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Catherine Tedder 8-30-12. Honesty. Abstract Analogy. Honest : Lying :: Love : Hate. http://ww.bing.com/ims/search?q=honesty&view=detail&id=DD842C14684DD2A41BDAAAF7FC7031B60B0260A1. Collage. Personal experience.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Catherine Tedder 8-30-12 Honesty

  2. Abstract Analogy Honest : Lying :: Love : Hate

  3. http://ww.bing.com/ims/search?q=honesty&view=detail&id=DD842C14684DD2A41BDAAAF7FC7031B60B0260A1http://ww.bing.com/ims/search?q=honesty&view=detail&id=DD842C14684DD2A41BDAAAF7FC7031B60B0260A1 Collage

  4. Personal experience Have you ever told a lie and regretted it? If you haven't then you aren't a human. Telling lies can back fire very quickly. I hadn't studied for a test in history and I told my Mommom that I did. She had offered to help me study but I refused. The next day was the test. Failing it was horrible, I only got two questions right. My Mommom was really mad. The consequence was me getting grounded; I should have told the truth.

  5. Honest Open to the truth Not lying Every word is honestSpeaking the truth Truth Yes to what is right

  6. Definition Honesty [ˈɒnɪstɪ] npl-ties1. the condition of being honest 2. sincerity or fairness 3.Archaic virtue or respect 4. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Plants) a purple-flowered SE European plant, Lunaria annua, cultivated for its flattened silvery pods, which are used for indoor decoration: family Brassicaceae (crucifers) Also called moonwortsatinpod

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