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Explore the Czech Republic's History, Culture, and Natural Beauty

Discover the Czech Republic, a country in Central Europe known for its hilly landscapes, continental climate, and rich history. Learn about famous Czechs, historical events, and popular tourist destinations.

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Explore the Czech Republic's History, Culture, and Natural Beauty

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  1. Gymnázium, Obchodní akademie a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Hodonín THE CZECH REPUBLIC

  2. Complete the text about the Czech Republic The Czech …1…. is a …2…in Central Europe. It covers an …3…. of approximately 78,900 sq km and its …4… is about 10,000,000. The …5… is mostly hilly with a few …6… regions. The …7… is mostly continental. The …8… language is Czech and the unit of …9… is the koruna. The country is made up of three …10… , Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The Czech Republic …11… on Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia. In 1989, after the …12… Revolution, it became one of the leaders of democratic …13… in Eastern Europe.

  3. Which events are associated with these dates? 1/ 1 January 1993 ………………………………… 2/ 8 May 1945 ………………………………… 3/ 5 July 863 ……………………………….. 4/ 6 July 1415 ……………………………….. 5/ 28 October 1918 ……………………………….. 6/ 17 November 1939 ………………………………. 7/ 17 November 1989 ……………………………….

  4. These are famous Czechs. What are they famous for and which of them are Nobel Prize winners? 1/ Charles IV9/ Bedřich Smetana 2/ Jan Hus10/ Jaroslav Heyrovský 3/ Jan Ámos Komenský11/ Otto Wichterle 4/ Karel Čapek12/ Emil Zátopek 5/ Milan Kundera13/ Věra Čáslavská 6/ Jaroslav Seifert14/ Jaromír Jágr 7/ Miloš Forman15/ Martina Navrátilová 8/ Antonín Dvořák16/ Jan Železný

  5. These places are in the south of Moravia and attract attention of tourists. Can you identify them? A/ B/

  6. C/ D/

  7. E/ F/

  8. G/ H/

  9. I/ J/

  10. Choose the correct answer: This castle is 1/ Křivoklát Castle 2/ Karlštejn Castle 3/ Kokořín Castle This rock formation is in 1/ Prachov Rocks 2/ Adrspach-Teplice Rocks 3/ Czech Switzerland 1 2 1 3 4

  11. This mountain is 1/ Sněžka 2/ Lysá hora 3/ Praděd These gardens are in 1/ Milotice 2/ Buchlovice 3/ Kroměříž 2 1 2

  12. This is the source of the river 1/ Vltava 2/ Morava 3/ Labe This view can be seen in 1/ Tábor 2/ Český Krumlov 3/ Telč

  13. Translate pohoří a vysočinyhrozny a chmel úrodné nížinyvykopávky a zříceniny lázeňské městoprůmyslová odvětví prales Boubínpivovarnictví propast Macochaslovanské kmeny mírný podnebný pásVelkomoravská říše krápníkové jeskyněČeské království chráněné územíhusitské hnutí pěstovat kukuřicinárodní obrození pšenice, žito a ovessametová revoluce

  14. Řešení Complete the text about the Czech Republic The Czech Republic is a country in Central Europe. It covers an area of approximately 78,900 sq km and its population is about 10,000,000. The countryside is mostly hilly with a few lowland regions. The climate is mostly continental. The official language is Czech and the unit of currency is the koruna. The country is made up of three regions , Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The Czech Republic borders on Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia. In 1989, after the Velvet Revolution, it became one of the leaders of democratic reforms in Eastern Europe. Which events are associated with these dates? 1/ 1 January 1993 ……foundation of the Czech Republic……… 2/ 8 May 1945 ……the end of the Second World War……… 3/ 5 July 863 ……arrival of Slavic Missionaries Cyril and Methodius….. 4/ 6 July 1415 ……Jan Hus was burnt at stake as heretic……….. 5/ 28 October 1918 …foundation of Czechoslovakia………………….. 6/ 17 November 1939 …fights for freedom and democracy……………. 7/ 17 November 1989 …Velvet Revolution, protests against the Cummunists…………. These are famous Czechs. What are they famous for and which of them are Nobel Prize winners? 1/ Charles IV – Czech king and Holy Roman Emperor 13/ Věra Čáslavská - gymnast 2/ Jan Hus – religious leader of the 14th and 15th centuries 14/ Jaromír Jágr – hockey player 3/ Jan Ámos Komenský - educational theorist and reformer in the 17th century 15/ Martina Navrátilová – tennis player 4/ Karel Čapek – writer 16/ Jan Železný – athlete /javelin-thrower/ 5/ Milan Kundera - writer 6/ Jaroslav Seifert – poet, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1984 7/ Miloš Forman – an Oscar-winning director 8/ Antonín Dvořák - composer 9/ Bedřich Smetana - composer 10/ Jaroslav Heyrovský – professor, Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1959 11/ Otto Wichterle – chemist, inventor of contact lenses 12/ Emil Zátopek – athlete /runner/

  15. These places in the south of Moravia attract attention of tourists. Can you identify them? A/ The Lednice chateau, Neo-Gothic summer residence of the Liechtenstein family. B/ A romantic ruin of Janův Castle /Janohrad/ , about four kilometres far from Lednice castle. C/ An observation tower Minaret from 1802, 60 metres tall, you can get to the top climbing 302 stairs, a wonderful view of the entire forest park of Lednice and Valtice. D/ Lednice-Valtice Area: Temple of the Three Graces - a semicircle gallery with allegorical statues of Sciences and Muses and a statue of the Three Graces . Saint Hubert Chapel - a Neo-Gothic column structure from 1850s dedicated to the patron saint of hunters. Randezvous (or Temple of Diana) - a hunting lodge in a form of a Classicist arch from 1810s. E/ A large landscape park behind Lednice chateau. F/ Mikulov – Mikulov Castle, main square view towards St. Sebastian Chapel on the Holy Hill (Svatý Kopeček). G/ The Palava hills, limestone formations located among Dolni Vestonice and Horni Vestonice, Pavlov and Mikulov towns, about 50 kilometres from Brno. A unique UNESCO reservation, plenty of protected plants and animals. Děvičky Castle ruins over Nové Mlýny Reservoir. H/ The Velehrad Monastery. Velehrad - spiritual centre, destination of pilgrimages, gatherings and Cyrillo-Methodian celebrations. I/ Pohansko – an Empire style hunting lodge finished after 1812. J/ Milotice Castle - from the 14th century, rebuilt in Baroque style in the 16th century. Today’s Renaissance appearance dates to the 18th century. Surrounded by English park and French garden. Choose the correct answer: This castle is – 2 Karlštejn Castle This rock formation is in – 3 Czech Switzerland This mountain is – 1 Sněžka These gardens are in – 3 Kroměříž This is the source of the river – 1 Vltava This view can be seen in – 2 Český Krumlov

  16. Translate pohoří a vysočiny mountain ranges and highlands úrodné nížiny fertile lowlands lázeňské město spa town prales Boubín virgin forest Boubín propast Macocha Macocha Abyss mírný podnebný pás mild climatic zone krápníkové jeskyně stalactite caves chráněné území protected area pěstovat kukuřici grow maize pšenice, žito a oves wheat, rye and oats hrozny a chmel grapes and hops vykopávky a zříceniny excavations and ruins průmyslová odvětví industrial branches pivovarnictví beer brewing slovanské kmeny Slavonic tribes Velkomoravská říše Great-Moravian Empire České království Czech Kingdom husitské hnutí Hussite Movement národní obrození National Revival sametová revoluce Velvet Revolution

  17. Použité zdroje 1. Pravčická brána. [cit. 6. 1. 2013]. Dostupné na: http://www.doprirody.com/13-Pravcicka_brana/intro.jpg 2. Sněžka. [cit. 6. 1. 2013]. Dostupné na: http://www.kampocesku.cz/gallery/2010_01_02/26_KrkonoseSnezka.jpg

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