,997,316.00 Net Savings over 3 years with DCTM $19,417,012.00 Aggressive Model Sharepoint Only $71,059,995.00 Documentum and Sharepoint $41,975,132.00 Net Savings over 3 Years with DCTM $29,084,863.00 Total Infrastructure Investment Over 3 Years

  18. Total Program Investment - Payback Times Documentum with Sharepoint Sharepoint Only Return on Investment: Conservative model: 22.8 months Middle Model: 21.9 months Aggressive Model: 20.1 months

  19. ROI for Conservative Model Net Savings over 3 Years: $14,302,708.00

  20. ROI for Middle Model Net Savings over 3 Years: $19,417,012.00

  21. ROI for Aggressive Model Net Savings over 3 Years: $29,084,863.00

  22. Developing a Delivery Strategy Focus: STEP 5 Business return Products SharePoint integration Framework Partners On-premise, Private Cloud, Public, Private Hosted Proof of Concept (POC) Develop &Review ExecutionStrategy

  23. The SDF is comprised of three major components, they include - DataServices WebParts The SDK DataServices WWF Integration IRM Integration MCL (Move, Copy and Link) Event Listener, InfoPath Content Mapper SDF Components

  24. WebParts WebParts Browse, BAM, Search, Advanced Search (includes saved search), Inbox, Tasks, Workflow, History, Administration, Subscriptions, My Documents, User Management and Properties WebParts can be modified and extended Security can be at the WebPart level RM Integration The SDK C# based, leverages DFS and DFSX SDF Components cont …

  25. SharePoint Documentum Framework (SDF) Data Services WebParts SDK WWF Integration Browse BAM .Net DLLs C# based Search Advanced Search IRM Integration Inbox Tasks MCL (Move, Copy and Link) Workflow History DFS DFSX CMIS* REST* Administration Event Listener, InfoPath My Documents Subscriptions Content Mapper User Management and Properties Contextual* Wikis and Blogs* Publishing xCP 2.0* xDB and xPlore*

  26. Governance Requirements and Objectives Ongoing: STEP 6 Business results Product capabilities Maturity monitoring Iterative enhancements Core Governance Ongoing Guidance & Review

  27. Information Architecture Provisioning Governance • Lifecycles • Workflow • Business Process • Linking • Searching • Content Actions • ACL • Meta-data • Site Provisioning • WebParts deployment • Site and Site Collection Management • Auditing • SSO • Records • Mapping • Compliance Standards • Security • IRM SharePoint & Documentum To integrate both platforms successfully, there is a need for a solid Information Architecture, Provisioning and Governance model

  28. Leverage Proven ECM Delivery Methodology Initiate, Plan, Execute, Control & Close Tier 1 Project Management Framework Plan Do Milestones & Deliverables Act Check Run selected project Tier 2 Project Types Can extend for specific solutions or offerings (EPFM, IG Maturity Assessment Study, etc.) through investments and by harvesting & genericising selected projects for re-use A B C SBS Governance Tier 3 Practice Materials Ad hoc proposals/ projects could create ‘mash-ups’ of available WPs. New Project Types can avoid reinventing wheels by re-using some WPs.

  29. Extending Microsoft SharePoint SHAREPOINTADOPTION Microsoft SharePoint is an extremely successful ad-hoc collaboration and basic content management broadly deployed due to it’s nature and licensing SHAREPOINTGAPS Choice computing, advanced content management and GRC, business process support, and centralized management SharePoint consolidation and manageability, extend for advanced enterprise content management, B2B team collaboration SHAREPOINTOPPORTUNITES EMC’s portfolio of products embraces and extends SharePoint for the use cases that require SharePoint, and provides robust mission critical functionalityfor more advanced use cases DOCUMETUM ECMVALUE PROVEN METHODOLOGY Comprehensive needs based methodology designed to overcome SharePoint gaps to ensure customer success

  30. This presentation is also available at www.momentumeurope.compassword: spree

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