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Enhancing Faculty Salaries at College of Charleston

College of Charleston vows to match or surpass CUPA-HR salary peers by September 2018 and will provide updates annually. Faculty-led initiative. Sponsored by Faculty Compensation Committee.

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Enhancing Faculty Salaries at College of Charleston

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RESOLUTION College of Charleston faculty salaries will meet or exceed the mean salaries of the CUPA-HR salary peers institutionally and at each rank and discipline. The College will make every effort to achieve this goal by September, 2018.  The Compensation Committee, in cooperation with all relevant administrative offices, will assess the progress being made in its annual report each spring to the Senate.-- Passed by Faculty Senate, March, 2013 (sponsored by the Faculty Compensation Committee, co-chaired by Bill Olejniczak, Associate Professor, History, and Devon Hanahan, Senior Instructor, Hispanic Studies)

  2. Means, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014

  3. Cost to bring the College of Charleston to peer mean at each rankin 2013-14

  4. Average of Medians, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014

  5. Cost to bring the College of Charleston to peer median at each rankin 2012-13

  6. Cost to bring the College of Charleston to peer median at each rankin 2013-14

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