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Postclassical Period

Postclassical Period. New Faith and New Commerce ~Intensification of Exchange & the Nomads Last Hurrah~. Periodization…up to interpretation. ________________ 610 CE. 618 CE ________________ . ________________ 661 CE. 750 CE ________________. ________________ 800 CE.

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Postclassical Period

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Postclassical Period New Faith and New Commerce ~Intensification of Exchange & the Nomads Last Hurrah~

  2. Periodization…up to interpretation

  3. ________________ 610 CE 618 CE ________________ ________________ 661 CE 750 CE ________________ ________________ 800 CE 945 CE ________________ ________________ 1000 CE 1054 CE ________________ ________________ 1096 CE 1127 CE ________________ ________________ 1200s CE ________________ ________________ 1300s CE ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 1433 CE ________________ 1453 CE

  4. Demographics & Movement • Trade • Gender Roles • Belief Systems • Political organization Themes to Consider

  5. Compare the Umayyad & Abbasid Caliphates. • Analyze the changes and continuities in the role of Christianity in Western Europe. • Compare Byzantium & Tang-Song China. • Analyze the changes and continuities in the role of women. Questions to Consider …b/t 600 & 1450

  6. Provide a good summary of period: How? Population increased from 250 mil to 450 mil Demographic Trends

  7. Vikings Mongols Germanic Tribes Turkic Groups Chinese Arabs Bantu-Speaking People of Africa People of Oceania • Migrations Demographic Trends

  8. Compare the Umayyad & Abbasid Caliphates. ???

  9. One of the defining developments of Postclassical period • Rooted in Judaism & Christianity • Five Pillars, Quran Islam

  10. An “Arab Caliphate” & conquest state • From bedouins to Arab garrison administrators Umayyad

  11. An “Islamic Caliphate” • Inherit a large empire & seek to integrate society through conversion to Islam • Government • More bureaucratic – Vizir • Yet, Political weakness = fragmentation after 945 • Economy • Trade revenue & exchange fostered scientific advances • Inclusion of Africa and South/SE Asia into more global network Abbasid

  12. Similarities? Differences? Compare Umayyad & Abbasid?

  13. Reasons for Similarities? Reasons for Differences? Compare Umayyad & Abbasid?

  14. Analyze the changes and continuities in the role of Christianity in Western Europe. ???

  15. 500-1000 = Early Middle Ages • 1000-1300 = High Middle Ages • 1300-1450 = Late Middle Ages Periodization

  16. Christianity acted as consolidating force • Little central political control, so church provided some leadership modeled after Roman administration • Charlemagne & crowning • Spread throughout Europe due to emotional comforts • Intellectual beacon Role of Christianity – Early Medieval

  17. Western Europe transitions • Moldboard plow & 3-field system • Population growth • Urbanization & interaction c1000 CE

  18. Christianity loses some political influence, but maintains intellectual dominance • Monarchies grow more powerful, yet church calls for Crusades • Scholasticism, Thomas Aquinas, & universities • Economy recovers – trade & urbanization Role of Christianity – High Medieval

  19. Changes? Continuities? CCOT of Christianity’s Role?

  20. Reasons for CCOT? Context? CCOT of Christianity’s Role?

  21. Compare Tang-Song China & Byzantium. ???

  22. Return China to era of greatness after Sui restore order • Tang: • Politically powerful • Buddhism to Neo-Confucian backlash • Song: • Economic & cultural growth • Fostered spread of civilization in East Asia & European exploration Tang-Song China

  23. Continuation of Eastern Roman Empire blending Roman, Greek, & Christian values • Highly bureaucratic • Centered on Constantinople & Silk Road trade • Fostered spread of civilization to Russia & acted as bridge/barrier Byzantium

  24. Mongols

  25. Similarities? Differences? Compare Tang-Song China & Byzantium?

  26. Reasons for Similarities? Reasons for Differences? Compare Tang-Song China & Byzantium?

  27. Analyze the changes and continuities in the role of women in Afro-Eurasia. ???

  28. Spreading of belief systems often meant decline in women’s status • Middle East • Bedouin -> Muhammad -> Abbasid • North Africa, Spain – exception: West Africa • East Asia • Buddhism -> Neo-Confucianism • Korea, Japan – exception: Vietnam Role of Women

  29. Changes? Continuities? CCOT of Women’s Role in Afro-Eurasia?

  30. Context? • Aztecs & Incas? CCOT of Women’s Role in Afro-Eurasia?

  31. Women enjoyed more freedom • Importance in farming due to lack of draft animals & wheel Aztecs Incas • Tribute state • Sacrifices • Corn • Incan socialism • Sacrifices • Potato Americas

  32. ________________ 610 CE 618 CE ________________ ________________ 661 CE 750 CE ________________ ________________ 800 CE 945 CE ________________ ________________ 1000 CE 1054 CE ________________ ________________ 1096 CE 1127 CE ________________ ________________ 1200s CE ________________ ________________ 1300s CE ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 1433 CE ________________ 1453 CE

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