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Kitty Wortel, Tom Visscher

Using streaming video and the content based approach to develop professional communication skills. Kitty Wortel, Tom Visscher. Presentation schedule. Introduction: 8 minutes Developing language skills

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Kitty Wortel, Tom Visscher

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using streaming video and the content based approach to develop professional communication skills Kitty Wortel, Tom Visscher

  2. Presentation schedule • Introduction: 8 minutes • Developing language skills • The functions of streaming video: 3 minutes • DiViDu BlackBoard 2 minutes • BlackBoard Course 7 minutes • Questions 10 minutes

  3. CATSComputer Assistance for Language Competences of Students DiViDu BlackBoard

  4. Why ? • New groups enter HE: • secondary vocational • More variety: e.g. L1 • Lower language • proficiency levels • More drop-out Student characteristics Higher education characteristics Competency based education Self directed / autonomous learners Discipline specific language skills expected

  5. How ? • Language supportasadd-on • Limitations: • Not specific enough for this particular • study and/or profession • Transfer problem • Language competencies NOT professional competencies

  6. Communicative Competence • ‘the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately • to accomplish communication goals’ • Linguistic competence: • the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of a language • Pragmatic competence: • language functions, conventions, style • Strategic competence: • recognizing and managing communication breakdowns • Canale & Swain 1984

  7. How Then Better ? Integrated approach to language development in regular curriculum Content based language instruction: Integrated and concurrent teaching of academic discipline content and second language skills (Brinton, Snow, Wesche, 1989)

  8. Function of streaming video Teacher Can show examples of good and bad practices in her lecture Planning Bad Practice She uses the virtual cutter to select videoclips and link it in her PowerPoint It should be easy to use!

  9. Function of streaming video • Student can • Analyse • A professional in a practical situation • Their own behavior in this practical situation • Reflect • On their own behavior • Ask for feed back from peers • Demonstrate • their competencies

  10. How to make and use streaming video ? Virtual cutter

  11. Which environment to use? DiViDu BlackBoard - VideoPoort

  12. Blackboard Course • Analysis Learning Unit • Theory • Tasks to observe: a professional / their own behavior • Reflection Learning Unit • Tasks to reflect on student’s behavior and peer feedback • Assessment Learning Unit • Tasks to demonstrate a competency

  13. Competences • Identify the oral health needs of individuals • Interview /gather information: • medical, dental and dental hygiene history • Negotiate with and motivate patients/clients to make a • commitment to assume  responsibility for their oral health

  14. PILOTS Dental hygiene • INHOLLAND University: Analysis module • HU University: Reflection module

  15. Evaluation • Detailed observation is an effective task and promotes • insight • Excellent support for reflection and feedback • Reflection module is self directive and motivating

  16. Some student reactions: • ‘I watched the clips over and over again. Without those • clips I would not have passed my exam’ • ‘My speaking skills are not as bad as I thought’ • ‘I now know what to pay attention to’ • ‘I feel more comfortable with clients now’ • ‘It was a kind of scary to look at yourself’

  17. CATSQuestions? Contact:Kitty.Wortel@inholland.nlTom.Visscher@inholland.nl Cats:www.edia.nl/cats

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