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A STRONG BASIS FOR INCLUSION AND EQUALITY Finland ’ s Disability Policy Program VAMPO 2010-2015

A STRONG BASIS FOR INCLUSION AND EQUALITY Finland ’ s Disability Policy Program VAMPO 2010-2015. Eveliina Pöyhönen. Finland ’ s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Starting Point.

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A STRONG BASIS FOR INCLUSION AND EQUALITY Finland ’ s Disability Policy Program VAMPO 2010-2015

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  1. A STRONG BASIS FOR INCLUSION AND EQUALITYFinland’s Disability Policy Program VAMPO 2010-2015 Eveliina Pöyhönen

  2. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Starting Point • As a member state of the UN, the European Union and the Council of Europe, Finland is committed to promoting a non-discriminating society which is open for all. • The Constitution Act of Finland guarantees persons with disability equal treatment and prohibits discrimination on the grounds of disability. • Equal treatment of persons with disabilities as well as support for life management skills, work and functional capacity and individual autonomy have been essential goals of Finnish disability policy already for a long time

  3. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Starting Point • People with disabilities cannot fully exercise their rights and freedoms or fulfil their responsibilities • Structural barriers and prevalent attitudes in society restrict the independent living and coping, self-determination and social inclusion of people with disabilities at all ages. • The Government wanted to ensure the equal status of people with disabilities in society by tackling drawbacks by concrete corrective and development measures.

  4. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Starting Point • The powerful change in the disability policy approach by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) • the human-rights based approach had quickly gained strength to become the central starting point • Finland signed the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2007 • however, the ratification required changes in national legislation • At the national level, a new approach on disability policy and new activities across the field had been further fostered by the Government Report on Disability Policy (2006).

  5. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Preparation • The Government Programme of the second government of Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen (2007-2010) included the drafting of a national disability policy programme to ensure the fair position of persons with disabilities. • The Government Programme also mentioned that the disability policy programme will provide guidance on the key actions of disability policy over the next years

  6. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Preparation • VAMPO was prepared in co-operation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. • Partners also included Finnish Disability Forum, National Council on Disability, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, social partners and National Institute for Health and Welfare • A total of 19 thematic meetings were organised between representatives of the above-mentioned organisations and bodies

  7. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Preparation • In support of the preparation of the Disability Policy Programme, a launch seminar was organised at the end of 2008 and a national seminar of public hearing at the end of 2009. • Under the presidency of the Minister of Health and Social Services Paula Risikko, six regional public hearings were held.

  8. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Objectives • Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010-2015 was published in August 2010 • The objective of VAMPO was to ensure the equal status, participation and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities in society • The Government wanted to ensure the equal status of persons with disabilities in society by tackling drawbacks by concrete corrective and development measures. • The programme outlined the concrete disability policy actions for the few years (2010–2015) and beyond. • It created a strong basis for the realisation of participation in society and equality of persons with disabilities.

  9. Finland's Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Objectives • VAMPO was about mainstreaming disability policy and the clarification and strengthening of sectoral responsibility over disability policy. • The objective was to increase the visibility of an often marginalised disability policy across the administrative sectors • mainstreaming disability policy into all sectors of society and making its implementation a shared responsibility • The programme highlighted the existing barriers that prevented persons with disabilities from fully participating in society and what actions needed to be taken to remove those barriers

  10. Finland's Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Objectives • The programme offered support and direction to municipal and regional disability policy. It also offered a tool for an extensive national promotion and implementation of UNCRPD • The objective was to strengthen the perspective based on the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities and the respect for their human dignity. • A related goal was to increase positive perceptions of the capabilities and contributions of persons with disabilities in the development of society.

  11. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Content • The programme outlined concrete disability policy actions for the years 2010–2015 • The programme was divided into 14 content areas important from disability policy point of view • independent living, social inclusion, building, transport, education, employment, social protection, health and rehabilitation, legal protection and safety, culture, non-discrimination, information and statistics, international cooperation • 122 concrete measures • The responsibility of the implementation of these measures was divided between nine different ministries

  12. The division of measures in 14 thematic areas

  13. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Priority Objectives • The legislative amendments necessitated by the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will be prepared and implemented; • The socioeconomic status of persons with disabilities and combating poverty will be improved; • The availability and high quality of special services and support measures will be ensured across the country; • Accessibility in society will be strengthened and increased; and • Disability research will be reinforced, the information base improved and diversified high-quality methods developed in support of disability policy and monitoring

  14. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015: Coordination and monitoring • National Disability Council coordinatedthe implementation of VAMPO • The National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) was responsible for the monitoring how implementation took place in different administrative sectors • responsible ministries reported annually to THL

  15. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme 2010-2015: Results • According to the final report by THL most of the VAMPO’s measures were implemented • only 19 out of 133 were not • VAMPO promoted positive development in disability policy in Finland • VAMPO increased the awareness of the disability policy as the responsibility of all sectors of society • There was a clear positive development that took place during VAMPO, especially in the fields of culture, exercise, education and international cooperation

  16. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme 2010-2015: Results Priority Objective 1: The legislative amendments necessitated by the ratification of the UNCRPD • Several legislative amendments were made during 2010-2015 to meet the requirements of the UNCRPD • The Parliament accepted the government’s proposal for the ratification of UNCRPD and its Optional Protocol 3.3.2015 • however, Parliament required the change of the legislation concerning the self-determination of persons with intellectual before the ratification can be realised • UNCRPD came into force 10.6.2016 in Finland

  17. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme 2010-2015: Results Priority Objective 2: The socioeconomic status of persons with disabilities and combating poverty • There were several measures to improve the employment of persons with disabilities • for example the government’s OSKU Programme • The measure that had the highest effect was the Act on Guaranteed Pension that came into force 2011 (703/2010)

  18. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme 2010-2015: Results Priority Objective 3: The availability and high quality of special services and support measures • Extensive legislative work took place during VAMPO • Revised version of Act on Social Welfare 2015 • Revised version of Act on Equality and Non-discrimination 2015 • One of the most important measures was the change of municipal interpretation services that were transfered to Finland’s Social Security Institute • The Act on Interpretation Services for Persons with Disabilities came into force 1.9.2010

  19. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme 2010-2015: Results Priority Objective 4: Accessibility in society • Accessibility in the government supported housing production was emphasised • Investment grants for supported housing were increased • Development Program for the Housing of Older People 2013 -2017 • several measures on accessibility • Government has supported the building of elevators to older buildings • The accessibility of information and transportation services were strengthened

  20. Finland’s Disability Policy Programme 2010-2015: Results PriorityObjective 5: Disability research will be reinforced, the information base improved and diversified high-quality methods developed • several reports, studies etc produced during VAMPO • however, this priority area requires still serious work, especially now that Finland gets ready to report to the UN Committee of the Rights of Persons of Disabilities

  21. THANK YOU! eveliina.poyhonen@stm.fi

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