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Netgear WN3500RP Wifi Extender Setup

The NETGEAR WN3500RP Universal Dual Band WiFi Range Extender extends WiFi coverage of an existing WiFi network throughout your home/office so you can get better coverage for your WiFi. You can set up the WN3500RP Extender with two methods, Manually and WPS method. For manual method setup you need to login extender settings by type your user name and password. WPS method setup is a very easy way. By long pressing the WPS of the extender you can connect your extender but your device should be WPS support otherwise you can use manual method.

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Netgear WN3500RP Wifi Extender Setup

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  1. Netgear Wn3500rpWifi RangeExtender SetupEasily

  2. Therearemainlytwowaystoset upyourNetgearwifiextender setup ManualMethod WPSMethod

  3. ManualMethodUsingMywifiext.Net UsingYourWindowDevice TurnOnYourExtenderbypluggingitintothe electronicoutlet.andwaittilltheextenderis turnedon Now open your web browser and Enter mywifiext.netinyourwebbrowserifyouare Aregoingtosetupyourrangeextenderusing the windowdevice. ClickontheNewExtenderSetup,NowCreatea newaccountincaseyoudonothaveanaccount Already. Now You will be asked to accept the termandconditions,ClickContinue Nowyouwillbeaskedwhetheryouwantto Configure your Netgear extender as a wifi extenderorasanaccesspoint.Nowchoose thenetworkyouwishtoextendandclickon the Nextbutton Enter the password of your current wifi and clicknext.Congrats,youhadsuccessfullyset upyournewextenderwithmanualmethod

  4. WifiExtenderSetupWith WPSMethod First, connect the Netgear extender to a power sourceinthesameroominwhichrouterisplaced. PresstheWPSbuttonwhichisonthesideofyour Netgearextenderandpressesitforafewseconds Wait till the LED light on your Extender device will becomesolidGreenindicatingthatyourExtenderis successfullyconfiguredwithyourRouterdevice. IftheWPSledontheextenderbecomessolidgreen thatmeanstheextenderisconnectedtotherouter. Ifyouhaveadual-bandextenderrepeattheabove process. Nowconnecttotheextendernetworkusingthesame passwordasyourrouter.Youcanalsocheckitonthe Netgearextendermanual,incaseyoudon’tknowthe defaultusernameandpasswordforyourdevice Congrats,YourextendersetupwithWPSsuccessfully,and connect your wifi devices to enjoy the seamless internet experiencethroughoutyourhomeorworkplace.

  5. Contact usFor Help Wearereadyto helpyou Website wifi-extsetup.com

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