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Strategy for Sustainable Development of National Statistical System

Learn about the strategy focused on reducing respondents' burden, improving data quality, and enhancing IT integration within the National Statistical System of Bulgaria. The project aims to streamline statistical activities and promote international cooperation while boosting confidence in official statistics.

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Strategy for Sustainable Development of National Statistical System

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  1. Dr. GerganaMihaylova Deputy President of the NSI September 8 , 2009 Twinning project BG 06/018-343.08.04 (BG 06/IB/FI/01) Sustainable Development of the National Statistical System Strategy for reducing the respondents’ burden

  2. The NSS carries out activities on: collecting, processing, analyzing and storing of statistical data provision and dissemination of statistical information in the country The NSS is composed of the National Statistical Institute (NSI) Bodies of Statistics and the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) The NSI plays the leading methodological and coordinating role Statistical activity is regulated in: Law on statistics EU regulations in the field of statistics Vision, principles and priorities for development of the NSS - Strategy for Development of the NSS of the Republic of Bulgaria 2008-2012 National Statistical System (NSS)

  3. Reducing the respondents’ burden Improvement of statistical information quality Improvement of statistical information storage and dissemination Speeded implementation of new ICT and integration of IT activities within the NSS Development of human resources and improvement of labour conditions Development of European partnership and international cooperation Achievement of more effective interaction and coordination within the NSS Promotion of confidence in official statistics Priorities for the NSS development

  4. It is related to the obligations of business and citizens to provide primary data to the NSS Reducing the respondents’ burden will be achieved mainly by: Wider use of administrative data sources (administrative registers and information systems of other institutions) Improving efficiency of the statistical tools Reducing the respondents’ burden is in accordance with the Programme of reducing the administrative burden on businesses, led by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism Reducing the respondents’ burden

  5. Measuring the respondents’ burden Usage of administrative sources Coordination between NSI, National Revenue Agency, National Social Security Institute, BNB, Ministry of Finance and other institutions Improving efficiency of the statistical tools Modernization of methods and technology for data collection Development of human resources and technical infrastructure Action plan for reducing the respondents’ burden

  6. Development of a methodology for measuring the respondents’ burden - definition of the elements constituting the burden on respondents Implementation of regular measurement of burden (a policy to reduce the burden, additional questions to measure the burden) Measuring the respondents’ burden

  7. Access to individual data in all administrative registers for statistical purposes (Law on Statistics, Article 29 (2) Continuous monitoring of the used methodologies and changes of the national registers and information systems Evaluation of possibilities to use data from registers Usage of administrative data sources for: production of concrete statistical indicators combining with statistical surveys data Improvement of the methodology of statistical surveys Improving and updating the Statistical Business Register (combining information about economic agents from different administrative sources) Usage of administrative sources and new technologies in Census 2011 Usage of administrative sources

  8. Development of means for coordination of activities on building-up, maintaining and using administrative sources for statistical purposes Implementation of contemporary information and communication technologies for data exchange between the NSI, the Bodies of Statistics and the institutions maintaining administrative sources Reviewing and updating the existing agreements with other institutions that administer information systems and registers as well as concluding new agreements Establishment of interinstitutional working groups to include data for statistical purposes to the existing registers Joining the efforts of NSI, NSSI and the NRA to relieve the burden on businesses in the submission of information on tax obligations Cooperation between the Ministry of Finance, BNB and NSI as regards the collection, processing and production of statistical information relating to the notification tables, financial and non-financial accounts for general government (signing of a new Memorandum of Cooperation) Coordination between NSI, NRA, NSSI, BNB, MF and other institutions

  9. Statistical samples – provision of a minimum number of participation of respondents in the statistical surveys Management and review of the statistical tools forms and questionnaires methodology of statistical surveys administrative sources definitions and classifications (extension of metadata published on the website of NSI) The various forms of collecting primary information Combination of data from different statistical surveys in production of concrete statistical indicators Examination of the terms of provision of business data (complying statistics with the general system of accounting, financial and tax reporting) Examination of the adequacy of the statistical surveys and information collected (in terms of legal requirements and users demand) Improving efficiency of the statistical tools

  10. Main directions: online entry of statistical information in the field of business statistics, extending the use of electronic questionnaires (culture, agriculture, etc.) modern methods of computer-assisted interviewing Simplification of forms and development of detailed instructions testing the forms (perception, information quality, comprehensibility) accessibility to electronic forms through the Internet site of the NSI (by groups of respondents) Public presentation of the statistical activity - better public relations, feedback from participants in the surveys Building new statistical registers (statistical register of housing, statistical register of education) Development of existing and elaboration of new information systems (social statistics, integration of data collected from various sources) Modernization of methods and technology for data collection

  11. Continuous training of staff in order to improve its qualification in the field of statistics and information technologies Introduction of unified tools for data processing, standard statistical packages Development of information and communication technologies (different ways of implementing the exchange of data between institutions and within the NSI) Renovation of the technically outdated technical equipment Development of human resources and technical infrastructure

  12. Thank you for your attention!

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