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Ethnic Minorities & Sport

Ethnic Minorities & Sport. Wk 18. Race Ethnicity Genetic Nature V’s Nurture Deprivation Disproportionate Predisposed Social mobility. BUZZ WORDS. Stacking Centrality Gladiator Vs businessman Social mobility Stereotyping Deprivation Role models. Definitions.

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Ethnic Minorities & Sport

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  1. Ethnic Minorities & Sport Wk 18 Contemp Studies yr 12

  2. Race Ethnicity Genetic Nature V’s Nurture Deprivation Disproportionate Predisposed Social mobility BUZZ WORDS • Stacking • Centrality • Gladiator Vs businessman • Social mobility • Stereotyping • Deprivation • Role models Contemp Studies yr 12

  3. Definitions • Race: based on physical characteristics e.g. skin colour • Racism: belief that you are superior because of your racial group e.g. Nazism • Ethnicity: cultural beliefs e.g. religion, lifestyle • ‘Black’: refers to people of African origin • Racial discrimination:_______________ Contemp Studies yr 12

  4. Why are none of the sprinters in this picture white? Contemp Studies yr 12

  5. Myths & stereotypes: superior athletes • Black athletes make the best sprinters • Black athletes make the best marathon runners • Black athletes are better at basketball than whites • Black athletes are poor swimmers • Blacks are natural jumpers Contemp Studies yr 12

  6. Nature V’s Nurture Genetics V’ Socialisation (culture) Thorpeedo!! Contemp Studies yr 12 Eddie the Eel!

  7. Some UK facts • 50% of the UK athletics team is black • 1/3 of English football teams are black • Over 50% of British boxing champs are black • Every major Olympic record in events ranging from the 100m to marathon is currently held by athletes of African origin. Contemp Studies yr 12

  8. Is it GENETIC? (Kenyan tribe) • For years scientists have assumed that all everyone from the same race was made from the same genetic make-up and therefore predisposed to taking part in certain sport & certain positions in a sport! This is not the case Contemp Studies yr 12

  9. Coakley pg 264 American football data Contemp Studies yr 12

  10. Why the Unbalance? • So why do you think there are a disproportionate amount of black athletes defensive positions in American football? • Why are there a disproportionate amount of black athletes involved in sprinting? • Black athlete have traditionally come from poorer background and have excelled in sports requiring no expensive equipment. Is this a valid reason. Contemp Studies yr 12

  11. Under representation • Although black athletes dominate sports such as sprinting and basketball, they are grossly under represented in sports such as • Golf • Tennis • Cycling • Swimming Contemp Studies yr 12

  12. Contemp Studies yr 12

  13. So why get into sport • To escape social deprivation • Discrimination in the work place • To get an education • Fame & fortune Contemp Studies yr 12

  14. Stacking and Centrality (refer to sheet) • Stacking: concept whereby black people are guided into certain sports and positions which are associated with strength rather than intelligence. • Centrality: Black people are hugely under represented in positions of management, coaching and positions that require intelligence, on and off the field e.g. few black football managers. Contemp Studies yr 12

  15. Role Models • When black athletes do break into traditionally white sports e.g. golf and tennis they receive huge media coverage and endorsement deals. • Tiger Woods • Williams sisters • They are used as role models to encourage more ethnic minorities into the sport, but does it work in practice? Contemp Studies yr 12

  16. Gladiator Vs Businessman • This hi-light the disproportionate amount of black managers/ coaches etc in comparison to the number of black athletes. • Suggest some reasons for this under representation. Contemp Studies yr 12

  17. Gladiator Vs Businessman Contemp Studies yr 12

  18. How Discrimination Effects Upward Mobility • Presumption that white have superior intellect i.e. these jobs are more suited to whites. • Black athletes have not been in the system long enough. • White culture holding onto the top jobs • Limited to what sport they play • Opposition from current ‘top dogs’ Contemp Studies yr 12

  19. Education • Given grants to top schools if they are good athletes (but not necessarily intellectual) • Sporting talents sometimes take preference over academic studies Contemp Studies yr 12

  20. High numbers of Black Footballers • High proportion of black people in urban areas/ football areas • Less discrimination amongst football talent spotters • Campaign to encourage participation • Chance to climb the social ladder • Inner city football schemes • Development facilities in inner city areas Contemp Studies yr 12

  21. Racism / Anti Racism Campaigns • Treating someone unfairly / unequally because of the colour of their skin. • England V’s Spain game 2005 • Kick racism out of sport • 2005 anti racism campaign (black & white wrist bands) Contemp Studies yr 12

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