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Mold damage remediation can be very expensive. Be sure to have a professional document that you have mold as a result of the property damage you incurred. In many cases, your insurance company will not check for mold. Mold can cause serious illness and property damage. Mold contamination can also destroy your property and contents.
MOLD DAMAGE Molddamageremediationcanbeveryexpensive.Besuretohaveaprofessional documentthatyouhavemoldasaresultofthepropertydamageyouincurred.Inmany cases,yourinsurancecompanywillnotcheckformold.Moldcancauseseriousillness andpropertydamage.Moldcontaminationcanalsodestroyyourpropertyandcontents. 01 Take mold contamination seriously. Molds grow best in environments that are warm, damp and humid – conditions which perfectly describes life in South Florida. 11 Report any unfair claim handling. If mold is discovered, remove all persons with health problems out of the property. And do not eat, drink or smoke near the affected area. 02 Make sure you know all the deadlines that may cut off your right to file a lawsuit. 10 INSURANCE CLAIM TIPS FOR MOLD DAMAGE Contact Claims Pro USA immediately to review your insurance policy and to begin filing your insurance claim. 03 Get professional help if you need it! Claims Pro USA can help with all aspects of mold damage insurance claims. 09 04 Act quickly! Locate a mold remediation professional. Do not attempt to tackle the problem yourself. Research your insurance company’s contractor before allowing them to do repairs. 08 Protect your property from any further damage, but do not make any permanent repairs. Determine if the cause of mold damage can be linked to any water damage. 05 07 06 Document your loss and damaged property as thoroughly as possible. LicensedbytheStateofFloridatoprovideinsuranceclaimexpertiseandleveltheplayingfield betweentheinsuredandinsurancecarrierduringtheinsuranceclaimprocess.ClaimsProUSAprides themselvesongettingeveryinsured,thecompensationtheydeservefortheirloss.Regardlessofthe typeofloss,ClaimsProUSAwillbetheretosupportyouthroughtheprocess.Wetreateachproperty insuranceclaimasifitwereourown.LetClaimsProUSAtakethepainoutofyourinsuranceclaim!