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Did you know that ?

Did you know that ?. Subject: English Teacher: A.Petkoska Students: Antonio Manasievski, Nadica Josifoska, Nikolina Micoska. Contents. 1. World’s tallest tower 2. The 7 wonders of the world 3. World’s littlest country 4. The exact duration of one year 5. The speed of the light

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Did you know that ?

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  1. Did you know that ? • Subject: English • Teacher: A.Petkoska • Students: Antonio Manasievski, Nadica Josifoska, Nikolina Micoska.

  2. Contents 1. World’s tallest tower 2. The 7 wonders of the world 3. World’s littlest country 4. The exact duration of one year 5. The speed of the light 6. Did you know that women invented programming

  3. Cost of construction: reportedly about $US1.5 billion It required 330,000 cubicmetres of concrete, 39,000 tonnes of steel, and 22 million man-hours. Concrete pumped into walls vertically, up to a height of 601 metres. This feat beat the previous record of 470 metres, achieved for the Taipei 101 building. World's tallest tower

  4. The 7 Wonders of the World • The Great Pyramid of Giza • Hanging Gardens of Babylon • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus • Statue of Zeus at Olympia • Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus • Colossus of Rhodes • Lighthouse of Alexandria

  5. World littlest country • The world littlest sobrean stats is the Vatican City, with only 1000 inhabitants and 0.44Km² of extension. Is the state where is hosted the Holy See, the central government of the Roman Catholic Church.

  6. The exact duration of one year • The exact duration of one year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. In summary, it is as 365 days and a quarter. For this reason, every four years we have a leap year, of 366 days. Also, to correct the inaccuracy of 365 days and a quarter, some years that should be leap are not it.

  7. The speed of the light • The exact speed of the light, in the emptiness, is of 299.792.458 meters per second (m/s), although is common to round it to 300.000Km/s. This value is known as “c", from Latin “celéritas”, that means speed.

  8. Did you know that women invented programming? • The world’s first programmers of an electronic computing machine (the ENIAC) were a group of women (mathematicians): Kay Mauchley Antonelli, Jean Jennings Bartik, Frances E. Snyder Holberton, Marlyn Wescoff Meltzer, Frances Bilas Spence, and Ruth Lichterman Teitelbaum. These women use to manually do the math to calculate missiletrajectory.

  9. Resources Text: Slide 1: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-news/worlds-tallest-tower-did-you-know--20100105-lrox.html Slide 2: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/history/seven-7-wondres-world.html Slide 3: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/geography/world-littlest-country.html Slide 4: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/science/exact-duration-of-one-year.html Slide 5: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/science/light-speed.html Slide 6: http://gracehopper.org/2007/news/women-invented-programming/

  10. Resources Images: Slide 1: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-news/worlds-tallest-tower-did-you-know--20100105-lrox.html Slide 2: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/history/seven-7-wondres-world.html Slide 3: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/geography/world-littlest-country.html Slide 4: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/science/exact-duration-of-one-year.html Slide 5: http://www.curiouscuriosities.com/curiosities/science/light-speed.html Slide 6: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/files/www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/nodes/3011/c20080918_pair_programming.jpg

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