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Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is legal in Canada.<br><br>Citizens of Canada have the freedom to sell, buy, and trade Bitcoin securely under the regulation of anti-money laundering law.<br><br>Here is a total breakdown of everything you need to know to start buying bitcoin in Canada.
2 Presented by: Smart Bitcoin Investments We Want To Teach The World How To Invest In Cryptocurrency Author: Jeffrey Ito www.smartbitcoininvestments.com 2020 Lithium Gold Ventures, LLC All Rights Reserved.
3 How to Buy Bitcoin in Canada Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is legal in Canada. Citizens of Canada have the freedom to sell, buy, and trade Bitcoin securely under the regulation of anti-money laundering law. Here is a total breakdown of everything you need to know to start buying bitcoin in Canada. 1. Register with any Bitcoin exchange platform in Canada We have a lot of Bitcoin exchanges based in Canada in which the most popular ones are Coinsmart, Coinsquare, Bitbuy, Coinberry, and Shakepay.
4 ● Coinsmart: Coinsmart is one of the cryptocurrency trading platforms located in Toronto, Canada. You can easily purchase Bitcoin on Coinsmart with CAD using a debit card or credit card. The cost of funding on this trading platform is 0% for wire transfers or close to 5% for credit card deposits. Once your Bitcoin wallet is funded, purchasing Bitcoin with CAD attracts a trading fee of 0.3%. ● Coinsquare: Coinsquare is one of the Canadian Bitcoin exchange platforms located in Toronto, Canada. You can also purchase Bitcoin on this cryptocurrency platform with CAD. Funding can be through debit cards, wire transfers, Flexepin, and credit cards. ● BitBuy: The objective of Bitbuy is to make the trade of digital assets easier for all citizens of Canada. These Canadian cryptocurrency trading platforms offer brokerage, OTC, and advanced exchange options. Payments can also be made with CAD. ● Coinberry: Coinberry is a Canadian cryptocurrency platform for selling and purchasing Bitcoin. Coinberry doesn’t have any withdrawal or deposit fees, and deposits can be made through wire transfers, interact transfers, and credit/debit cards. ● Shakepay: Unlike others, Shakepay is a Canadian cryptocurrency exchange platform that only accepts wire transfers and Interac eTransfers. There are no trading, withdrawal, and deposit fee on this platform. 2. Register with any international exchanges available in Canada. Just as there is a lot of Canadian Bitcoin trading platform, there are also lots of international exchanges available in Canada, and they are:
5 ● Coinbase: Coinbase is known as one of the popularly used bitcoin wallets. This United States exchange wallet gives room for debit/credit card purchases with a connected Canada bank account. ● CEX.IO: This is a London-based trading platform on which Bitcoin can be purchased through bank transfer or credit card. CEX.IO supports Canada, and it is popularly known to be reliable. ● Coinmama: Coinmama offers the purchase of bitcoin with only debit or credit card at a transaction fee of 5.5% on each Bitcoin you buy. ● Kraken: Kraken is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that offers services to all Canada citizens. This exchange platform gives room for Canadians to buy almost 30 altcoins in addition to Bitcoin. Kraken has a very low transaction fee of at least 0.16%. 3. Bitcoin ATM: In Canada, Bitcoin ATMs work similarly to in-person bitcoin trades. One can insert cash into the Bitcoin ATMs and use it to buy bitcoin that is immediately transferred to your digital wallet. This machine makes it easier to buy any quantity of bitcoin into a secure digital wallet. There are 710 Bitcoin ATMs in Canada. In conclusion After registering with either local or international bitcoin exchange platforms, you can use a conventional method of payment such as wire transfers, e-Transfers, and credit/debit cards to purchase bitcoins on the bitcoin exchange platform.
6 Table Of Provinces In Canada # of Bitcoin ATMs Province Abbreviation Page https://www.smartbitcoininvestments.com/buy-bitcoi n-in-alberta/ Alberta AB 105 https://www.smartbitcoininvestments.com/buy-bitcoi n-in-british-columbia/ British ColumbiaBC 116 Manitoba MB https://www.smartbitcoininvestments.com/buy-bitcoi 42
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