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http://www.public.asu.edu/~jblasin/index.html. What’s New in Young Adult Literature? Montana Associate of Teachers of English Language Arts, October 20, 2011 Jim Blasingame Arizona State University Department of English.

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  1. http://www.public.asu.edu/~jblasin/index.html What’s New in Young Adult Literature? Montana Associate of Teachers of English Language Arts, October 20, 2011 Jim Blasingame Arizona State University Department of English

  2. http://www.reading.org/Publish.aspx?page=JAAL-55-1-Blasingame.pdf&mode=retrieve&D=10.1598/JAAL.55.1.10&F=JAAL-55-1-Blasingame.pdf&key=2A1A01B0-0CDE-491D-B769-2957C5AEA758http://www.reading.org/Publish.aspx?page=JAAL-55-1-Blasingame.pdf&mode=retrieve&D=10.1598/JAAL.55.1.10&F=JAAL-55-1-Blasingame.pdf&key=2A1A01B0-0CDE-491D-B769-2957C5AEA758

  3. High Interest and Easy Tech: Bringing Easy-to-Use Technology to the Teaching of Young Adult Literature Meredith DeCosta-Smith James Blasingame Arizona State University

  4. Who Are We? Arizona State University’s Tech-YA Lit Consortium

  5. What Do We Do? • We are a group of educators from all over the planet committed to integrating new technologies into the teaching of YA lit • We share classroom strategies and offer professional support to one another

  6. Why Use Tech to Teach YA Lit? • Technology is changing the way students read and write. • We want to recognize and appreciate the ways students engage in literacy on the Internet

  7. Why Use Tech to Teach YA Lit? • We want to make students’ at-home literacies a part of the classroom • We want to use tech to affirm our advanced learners and support our struggling learners

  8. Our Website https://sites.google.com/site/asutechyalit

  9. Using Blogs to Teach YA Lit • Steph Knight, 7th and 8th grade ELA teacher, Tesseract School, Paradise Valley, AZ • Uses school-created wiki to blog with students • Posting Guidelines • Think before you post; consider your audience and who you’re representing, etc • Commenting Guidelines • Be constructive, not hurtful; answer a question or add meaningful information to the content topic, etc

  10. Teaching Chains • Students blog weekly about the novel Chains • Students post an initial response and reply twice to other posts • Teacher is coordinating unit with social studies unit on American Revolution

  11. Chains Discussion Topics • Describe the life of slaves in the American colonies in the 1700s. Discuss the difference between a servant and a slave. How did Miss Mary Finch’s view of slavery differ from that of most slave owners? Why does Mr. Robert accuse Isabel of lying when she tells him that she read Miss Mary’s will? Explain why Pastor Weeks thinks that teaching a slave to read only “leads to trouble.”

  12. Sample Chains Blog Post • I believe that the forefathers of the U.S.A. … saw America as a country where freedom, fairness, and happiness would lead to world peace. For example, they spent their lives striving to make America their ideal country to live in. This shows that if they didn't want America to be successful, they wouldn't have spent so much time on shaping America's future. This also shows that if our founding fathers didn't found the U.S.A. with freedom in mind, this country would be very different. In conclusion, the most influential people in American history are the people who remember that we all deserve freedom.

  13. Steph Knight’s Thoughts • Had to deal with school’s technology issues and parent concerns, but once everyone got used it, they “realized why this matters” • “Students are taking charge of their learning” • “Students have begun to do their own research and make outside connections with history” • “It’s what they’re doing anyway…”

  14. Steph Knight’s Thoughts • “It’s changed the dynamic of my class” • “Once you set up a system and expectations, it does the teaching for you” • “It’s helping them learn respect for one another” • “It’s making the book come alive”

  15. Using Skype to Teach YA Lit • ASU Preparatory Academy, 8th grade, Phoenix • Teachers use Skype, a free video-teleconferencing tool, to chat with YA author, PJ Haarsma • http://www.skype.com/ • You need: the Internet, the program, and a webcam

  16. Using Skype to Teach YA Lit • We have also Skyped with Janette Rallison, Ned Vizzini, and others

  17. ASU Tech-YA Skype Central YA Author: Alan Sitomer Email: AlanSitomer@gmail.com Skype fee: $300 YA Author: Jewell Rhodes Email: jewellparkerrhodes@gmail.com Skype fee: No fee YA Author and Editor: Ann Angel Email: aangel@aol.com or http://www.windingoak.com/ Skype fee : TBD YA Author: M.T. Anderson website: http://mt-anderson.com/ Skype fee: TBD 50 additional authors have joined Skype Central and more continue to join!

  18. Arizona State University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Department of English,

  19. Chandler, Arizona,Basha High School

  20. PJ Haarsma and Candlewick Press

  21. WikiWire: A Project to Enhance Literacy

  22. It all began with PJ’s first book, The Softwire, an intriguing, well-written story, that engaged readers. Let’s hear the story’s premise from one of the characters, Madame Lee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCdP0Fe8NR4

  23. But PJ didn’t think the website alone was enough. What were readers to do when they finished each book but wanted to continue their experience with the world their imaginations had created. How could they continue to experience the Rings of Orbis?

  24. And so he created The Rings of Orbis Game.http://www.ringsoforbis.com/docs/preview/preview.php

  25. Currently, the game has received no advertising. Even so, over 12,000 players from around the world participate.

  26. Let’s log on to the wiki at Wetpaint.com, http://www.wetpaint.com/

  27. The Wiki created by Basha creative writing students appeared in the 2010 publication of PJ Haarsma’sTheSoftwire: Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3.

  28. Interested in Joining the Consortium? Sign up or contact us at: meredith.decosta@asu.edu james.blasingame@asu.edu

  29. A Final Thought… “I think we’re in the midst of a literacy revolution the likes of which we haven’t seen since Greek civilization.” – Andrea Lunsford, Stanford University What role will you and your students play in this revolution?

  30. http://www.nationalbook.org/nba2011_ypl_edwardson.htmlhttp://wasillaalaskaby300.squarespace.com/journal/2011/10/12/barrow-novelist-debby-dahl-edwardson-is-named-as-a-finalist.htmlhttp://www.nationalbook.org/nba2011_ypl_edwardson.htmlhttp://wasillaalaskaby300.squarespace.com/journal/2011/10/12/barrow-novelist-debby-dahl-edwardson-is-named-as-a-finalist.html http://www.debbydahledwardson.com/blog.htm http://throughthetollbooth.com/2011/10/10/my-name-is-not-easy-new-ya-fiction/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcsxHUgdymQ

  31. http://umakrishnaswami.blogspot.com/ • Writing with a broken tusk blog

  32. Richard Van Camp

  33. http://www.thelesserblessed.com/http://uphere.ca/node/290http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/studies_in_american_indian_literatures/v019/19.1haladay.htmlhttp://www.thelesserblessed.com/http://uphere.ca/node/290http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/studies_in_american_indian_literatures/v019/19.1haladay.html

  34. Ordering instructions: Please send an email with your mailing address for the invoice. We will combine your comic numbers for the best possible price. All of our comics cost the same and include shipping (there is a surcharge to the US). Applicable taxes are extra. No. of Comics Unit Price 1-39 $5.00 40-69 $4.00 70-99 $3.75 100-199 $3.50 200-999 $3.25 1,000+ $3.00 To see how we focus group test our stories and images with youth and health professionals, check out the rough videos we created on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/HealthyAboriginal. Healthy Aboriginal Network 3240 Comox Road Courtenay, BC V9N 3P8 Phone: 250-941-8881 sean@thehealthyaboriginal.net A BC incorporated non-profit Society http://www.thehealthyaboriginal.net/comics/pow.pdf

  35. Scott Westerfeld’sSteampunk Alternative History Continues

  36. Trickster tales told by Native American storytellers.

  37. The Grass Dancer

  38. http://americanindiansinchildrensliterature.blogspot.com/

  39. http://www.leeandlow.com/p/wolfmarkvideo.mhtml

  40. http://www.public.asu.edu/~jblasin/index.html • Please visit my website for a PowerPoint presentation on the best in Native American young adult literature and an list of recommended books.

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