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Bursary and Scholarship Resume. Before You Begin. There isn’t much difference between a work resume and a bursary resume. Bursary resumes will focus more on academic achievements and school and community activities rather than work experience. Both types of resumes will:
Before You Begin There isn’t much difference between a work resume and a bursary resume. Bursary resumes will focus more on academic achievements and school and community activities rather than work experience. Both types of resumes will: Be easy to read (print size & font style) Be well organized – subheadings and bullets Be 1 – 2 pages in length
Before You Begin Place your name, address and phone number at the top of the page. You can include your email address if you wish. Only include subheadings for which you have information or experience. Eliminate the other subheadings. Get your parents to help you recall information such as volunteer activities. Only use activities for grades 10, 11 and 12 unless you have been continually participating for several years.
To Start Name, address and phone number should be prominently displayed. Subtitle: Career Pathway Explain where you would like to continue your education, field of study and your ultimate career goal. Subtitle: Education Identify the name of your high school and expected year of graduation.
Example Your name & contact information Subheadings should be highlighted (bold print) Resume Layout DAVID JONES 1500 Malahat Ave Courtenay, BC V9N 2Z4 (250) 334-1000 Educational Pathways My goal is to attend North Island College for two years before transferring to the University of Victoria. The area... Education Mark R. Isfeld Secondary Graduating June 20##
Academic Achievements Include: All awards Honour Roll standing Grade point average (GPA) Math competitions Science Fair Special programs or classes taken outside of regular school
Academic Achievements Place the most recent information first. If more than one achievement in a given year, list the most important one first. If some achievements span several years, put the longest term achievements that are still current first.
Example Most recent information goes first. Academic Achievements Education Mark R. Isfeld Secondary Graduating June 20## Awards and Honours Received 2013 Mark R. Isfeld Secondary Community Service Award Comox Valley Festival of the Arts, Gold place in Piano Solo 2012 Most Improved Athlete in Physical Education Award 2011 Comox Valley Heritage Society, painting selected to appear in exhibition 2011-13 Passport to Education recipient
Extra Curricular - Athletic Achievements Include: All awards Team memberships Organizing of events Helping with events – at school & community Group by sport or activity. Within each grouping, begin with the most recent achievement or activity.
Extra Curricular - Art Achievements Include all involvement: drama music dance art Follow the same suggestions as Athletic Achievements.
Example Extra Curricular - Athletic/Arts Achievements You only need to place the date once for several activities done at the same time Extra Curricular Activities 2013 Rainbow Youth Theatre, role of Rolfe in “Sound of Music” production 2012-13 Mark R. Isfeld Secondary, Football team 2011-13 Mark R. Isfeld Secondary, Volleyball team Mark R. Isfeld Secondary, Senior Jazz Band 2006-13 Private piano lessons
School and Community Involvement School membership in: clubs Student Council (government) school volunteer experiences
School and Community Involvement Include community memberships: community groups church groups other volunteer activities in which you have been involved that did not take place at your school site (e.g. Volunteer firefighter, United Way Youth Committee, summer day camps)
Example Continue to place most recent items first. School and Community Involvement Be sure to line up your columns. The TAB key is important. School and Community Involvement 2011-13 Mark R. Isfeld Secondary Interact Club 2012 Counter Attack Road Sense Club, assisted with coordination of trauma room for Vancouver Island Conference. 2010-12 Mark R. Isfeld Environmental Club, assisted in petitioning t save local green space and planting trees in community parks. 2009 Puntledge River Hatchery Tour (elementary school field trip project)
Work Experience Include paid or volunteer experiences from summer or continuing positions. Once again, begin with the most recent activities.
Example Be sure to leave a space between the subheading and the information that follows. Work Experience Also leave a space before adding another subheading Work Experience 2011-13 McDonalds Restaurant, cashier 2011-13 Kids Fest volunteer 2010-11 Courtenay Recreation Centre, Summer Kids in the Park Camp 2009-11 Babysitting
Skills and Attributes This can be broken down into several areas if needed. (e.g. Typing, Languages, Computer Skills) Focus on strengths and positive qualities that enhance who you are and give insight to your character. Sample adjective terms to consider: Organized, attentive to detail, dependable, excellent memory, outgoing, positive demeanor, strong verbal and written communication skills, able to work effectively as a team player, etc.
Seminars / Conferences Attended Record any seminar or conference attended – in or out of town. Examples: Career Fair P.A.R.T.Y. Program World Host Program Red Cross Training Food Safe
Interests List some areas that are of interest, hobbies or past-times. Examples: classic cars martial arts gardening horseback riding
References Select 3 people who know you well. (Teachers, coaches, instructors, family friends, etc.) Do NOT include parents or other relatives. Also do NOT include anyone who is not an adult Be sure to ask them if they are willing to be your reference. You will need their contact information (full name, address and phone number)
Example References Be sure to ask if a person will be a reference before adding them to your resume. References Mrs. Kathleen Smith, Piano Teacher #100 – 1000 Noel Ave. Comox, BC V8M 1Z2 (250) 339-0000 Constable Huxley, School Liaison Officer RCMP Courtenay Detachment 1000 Ryan Road Courtenay, BC V9N 1Z2 (250) 338-0000 Ms. HedyFixit, Counsellor Mark R. Isfeld Secondary 1551 Lewick Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9B5 (250)334-2428
Resume Styles Check the Internet to look at a variety of styles. Just be sure to keep your resume easy to read. Some websites to look at: http://loftresumes.com http://graphicriver.net/item/resumes-5-pack/44004?WT.ac=search_item&WT.seg_1=search_item&WT.z_author=tulern24 http://www.google.ca/search?q=sample+resume&hl=en&tbo=u&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-SearchBox&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=7yO9ULn6KYK1iwKL1oH4CA&ved=0CEcQsAQ&biw=1272&bih=836#hl=en&tbo=d&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-SearchBox&tbm=isch&q=sample+student+resume&revid=2078471965&sa=X&ei=ICS9UP_CKYSGjAKBpYD4BA&ved=0CF0QgxY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=7bf19b4e4c8c7416&bpcl=39314241&biw=1272&bih=836
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