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Tension session I

Learn about the role of governance at the European, national, and regional levels in the Six Countries Programme on Innovation's Kismarton-Ödenburg Conference. Explore potential scenarios for the future of innovation policy and the challenges and opportunities of crossing borders in the European Research Area.

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Tension session I

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  1. Six Countries Programme on Innovation Kismarton-Ödenburg Conference „Crossing Borders – Venturing into the European Research Area“ Eisenstadt/Sopron, 30-31/10/03 Tension session I Role of governance at European/national/regional level Georg Panholzer Austrian Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour Division for International Technology and Innovation Rapporteur:

  2. Tension session I - contributors • Stefan Kuhlmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe, Germany • Patries Boekholt, Technopolis BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands • Chris Caswill, Economic and Social Research Council, UK

  3. Tension session I – Kuhlmann Potential futures • Scenario I:concentration and integration of European innovation policies in transnational arenas (major doubt: states not prepared to give away the lion´s share of public investment in innovation and research) • Scenario II:decentralisation and regionalisation of innovation policy arenas (most likely if existing centralized EU policy-making are overcharged, and lead to a system´s collapse!) • Scenario III: centrally „mediated“ mixture of competition and cooperation in integrated multilevel innovation policy arenas (=co-evolution of regional, national and European policy arenas towards an integration in multi-actor systems - co-ordination without giving away the lion´s share of power – probability depends on the „policy learning“ capabilities of major actors in the European innovation policy arena)

  4. Tension session I – Kuhlmann • There are positive signs that policy learning and co-operative evolution can take place, for example: • Vivid debate on „European Research Council“ as a sign, that scenario III is not too unrealisitc (evolutionary aspect: 2 years ago not even allowed to speak about; now: actor-driven approach (not primarily policy driven)

  5. Tension session I - Boekholt • Title: „The governance of ERA“ (functions of governance: agenda setting – prioization, referee, horizontal co-ordination – vertical steering, co-ordination of knowledge production) • ERA: so far successful as platform launching ideas and opening debate (including introduction of new governance mechanisms; ERA-Net, Benchmarking etc.) • Key role to play for member states (success?) • Co-ordination is key but how and by whom? • responsibility for research policy mainly at MS level • regions more „dissemination-oriented“ • linkages between ERA and Structural Funds hampered by many governance obstacles • Regions will have a bigger role to play if the „European Innovation Area“ to be targeted

  6. Tension session I – Caswill • „border crossings – knowing where the frontiers are“ • ERA in flux (national reorganizations, FP6, ERC-debate, enlargement, etc.) • what does it mean to cross the borders and what price has to be paid? • Borders have a purpose/can create problems • Where are the borders (between nations, cultures, sciences, institutions, science/society-democracy aspect) • Cónclusions for newcomers: get good maps&guides, learn from travellers/travel agents, look for opportunities for influence • Democratic govenance of borders is most important

  7. Tension session Idiscussion/results • Centralism vs. National independence • Particular value of ERA: idea of partnership (commission as a partner of MS) • Democracy aspect is very important ! • Evolution towards ERA not unlikely, but perhaps even response/necessity (growing pull of globalization – corporations are relativizing relationships with national research/innovation policies; innovation system/S&T-system has to respond - EUREKA as an important forerunne, but governed by national interests – partnership element too less developed • MS ready for ERA if national systems are not developed convincingly ?!

  8. Tension session I – discussion/results – II • Situations which foster the reshaping of governance (severe crisis or big carrot) • Policy co-ordination is a long term process (trust building needs time, strong political support necessary, WIN-WIN-Situations) • Evolution: no dictate possible – but softly-softly-waiting-approach might be not enough • Reward systems/incentives?? (maybe even „Maastricht+“?) • Many things that are now happening have been unthinkable a couple of ys. ago • Are we simply too impatient?

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