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CADET ACCOUNTABILITY White Book – Chapter 1 / Section 3 & Chapter 8

CADET ACCOUNTABILITY White Book – Chapter 1 / Section 3 & Chapter 8. The White Book. The White Book. The White Book. The White Book. Formations Muster Formations Reporting Absences Absent without Leave [AWOL]. Personnel Accountability. Personnel Accountability.

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CADET ACCOUNTABILITY White Book – Chapter 1 / Section 3 & Chapter 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CADET ACCOUNTABILITYWhite Book – Chapter 1 / Section 3 & Chapter 8

  2. The White Book

  3. The White Book

  4. The White Book

  5. The White Book

  6. Formations Muster Formations Reporting Absences Absent without Leave [AWOL] Personnel Accountability

  7. Personnel Accountability • Accountability helps your leaders know where their personnel are and the state of their welfare. • Accountability is one of the ways your leaders take care of you as a cadet. • Accountability is a key component of any military organization

  8. Times of Accountability • 1) Morning Muster • 2) Lunch Formation • 3) ESP All-Ins (1950 hrs.) • 4) 2300 All-Ins

  9. Formations • ALL Cadets are required to be present at ALL formations unless excused by a member of the Commandant’s Office. - You must have permission from Company TAC or Special Orders to miss a formation. - Cadet Chain of Command, Professors and Coaches cannot excuse you.

  10. Overnights and Weekend Leaves - 4C Fall Semester: NONE - 4C Spring Semester: 1 ON, 1 WKD Special Leave Business Pass Family Matters Emergencies Military Leave General Leave - Friday, Saturday [2400 hours] - Sunday [1800 until Parent’s Day, then 1950] Cadet Leaves

  11. Requesting Leave • All leave is requested online thru Lesesne Gateway • 2nd Semester Freshmen may submit a request for Overnight/Weekend leave any time on Monday-Wednesday of each week. • Any Cadet can submit a request for Emergency/Special Leave at any time. • Any Cadet that is a member of the Guard or Reserves is able to request Military Leave Electronically.

  12. Requesting Leave • After you submit leave on Lesesne Gateway, inform your Company Commander that you have done so. • All Cadets requesting Overnight or Weekend Leave must be conduct, academically, and physically proficient

  13. Requesting Leave

  14. Requesting Leave Type Username and Password

  15. Requesting Leave 1) Click Cadet Services 2) Click Leave Request

  16. Requesting Leave Choose the Category of Leave Being Requested

  17. Requesting Weekend Leave Type Emergency Contact # and Choose Leave Authority

  18. Requesting Emergency/Special Leave Complete all Required Information

  19. Cancelling Leave Requests • Any leave that has been approved/disapproved by a TAC officer or entered into the Cadet Leave System by the Commandant’s Office is not cancellable. Otherwise….. • Weekend and overnight leaves are cancellable only from Monday-Thursday of the week that they were requested. • Emergency/Special leave requests and Military leave requests are cancellable only within 24 hours after the leave request was made by the cadet.

  20. Requesting Military Leave • Military Leave is for cadets who drill with a Reserve or National Guard Component. • Request Military Leave by selecting “Special Leave” and explaining that the leave is for Weekend Drill. • Military Duty Leaves must be submitted to the Company TAC Officer NLT 5 working days in advance of departure date, with the exception of emergencies.

  21. Passes 24 Hour [Dean’s List only] 48 Hour [Gold Stars only] Charleston Pass Cadet Passes

  22. 24 Hour Pass • Cadets who earn Dean’s List, a semester GPA of 3.2 or better with no grade lower than a C, are authorized one 24 hour pass during the next semester. • Cadets who wish to use their 24 Hour Pass are authorized to miss classes with the professor’s permission

  23. 48 Hour Pass • Cadets who earn Gold Stars, a semester GPA of 3.70 with no grade lower than a C are authorized one 48 hour pass during the next semester. • Cadets who wish to use their 48 Hour Pass are authorized to miss classes with the professor’s permission. • Cadets who earn Gold Stars are will only get the 48 Hour Pass, and not the 24 Hour Pass.

  24. Passes and Proficiency • In order to take an earned 24 or 48 Hour Pass, cadets must also be conduct and physically proficient. • The Citadel’s 4 Pillars are: • Academics • Military • Physical • Moral Ethical

  25. Charleston Passes • Cadets (including Knobs) with Gold Stars or Dean’s List, who are otherwise proficient, are authorized: • Wednesday CP (2nd Semester ONLY) beginning after last scheduled activity (but not before 1300 hrs) until 2230 hrs.

  26. When departing Campus for any reason INCLUDING GENERAL LEAVE, SPECIAL or MILITARY LEAVE and SPECIAL ORDERS ESP - If leaving the battalion during this period - If already out of the battalion Sign back in! ON-LINE SIGN OUT/IN SYSTEM

  27. Finding the Sign-out Application

  28. Finding the Sign-out Application

  29. Finding the Sign-out Application

  30. Signing Out

  31. Cadet identity automatically determined via login to Lesesne Gateway portal Must sign out from a computer on campus May sign out multiple times without signing back in(e.g., if you want to go to a different destination) Destination may be on or off campus If you sign out, you should also sign in when you return to the barracks. Computer Sign Out Instructions

  32. Signing In

  33. Sign in from Barracks Only

  34. Conducted within 10 minutes of The end of each general leave period. The beginning of ESP. Lights out. Conducted by 1st or 2nd class rank holders. All-in Challenge and Reply. All-right challenge. All-In Check

  35. All-In Check • Cadets will be in their room NLT 1950 hrs. for the ESP All In Check • Cadets will be in their room NLT 2250 for the 2300 All In Check

  36. All In Responses • “All In”…All cadets assigned to a room are present in that room. • “All Right”…A roommate is not in the room at the time but the roommate present knows that the other has an authorized reason for not being present. • “Not All Right”… A roommate does not know where his or her roommate is.

  37. All-In Check • After the 2300 All-In Check…… LOCK YOUR DOORThere are no exceptions to this policy!

  38. Locked Doors /Keys • You must carry your room key with you at all times. • If occupants are not present in your room, your door must be locked! • All doors are locked after 2300 All – Ins even if there are occupants

  39. 4th Class Cadets: No Car May use the east door in Capers Hall and the rear and Westside door of Jenkins Hall. No CPs until Spring Semester NO CIVILIAN CLOTHES AUTHORIZED Knob Seating in Snack Bar “Knob Alley” 1st Division Vending Machines Only May join any cadet organization for which they qualify AFTER academic classes begin. Privileges


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